Gerald Warren Papers, 1958 - 1997 (MSS 306)

Restrictions: Original sound recordings are restricted; listening copies may be available for researchers.

Extent: 50.5 Linear feet (49 records cartons, 1 map case folder, 5 flat box folders)

Papers of Gerald Lee Warren, deputy press secretary during the Nixon and Ford administrations and editor (1975-1995) of the San Diego Union. The collection contains Warren's office files from the editorial department of the Union and includes subject files, correspondence, department files, membership files, trip files, appointment calendars, telephone logs, and awards.

Gerald (Jerry) Lee Warren was born on August 17, 1930, in Hastings, Nebraska. In 1952 he graduated from the University of Nebraska with a bachelor of arts degree in journalism. He served as the editor of the Daily Nebraskan (1951) and worked as a reporter for the Lincoln Star (1951-1952). Between 1952 and 1956, Warren served as a pilot in the U.S. Navy.

After a brief time with the Mill Valley Record, Warren joined the staff of the San Diego Union as a reporter and later as assistant city editor (1956-1961). He served as business representative (1961-1963) for the Copley News Service. In 1963, Warren returned to the editorial department as the city editor (1963-1968) and then assistant managing editor (1968-1969).

Gerald Warren served as deputy press secretary (1969-1974) to President Richard Nixon and was the principal presidential spokesman during Nixon's last year in the presidency. He also served as deputy press secretary (1974-1975) to President Gerald Ford.

In 1975 Warren returned to the San Diego Union as editor (1975-1995). During that time, Warren worked to promote San Diego and to enrich the community. He was a frequent supporter of and participant in UC San Diego programs, including events on Latin America at the Center for U.S.-Mexican Studies, the Institute of the Americas, and the School of International Relations and Pacific Studies. He lectured frequently on the topic of the free press in a democratic society in various Latin American countries. Warren was also a member of the Chancellor's Associates at UC San Diego from 1982. Gerald Warren died on March 20, 2015.

The Gerald Lee Warren Papers contain Warren's office files as the editor (1975-1995) of the San Diego Union. The materials include subject files, correspondence, department files, photographs, membership files, travel files, appointment calendars, telephone logs, and awards. Material relating to Warren's service as deputy press secretary is sparse and relates chiefly to his transition from that office to newspaper editor.


Container List


Scope and Contents of Series

Series 1) HOOVER INSTITUTION REGISTER: Contains the finding aid for Warren's papers held by the Hoover Institution, which are related to his position as deputy press secretary during the Nixon and Ford administrations.

Box 1 Folder 1
Gerald Lee Warren: A Register of his Papers in the Hoover Institution Archives

Stanford University: Hoover Institution, 1993.


Scope and Contents of Series

Series 2) SUBJECT FILES: Files related to significant news events in the San Diego region, topics of interest to the San Diego Union, important personalities, and controversial issues. Materials in the news event files often include letters to the editor, responses by the editor, background information, correspondence, and criticism or support of editorial positions. The series documents the editorial process and the Union's interest in regional topics and public opinion, and includes speeches (1975-1994) and writings by Warren. Arranged alphabetically.

