Call to Arms: Communist Ephemerao of Madrid During the Spanish Civil War

Title translation: YOUNG WOMEN
Author/Publisher Group: Juventud Socialista Unificada (Sector Norte)
Place of Publication: Madrid
Publication Date: c. 1936-1939
Label/Document Translation:

"Thursday, the 22nd, at six in the evening, the Women's Conference of the North Sector will be celebrated, which will serve as a basis for the Great Conference which will be celebrated in May by the young women of Madrid. All should attend the [conference]; from the conference will come solutions to resolve the problems which young women have faced today, where it will be discussed as to manner for helping already definitively to fight against fascism. From the factories, from the shops, from the laboratories, from the hospitals, from the streets, wherever there are young women, they must send statements, naming the delegates which know how to gauge the feeling of this youth. To end illiteracy! For our cultural and political qualification! For the professional qualification, in order to put women in situations to occupy the positions that were left vacant by the countrymen which have joined the Popular Army! Because our soldiers should be proud of us! Let us all gather together to lend a hand to the Government of the Popular Front!"