Hallowed Ground: The Douglas Hotel and the Creole Palace, San Diego, 1924 – 1984

Posted On: February 24, 2016

12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Friday,  March 4, 2016
Seuss Room, Geisel Library

This event is open to the public. Refreshments will be served.

Hosted by the UC San Diego Library and Black History Month Committee

Join us for a lecture and film screening with Micheal Austin, an adjunct professor in Black Studies at San Diego City College. He is a historian who is passionate about local history and has done extensive work on African American Heritage in San Diego and the Douglas Hotel in particular.  The Douglas Hotel, known as the “Harlem of the West,” included the Creole Palace nightclub where black stage and screen stars performed. During the era of segregation, the Douglas Hotel was the only major downtown hotel in San Diego to provide services to black visitors.