Box 1 Folder 2-3
A - miscellaneous , 1976 - 1994
Box 1 Folder 4-5
Abortion ad policy , 1979 - 1992
Box 1 Folder 6
Abused children, 1988
Box 1 Folder 7
Adjudication of San Diego Union and Tribune , 1969
Box 1 Folder 8-9
AIDS , 1986 - 1992
Box 1 Folder 10
Air/Space America, 1987 - 1988
Box 1 Folder 11-12
Airport relocation , 1975 - 1994
Box 1 Folder 13-14
Akiki, Dale , 1993
Box 1 Folder 15-16
Alcohol , 1986 - 1994
Box 1 Folder 17
Alcohol/Drug coverage, 1989 - 1990
Box 1 Folder 18
Alessio, John, 1976 - 1992
Box 1 Folder 19
Alfonsin, Raul, President of Argentina, 1987
Box 1 Folder 20
Allen, Howard P., 1989 - 1990
Box 1 Folder 21
American Enterprise Institute (AEI), 1975 - 1990
Box 1 Folder 22
American Institute for Public Service, the Jefferson Awards, 1979 - 1984
Box 1 Folder 23-24
American Newspaper Publishers Association (ANPA), 1977 - 1992
Box 1 Folder 25
American Press Institute, 1974 - 1991
Box 1 Folder 26-31
American Society of Newspaper Editors (ASNE), general, 1987 - 1994
Box 1 Folder 32
American Society of Newspaper Editors (ASNE), membership committee, 1983 - 1985
Box 2 Folder 1
American Society of Newspaper Editors (ASNE), nominations committee, 1982 - 1984
Box 2 Folder 2
American Society of Newspaper Editors (ASNE), readership focus group, 1983
Box 2 Folder 3
American Society of Newspaper Editors (ASNE), UNION-TRIBUNE minority job fair, 1986
Box 2 Folder 4-5
America's Cup, 1986 - 1993
Box 2 Folder 6
Anderson, C. Robert, 1976 - 1985
Box 2 Folder 7
Arab-American Society of San Diego, 1977 - 1983
Box 2 Folder 8
Asian-American Journalists Association, 1987 - 1992
Box 2 Folder 9
Associated Press, 1975 - 1995
Box 2 Folder 10
Associated Press Managing Editors Association (APME), 1973 - 1983
Box 2 Folder 11
Attitude and Opinion Survey, 1993 - 1994
Box 2 Folder 12
Audio text - Correspondence, 1994
Box 2 Folder 13-16
B-miscellaneous , 1980 - 1994
Box 2 Folder 17
Bank of America, 1978 - 1993
Box 2 Folder 18-19
Bartletti attack , 1981
Box 2 Folder 20
Bates, Jim, 1976 - 1990
Box 2 Folder 21
Bauder reprint, "After 40 Years", 1976
Box 2 Folder 22
Billboards, 1979
Box 2 Folder 23
Bishop Brown, 1992 - 1993
Box 2 Folder 24-25
Bishop Maher , 1984 - 1989
Box 2 Folder 26
Black Journalists Association, 1984 - 1991
Box 2 Folder 27
Black's Beach, 1975 - 1977
Box 2 Folder 28
Bloom County , 1987 - 1988
Box 2 Folder 29
Boarman, Patrick, 1984
Box 2 Folder 30
Booklets, "Drugs in the '80s", 1985 - 1986
Box 2 Folder 31
Booklets, "Genetics", 1985
Box 2 Folder 32-33
Booklets, reprints of series by San Diego Union , 1978 - 1994
Box 2 Folder 34
Booklets, "Revolution on Our Doorstep: Central America", 1980 - 1984
Box 2 Folder 35
Booklets, "The Border Society, America II", 1981 - 1989
Box 2 Folder 36-38
Booklets, "Southwind", 1980 - 1982
Box 2 Folder 39
Booklets, "Youth Unemployment - Without Work", 1981
Box 2 Folder 40
Boxer, Barbara, Senator, 1993
Box 2 Folder 41
Brady, Jim, 1981
Box 2 Folder 42
Britton, James, 1976
Box 2 Folder 43
Brookings Institution, 1978 - 1984
Box 3 Folder 1
Brown Act, 1967 - 1992
Box 3 Folder 2-3
Brown, Edmund G., Jr. (Jerry), 1976 - 1981
Box 3 Folder 4
Bullet train, 1982 - 1983
Box 3 Folder 5
Bush, George, 1986 - 1991
Box 3 Folder 6
Business policy, 1993
Box 3 Folder 7
Business Tuesday, 1988 - 1991
Box 3 Folder 8
Byline boycott, 1988 - 1989
Box 3 Folder 9-12
C-miscellaneous, 1976 - 1995
Box 3 Folder 13
Caen, Herb, 1988
Box 3 Folder 14
Cafeteria, 1977 - 1995
Box 3 Folder 15
California business climate, 1976
Box 3 Folder 16-17
California Journal , 1985 - 1987
Box 3 Folder 18
California Society of Newspaper Editors (CSNE), 1981 - 1986
Box 3 Folder 19
Cancer Center, UC San Diego, 1983
Box 3 Folder 20
Carpooling, emergency, 1982 - 1994
Box 3 Folder 21
Carter, Jimmy, 1976 - 1986


Box 3 Folder 22-23
General, 1977 - 1994
Oversize FB-543 Folder 21
Borozinski, Len (Boro) - Political cartoons, 1976 - 1977
Box 3 Folder 24
Cawthorne, Herb, 1987 - 1989
Box 3 Folder 25
Censorship, 1990
Box 3 Folder 26
Central America, 1980 - 1984
Box 3 Folder 27
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 1978 - 1982
Box 3 Folder 28
Centre City Development Corporation (CCDC), 1978 - 1986
Box 3 Folder 29
Certificates and citations (personal and business awards), 1973 - 1988
Box 3 Folder 30
Chapter 100, 1978 - 1979
Box 3 Folder 31
Chargers, 1982 - 1994
Box 3 Folder 32
Cheney, Dick, 1987 - 1992
Box 3 Folder 33
Chicano Foundation, Project Success, 1986
Box 3 Folder 34
Chicano News Media Association, California, 1976 - 1993
Box 3 Folder 35
Chicanos, 1975
Box 3 Folder 36-37
Child Protective Services, 1991 - 1993
Box 3 Folder 38
China, 1978 - 1990
Box 4 Folder 1
China , 1982 - 1990
Box 4 Folder 2-3
Christmas party , 1981 - 1987
Box 4 Folder 4
Cleator, Bill, 1984 - 1993
Box 4 Folder 5
Clinton, Bill, 1992 - 1994
Box 4 Folder 6
Clinton/Gays in the Military, 1993
Box 4 Folder 7
Clinton, NAFTA, 1993
Box 4 Folder 8
Clippers, 1981 - 1984
Box 4 Folder 9-11
Comics , 1987 - 1993
Box 4 Folder 12-15
Comments, general, 1976 - 1995
Box 4 Folder 16
Comments, malpractice, 1976
Box 4 Folder 17
Comments, solicited re: articles "Finest City in Trouble", 1976 - 1977
Box 4 Folder 18
Community causes, 1994 - 1995
Box 4 Folder 19
Compass, San Diego, 1994
Box 4 Folder 20-21
Complaints, AP picture, elderly women hurricane victims , 1992
Box 4 Folder 22-24
Complaints, auto dealers , 1981 - 1993
Box 4 Folder 25
Complaints, Beattie cartoon re: AIDS and child molestation, 1987
Box 4 Folder 26
Complaints, Brenda Starr , 1983
Box 4 Folder 27
Complaints, Christian Right movement, Pastor Mark Hoffman, 1993
Box 4 Folder 28
Complaints, Colosio assassination photo, 1994
Box 4 Folder 29-30
Complaints, For Better or Worse , 1993
Box 4 Folder 31-32
Complaints, Fleming, Lorne , 1993
Box 4 Folder 33
Complaints, GATE (Gifted and Talented Education) Program, 1987
Box 5 Folder 1-25
Complaints, general, 1977 - 1990
Box 6 Folder 1-23
Complaints, general, 1990 - 1993
Box 7 Folder 1-3
Complaints, general, 1993
Box 7 Folder 4
Complaints, Marines, 1987
Box 7 Folder 5
Complaints, Zable, Walter (Cubic Corporation), 1987
Box 7 Folder 6
Condon, George, 1985 - 1993
Box 7 Folder 7-10
Consejo Asesor del Union-Tribune , 1992 - 1994
Box 7 Folder 11
Convention center, 1981 - 1989
Box 7 Folder 12
Copley editors' idea exchange, 1985
Box 7 Folder 13-19
Copley News Service, 1970 - 1994
Box 7 Folder 20
Copley Press, 1994 - 1995
Box 7 Folder 21
Copley training program, 1975 - 1979
Box 7 Folder 22
Copley Videotext - Correspondence, 1982 - 1984
Box 7 Folder 23
Copy flow file, 1985
Box 7 Folder 24-26
Cornelius, Wayne - Center for U.S.-Mexican Studies, 1983 - 1994
Box 7 Folder 27-28
Courses by Newspaper, 1977 - 1982
Box 7 Folder 29-30
Crime data , 1978 - 1994
Box 7 Folder 31
Crime summit, "tickler file", 1993 - 1994
Box 7 Folder 32
Criminal Justice, 1991 - 1992
Box 7 Folder 33
Cruise missile, 1977
Box 7 Folder 34
C-SPAN, 1986
Box 7 Folder 35
Cunningham, Randy "Duke", 1991
Box 8 Folder 1-2
D-miscellaneous , 1974 - 1993
Box 8 Folder 3
Daily memos, 1985
Box 8 Folder 4
Daily reports, Doug Hope, 1986
Box 8 Folder 5
De Vore, Frank, 1980 - 1992
Box 8 Folder 6
Deming, Bill, 1986 - 1989
Box 8 Folder 7
Deukmejian, George, 1979 - 1990
Box 8 Folder 8
Diogenes Lantern Award, Public Relations Society of America, 1978
Box 8 Folder 9-10
Diversity, 1992 - 1993
Box 8 Folder 11-12
Diversity Project Team, 1992 - 1994
Box 8 Folder 13
Dominelli, J. David, 1984 - 1985
Box 8 Folder 14
Doonesbury , 1982 - 1994
Box 8 Folder 15
Drug test file, 1985 - 1989
Box 8 Folder 16
Drug treatment symposium file, 1991 - 1992
Box 8 Folder 17
Duffy, John, 1975 - 1991
Box 8 Folder 18
Dukakis, Michael S., 1988
Box 8 Folder 19
Durdin, Frank Tillman (Till), 1975 - 1988
Box 8 Folder 20-21
E-miscellaneous , 1975 - 1994
Box 8 Folder 22
Eckert, Paul, 1984
Box 8 Folder 23
Editorial Board/Civility, 1994
Box 8 Folder 24
Editorial goals, 1993
Box 8 Folder 25
Editorial pages - Transition, 1992
Box 8 Folder 26-27
Editor's lunches , 1989 - 1995
Box 8 Folder 28-29
Education , 1977 - 1993
Box 8 Folder 30
Egypt, 1980
Box 8 Folder 31
Election, Supreme Court, 1985
Box 8 Folder 32-37
Elections, 1978 - 1994
Box 8 Folder 38
Electronic media, 1980 - 1981
Box 8 Folder 39
Employee of the month, 1992
Box 8 Folder 40
Excellence in government, 1988
Box 8 Folder 41
Executive Committee, 1994 - 1995
Box 9 Folder 1-3
F-miscellaneous , 1977 - 1994
Box 9 Folder 4
FACS/Foundation for American Communication, 1981 - 1993
Box 9 Folder 5
FBI/Federal Bureau of Investigation, 1976 - 1986
Box 9 Folder 6
Filner, Bob, 1983 - 1993
Box 9 Folder 7
First Amendment, 1978 - 1994
Box 9 Folder 8
First Night San Diego, 1992 - 1993
Box 9 Folder 9
Focus groups, 1988 - 1994
Box 9 Folder 10
Ford, Gerald, 1977 - 1994
Box 9 Folder 11
Foreign press, 1976
Box 9 Folder 12
Forums on "Policing in the '90s", 1993
Box 9 Folder 13
Fox, Bill (Channel 39), 1982
Box 9 Folder 14
Freedman, Dr. Robert O. (Baltimore Hebrew College), 1977 - 1978
Box 9 Folder 15-17
Freelance offers, 1978 - 1994
Box 9 Folder 18-20
G-miscellaneous , 1958 - 1994
Box 9 Folder 21-22
Gangs, 1993
Box 9 Folder 23
Garment, Suzanne (speech)
Box 9 Folder 24-25
Gavin, John, 1981 - 1983
Box 9 Folder 26-28
Gays, 1975 - 1994
Box 9 Folder 29
Gene therapy, 1992 - 1993
Box 9 Folder 30
Glick, Alan, 1978
Box 9 Folder 31
Global village, 1992
Box 9 Folder 32
Goals for San Diego, 1989 - 1993
Box 9 Folder 33
Golding, Susan, 1988
Box 9 Folder 34
Grand Jury, 1991 - 1994
Box 9 Folder 35
Graphics Design Committee, 1986 - 1987
Box 9 Folder 36
Gray, Cary, Ames and Frye, 1981 - 1993
Oversize FB-543 Folder 22
Growald, Richard - Drawing, "Santa Klaus as J. Warren", 1982
Box 9 Folder 37-38
H-miscellaneous , 1977 - 1993
Box 10 Folder 1
H-miscellaneous , 1993 - 1994
Box 10 Folder 2
Haig, Alexander, 1979 - 1991
Box 10 Folder 3
Hedgecock-O'Connor debate (Channel 8)
Box 10 Folder 4-9
Hedgecock, Roger , 1977 - 1986
Box 10 Folder 10
Hispanic Association, National Association of Hispanic Journalists, 1985 - 1987
Box 10 Folder 11
Hispanic coverage, 1993
Box 10 Folder 12
Hispanic Coverage Committee, 1993
Box 10 Folder 13
Hispanic link, 1987 - 1992
Box 10 Folder 14
Hispanic market/San Diego-Tijuana, 1992 - 1993
Box 10 Folder 15
Hispanic team, 1991 - 1993
Box 10 Folder 16
Holbrooke, Richard, 1986
Box 10 Folder 17
Holiday fund, 1992 - 1993
Box 10 Folder 18
Home Buyer's Fair, San Diego Union , 1988 - 1994
Box 10 Folder 19-20
Hoover Institution, 1979 - 1985
Box 10 Folder 21
Horton Plaza, 1984 - 1985
Box 10 Folder 22-23
Hotel Del Coronado, M. Larry Lawrence, 1976 - 1988
Box 10 Folder 24
Hotline transcription, 1993 - 1994
Box 10 Folder 25
Humphrey, Bob, 1971
Box 10 Folder 26
Hunter, Duncan, 1983 - 1994
Box 10 Folder 27
Hutchinson, Barbara, 1978
Box 10 Folder 28-29
I-miscellaneous , 1979 - 1994
Box 10 Folder 30
Immigration, 1993 - 1994
Box 10 Folder 31
Institute for Journalism Education, 1983 - 1988
Box 11 Folder 1
Institute of the Americas Nominating Committee, 1992 - 1993
Box 11 Folder 2
Institute of the Americas roster, 1987 - 1993
Box 11 Folder 3
Institute of the Americas/SDG&E, 1993
Box 11 Folder 4-5
Institute of the Americas, UC San Diego, 1982 - 1987
Box 11 Folder 6
Inter-American Press Association (IAPA), 1980 - 1988
Box 11 Folder 7
Internal audit file, 1982
Box 11 Folder 8
International Press Institute, 1984 - 1993
Box 11 Folder 9
International Visitors Council of San Diego, 1987
Box 11 Folder 10
International Writers Service, 1976 - 1985
Box 11 Folder 11-13
Interns, 1976 - 1994
Box 11 Folder 14
Investigative reporting, 1983 - 1991
Box 11 Folder 15-17
Invitations , 1984 - 1994
Box 11 Folder 18-20
J-miscellaneous , 1975 - 1994
Box 11 Folder 21-22
Jamaica, 1981 - 1982
Box 11 Folder 23
Japan, 1983 - 1988
Box 11 Folder 24
Jones, William, growth management, 1985
Box 11 Folder 25-27
K-miscellaneous, 1976 - 1994
Box 11 Folder 28-30
Keely, Charles C. , 1978 - 1985
Box 11 Folder 31
Kennedy, Bill, 1982
Box 11 Folder 32
Key Result Areas, 1994
Box 11 Folder 33
Klein, Herb, tribute dinner, 1987
Box 12 Folder 1
Kloman, Lisa, San Diego Graduate Center for American Politics, 1984 - 1987
Box 12 Folder 2-6
L-miscellaneous , 1975 - 1994
Box 12 Folder 7
Lawrence, Tom (TV column), 1978
Box 12 Folder 8-9
Leadership series , 1975 - 1976
Box 12 Folder 10
Leadership, Union-Tribune management, 1993 - 1994
Box 12 Folder 11
Leadership Week, 1993 - 1994
Box 12 Folder 12-22
Legal , 1984 - 1994
Box 12 Folder 23
Legal, Barrymore v. San Diego Union , 1981 - 1982
Box 12 Folder 24
Legal, Commission on Judicial Performance, 1979 - 1980
Box 12 Folder 25-28
Legal, Fisher v. Larsen, 1977 - 1984
Box 13 Folder 1-2
Legal, Press-Enterprise v. State of California, 1981 - 1985
Box 13 Folder 3
Legal, San Diego Union v. City Council, 1979 - 1983
Box 13 Folder 4-6
Legal, Sheriff Duffy (Re: lists of concealed gun permits) , 1986 - 1987
Box 13 Folder 7
Legal, Telink, 1983
Box 13 Folder 8-9
Legal, USA v. David Philip Boyd, 1981
Box 13 Folder 10
Legal, Union-Tribune v. Superior Court of California and Bernard Hamilton, 1979
Box 13 Folder 11
Libel, 1976 - 1983
Box 13 Folder 12
Lists, 1992 - 1993
Box 13 Folder 13-24
Literacy, 1983 - 1994
Box 14 Folder 1
Little, Lew, 1991 - 1993
Box 14 Folder 2
Los Angeles riots, 1992
Box 14 Folder 3-6
Los Angeles Times , 1977 - 1993
Box 14 Folder 7
Lowery, Bill, 1985 - 1991
Box 14 Folder 8
Lubrano, Gina, 1994
Box 14 Folder 9-11
M-miscellaneous , 1978 - 1995
Box 14 Folder 12
Mailgrams, 1980 - 1990
Box 14 Folder 13
Maitrejean, Sigrid (Panama), 1985 - 1986
Box 14 Folder 14
Malatesta, 1979
Box 14 Folder 15
Malpractice, 1976
Box 14 Folder 16-21
Management training , 1983 - 1993
Box 14 Folder 22
Massage parlor series, 1976
Box 14 Folder 23
Mayo-Crawford election coverage, 1966 - 1976
Box 14 Folder 24
McCannon, Loren, 1961 - 1978
Box 14 Folder 25
McDonald's massacre, 1984
Box 14 Folder 26
Media and the Law Conference, 1978
Box 14 Folder 27
Media and the Law, general, 1978 - 1979
Box 14 Folder 28
Meetings/Bell, Gene, 1993
Box 14 Folder 29-30
Merger, 1991 - 1992
Box 15 Folder 1-5
Messages, 1993 - 1994
Box 15 Folder 6
Metro Desk changes, 1993
Box 15 Folder 7-8
Mexico City Bureau, 1983 - 1991
Box 15 Folder 9
Mexico, contacts, 1988 - 1989
Box 15 Folder 10
Mexico, GLW speech ideas, etc., 1979
Box 15 Folder 11
Mexico, GLW speech to Chamber of Commerce, "The Common Community", 1979
Box 15 Folder 12-23
Mexico , 1975 - 1994
Box 15 Folder 24
Mexico, Tijuana Mayor Federico Valdes Martinez, 1981 - 1986
Box 15 Folder 25
Mexico trip file, 1982
Box 15 Folder 26-27
Minorities in the media , 1978 - 1994
Box 15 Folder 28
Moyer, Cecil, 1968 - 1972
Box 15 Folder 29
Murphy, Jack - Correspondence, 1965 - 1984
Box 15 Folder 30-32
Murphy, Jack - Memorial (reel-to-reel sound recordings), 1980 October 1

Restrictions Apply

Box 16 Folder 1
Murphy, Jack - Scholarship, 1981
Box 16 Folder 2
Murphy, Jack - San Diego Jack Murphy Stadium, 1980 - 1984
Box 16 Folder 3
Murphy, Sylvester, 1985 - 1986
Box 16 Folder 4-5
N-miscellaneous , 1975 - 1994
Box 16 Folder 6
NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement), 1993
Box 16 Folder 7
National Archives/Gerald Warren Records, 1987 - 1988
Box 16 Folder 8
National Center for Business and Economic Communication, 1978
Box 16 Folder 9-10
Naval Hospital , 1966 - 1981
Box 16 Folder 11-12
Nebraska University and Foundation, 1976 - 1994
Box 16 Folder 13
Neighbors, 1990 - 1993
Box 16 Folder 14
Neo-Marxism/Douglas, Jack, 1982
Box 16 Folder 15
News services, 1986
Box 16 Folder 16
Newshole, 1989 - 1994
Box 16 Folder 17
Newsletter file, 1985 - 1990
Box 16 Folder 18-20
Newspapers in Education Program, 1976 - 1994
Box 16 Folder 21
Newsprint, 1995
Box 16 Folder 22
Newsroom remodeling, 1986

Nixon, Richard

Box 16 Folder 23
Final days, 1976
Box 16 Folder 24
Interviews of Richard and Pat Nixon - Correspondence and drafts, 1978 - 1980
Box 16 Folder 25-27
General, 1975 - 1995
Oversize FB-543 Folder 23
Photographs, undated
Box 16 Folder 28
Pacific Rim, 1986
Oversize MC-007-06
Richard Nixon Library and Birthplace print, 1989

Print signed by Richard Nixon; includes correspondence.

Box 17 Folder 1-7
Notes, 1986 - 1992
Box 17 Folder 8-9
Notes and Comments, etc. , 1989 - 1991
Box 17 Folder 10-11
O-miscellaneous, 1980 - 1995
Box 17 Folder 12-14
Obituary policy , 1977 - 1993
Box 17 Folder 15
Obscenity, 1977 - 1994
Box 17 Folder 16
O'Connor, Maureen, 1983 - 1991
Box 17 Folder 17
Olympics, Summer, Korea, 1988
Box 17 Folder 18
Olympics, Summer, Los Angeles, 1984
Box 17 Folder 19
Online, 1994
Box 17 Folder 20
Open Presidency, 1976
Box 17 Folder 21
OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration), 1989
Box 17 Folder 22-23
P-miscellaneous , 1981 - 1994
Box 17 Folder 24
Pacific Legal Foundation, 1977 - 1978
Box 17 Folder 25
Pacific Rim, 1983 - 1984
Box 17 Folder 26
Packard, Ronald C., 1982 - 1993
Box 17 Folder 27
Padre Memorial Booklet, 1984
Box 17 Folder 28
Parsky, Gerald, 1995
Box 17 Folder 29
Passport, 1986
Box 17 Folder 30
Peeling, Kitty, 1982 - 1987
Box 17 Folder 31
Performance Review Implementation Team (PRIT), Employee Evaluation, 1990 - 1991
Box 17 Folder 32
Perot, H. Ross, 1992 - 1993
Box 17 Folder 33
Peyer, Craig, 1988
Box 17 Folder 34
Phoenix House, 1986 - 1993
Box 17 Folder 35
Phone the Editors, 1985
Box 17 Folder 36
PLAN (Prevent Los Angelization Now), 1989
Box 17 Folder 37
Playoffs/World Series, 1984
Box 17 Folder 38
PM conversion (evening delivery), 1994
Box 17 Folder 39-41
Police Department , 1970 - 1992
Box 17 Folder 42
Police Investigation, 1985 - 1990
Box 18 Folder 1
Police Investigation, supplemental, 1990 - 1991
Box 18 Folder 2-3
Polls , 1984 - 1994
Box 18 Folder 4
Pourade report, 1976 - 1977
Box 18 Folder 5
Powell, Jody, 1976 - 1977
Box 18 Folder 6
Press rooms, 1985
Box 18 Folder 7
Press secretaries, 1975 - 1993
Box 18 Folder 8
Projects, 1984 - 1993
Box 18 Folder 9
PSA crash, 1978
Box 18 Folder 10
Public Agenda Foundation, 1986
Box 18 Folder 11-12
Pulitzer Prizes , 1977 - 1993
Box 18 Folder 13
Q-miscellaneous, 1975 - 1987
Box 18 Folder 14
Quayle, Daniel, 1988 - 1990
Box 18 Folder 15
Quest, 1989
Box 18 Folder 16-18
R-miscellaneous , 1977 - 1994
Box 18 Folder 19
Rape, 1988 - 1990
Box 18 Folder 20
Rate Increase, 1993
Box 18 Folder 21
Reader , 1983 - 1989
Box 18 Folder 22
Readership, 1978 - 1991
Box 18 Folder 23-25
Readership Committee, 1977 - 1994
Box 18 Folder 26
Reagan, Ronald, 1982 - 1990
Box 18 Folder 27-28
Rebooking , 1980 - 1984
Box 18 Folder 29-30
Redesign, 1978 - 1990
Box 19 Folder 1-6
Regrets , 1982 - 1994
Box 19 Folder 7-12
Regrets, Freelance , 1978 - 1995
Box 19 Folder 13
Rembisz, Ron (RHR), 1983 - 1986
Box 19 Folder 14
Remodel/Relocation, 1990 - 1993
Box 19 Folder 15
Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, 1979 - 1993
Box 19 Folder 16-23
Requests , 1984 - 1991
Box 20 Folder 1-6
Requests, 1991 - 1994
Box 20 Folder 7
Restaurant critic, 1978 - 1993
Box 20 Folder 8
Retreat, 1991
Box 20 Folder 9
Revelle, Roger, 1987 - 1991
Box 20 Folder 10
Romanian defector, Vladimir Moraru, 1984 - 1985
Box 20 Folder 11
Rose Bird, 1975 - 1986
Box 20 Folder 12
Roundtable, 1990
Box 20 Folder 13-14
Roundtables, breakfast , 1991 - 1994
Box 20 Folder 15
Ruth (Westheimer), "Ask Dr. Ruth" sex column, 1988
Box 20 Folder 16-21
S-miscellaneous , 1976 - 1994
Box 20 Folder 22-23
S II (System/Software correspondence) , 1990 - 1991
Box 20 Folder 24
SAIC (Science Applications International Corporation), 1994
Box 20 Folder 25
SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission) v. Wall Street Journal , 1984
Box 20 Folder 26
Sammon, Robert R., 1978 - 1979
Box 20 Folder 27-28
San Diego Gas & Electric, 1983 - 1990
Box 20 Folder 29
San Diego Historical Society, 1983 - 1984
Box 20 Folder 30
San Diego Press Freedom Fund, 1980
Box 21 Folder 1-2
San Diego State University , 1975 - 1993
Box 21 Folder 3
Santa Fe project, 1983
Box 21 Folder 4-5
Saudi Arabia , 1990 - 1991
Box 21 Folder 6-8
Saudi Arabia, military v. press, 1989 - 1991
Box 21 Folder 9
Sawyer, Diane, 1980 - 1986
Box 21 Folder 10
Schenck, Lynn, 1993
Box 21 Folder 11
School integration, 1978 - 1981
Box 21 Folder 12
Science fair, 1977 - 1988
Box 21 Folder 13-14
Scientology , 1977 - 1993
Box 21 Folder 15
Scott, Charles R. (Red), 1976 - 1990
Box 21 Folder 16
Sexual harassment, 1993
Box 21 Folder 17
Sheriff, 1991 - 1993
Box 21 Folder 18
Six-column makeup file, 1978 - 1984
Box 21 Folder 19
Skelly, James M., 1990 - 1991
Box 21 Folder 20
Sloan, Alfred P. - Sloan Foundation, 1981
Box 21 Folder 21
Smith, C. Arnholt, 1984
Box 21 Folder 22
Somalia section, 1992
Box 21 Folder 23-24
Southeast San Diego, 1976 - 1994
Box 21 Folder 25
Souvenir photo sales, 1991 - 1992
Box 21 Folder 26
Spanish editions, 1990 - 1994
Box 21 Folder 27
Spanish lessons, 1979 - 1994
Box 21 Folder 28
Spanish translation, 1980 - 1983
Box 21 Folder 29
Speakers' bureau, 1983 - 1993
Box 21 Folder 30
Special sections, general , 1989 - 1993
Box 21 Folder 31
Special sections, D-day, 1994
Box 21 Folder 32
Special sections, Gulf War, 1991
Box 21 Folder 33
Special sections, mental illness, 1994
Box 21 Folder 34
Special sections, NAFTA, 1993
Box 21 Folder 35-39
Speeches, Gerald Warren , 1975 - 1986
Box 22 Folder 1-10
Speeches, Gerald Warren, 1986 - 1994
Box 22 Folder 11
Sports extra, 1990 - 1991
Box 22 Folder 12-13
Staff meetings, 1981 - 1993
Box 22 Folder 14
Standardization, newspaper, 1983 - 1984
Box 22 Folder 15
Stanford, Dan, 1983 - 1985
Box 22 Folder 16
Stanford University, 1985 - 1986
Box 22 Folder 17
Star Watch, 1994 - 1996
Box 22 Folder 18
Stirling, Larry, 1993
Box 22 Folder 19
Straight-run planning, 1992 - 1993
Box 22 Folder 20
Stress, Stanley, 1983 - 1988
Box 22 Folder 21
Stylebook Committee, 1990 - 1994
Box 22 Folder 22
Sunday magazine, 1986
Box 22 Folder 23
Sunday school, 1988 - 1989
Box 22 Folder 24
Super Bowl, 1986 - 1995
Box 22 Folder 25-27
Surveys and polls , 1983 - 1995
Box 22 Folder 28
Surveys, Mervin Field lunch, Westgate, 1983
Box 22 Folder 29-30
Survival plan, 1985 - 1988
Box 22 Folder 31
Survival plan, San Diego Newspaper Guild correspondence, 1988
Box 22 Folder 32
Survival plan, Jerry Warren phase I, 1988
Box 22 Folder 33
Survival plan, press comment, 1988
Box 22 Folder 34
Survival plan, staffing for phase I and II, 1988
Box 22 Folder 35-36
Survival plan, Sunday school, 1988
Box 23 Folder 1-2
Symphony, 1983 - 1992
Box 23 Folder 3-5
Syndicates , 1984 - 1992
Box 23 Folder 6
Syndicates, New York Times flap, 1990
Box 23 Folder 7-10
Systems , 1983 - 1994
Box 23 Folder 11
Systems, home computer (correspondence), 1989 - 1993
Box 23 Folder 12
Szekely, Deborah, 1984 - 1993
Box 23 Folder 13-14
T-miscellaneous , 1975 - 1994
Box 23 Folder 15
Tatarian, Roger, 1981 - 1992
Box 23 Folder 16
Taylor, Howard, 1977
Box 23 Folder 17
Technology transfers, 1992 - 1993
Box 23 Folder 18
Telephone taping, 1983
Box 23 Folder 19
Tennis tournament, San Diego Union sponsored, 1979 - 1988
Box 23 Folder 20-28
Thank you notes , 1983 - 1994
Box 24 Folder 1
Thank you notes , 1994 - 1995
Box 24 Folder 2
Thiederman, Sondra, 1989 - 1990
Box 24 Folder 3
Tickets, general, 1986 - 1990

Theatre/sporting event tickets.

Box 24 Folder 4
TMC plan (Star Watch), 1994
Box 24 Folder 5
Top Editor's Lunches, 1989 - 1990
Box 24 Folder 6
TQM (Total Quality Management), 1993
Box 24 Folder 7-9
Trips, 1984 - 1994
Box 24 Folder 10-12
TV appearances by Gerald Warren , 1984 - 1994
Box 24 Folder 13-14
TV update, 1983 - 1995
Box 24 Folder 15-16
U-miscellaneous , 1971 - 1990
Box 24 Folder 17
UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization), 1986 - 1988
Box 24 Folder 18
Union Tribune critics (other news media), 1970 - 1976
Box 24 Folder 19-20
United Nations roundtable, 1981
Box 24 Folder 21-28
United Press International, 1978 - 1992
Box 24 Folder 29
United States Strategies Institute, 1983
Box 25 Folder 1
University of California, general, 1976 - 1994
Box 25 Folder 2
University of California, Irvine, 1975 - 1977
Box 25 Folder 3-9
University of California, San Diego, 1977 - 1995
Box 25 Folder 10-14
University of California, San Diego, 25 Years of the Presidency symposium, 1984 - 1986
Box 25 Folder 15-16
University of California, San Diego, Marxist file , 1982 - 1986
Box 25 Folder 17-19
University of California, San Diego, Press Secretaries Symposium , 1989 - 1991
Box 25 Folder 20
University of California, San Diego, Prof. Ron Berman, 1986
Box 25 Folder 21
University of California, San Diego, public policy file, 1986
Box 25 Folder 22
University of California, San Diego, School of International Relations and Pacific Studies (IRPS), 1985 - 1987
Box 26 Folder 1
Urban meetings (Chris), 1991
Box 26 Folder 2-5
U.S. Navy/Marines , 1969 - 1994
Box 26 Folder 6
USA Today , 1982 - 1987
Box 26 Folder 7-8
V-miscellaneous, 1975 - 1993
Box 26 Folder 9
Vacations, 1983 - 1994
Box 26 Folder 10
Van Luu, Tran, 1979
Box 26 Folder 11
VDTs (Video Display Terminals), 1994
Box 26 Folder 12
Victims, 1993
Box 26 Folder 13
Video wall, 1991
Box 26 Folder 14
Vision 2003, 1993
Box 26 Folder 15
Vista, the Hispanic Magazine, 1984 - 1992
Box 26 Folder 16-19
W-miscellaneous , 1974 - 1994
Box 26 Folder 20
Walsh, Michael, 1978 - 1980
Box 26 Folder 21-25
Warren, Gerald/Financial File, 1986 - 1994
Box 26 Folder 26
Warren, Gerald/Miscellaneous, 1986 - 1995
Box 26 Folder 27-30
Warren, Gerald/Personal File, 1979 - 1994
Box 26 Folder 31
Warren, Viviane/Broadcasting Board of Governors, 1994
Box 26 Folder 32
Washington, DC , 1978 - 1985
Box 27 Folder 1
Washington, DC , 1985 - 1988
Box 27 Folder 2
Washington Times , 1985
Box 27 Folder 3
Waste management, 1990 - 1992
Box 27 Folder 4
Weather, 1989 - 1993
Box 27 Folder 5
Weekend section, 1984 - 1991
Box 27 Folder 6
Wells Fargo Building, 1989
Box 27 Folder 7-8
Western Regional News Seminar, Energy Conference , 1979
Box 27 Folder 9
Will, George
Box 27 Folder 10
Wilson Center's Latin American Program (Smithsonian Institute), 1976 - 1981
Box 27 Folder 11-12
Wilson, Pete , 1960 - 1994
Box 27 Folder 13
Witt, John, 1980 - 1984
Box 27 Folder 14-15
Workers' compensation , 1993 - 1995
Box 27 Folder 16
World finance, 1982
Box 27 Folder 17
World finance, Center for Strategic and International Studies Conference, 1982

Washington, DC

Box 27 Folder 18-19
Wright, Dick - Correspondence and drawing of Gerald Warren, 1977 - 1980
Oversize AB-11-D01
Wright, Dick - Political cartoon of Ronald Reagan, signed and framed, 1980 April 4
Box 27 Folder 20
Writings: Articles about GLW, quotes by GLW, 1977 - 1995
Box 27 Folder 21
Writings: Articles by GLW, 1981 - 1994
Box 27 Folder 22
Writings: Egypt, articles by GLW, 1982
Box 27 Folder 23
Writings: Foreign Policy, 1992
Box 27 Folder 24
X-rated letters of complaint, 1969 - 1990
Box 27 Folder 25
Y-miscellaneous, 1977 - 1993
Box 27 Folder 26
Young, David, 1985 - 1994
Box 27 Folder 27
Youth Beat, 1978
Box 27 Folder 28
Youth: Their and Our Future, Saul Levine, M.D. (CNS column), 1993 - 1994
Box 27 Folder 29
Z-miscellaneous, 1977 - 1988
Box 27 Folder 30
Zable, Walter, 1989
Box 27 Folder 31
Zoning, 1984 - 1985
Box 27 Folder 32
Zoning, deadlines, North County, etc., 1985 - 1990
Box 27 Folder 33
Zoning, letters and comments, 1985
Box 27 Folder 34
Zoning, paid circulation by zones, 1988 - 1990
Box 27 Folder 35
Zuckerman, Stanley, 1983 - 1984


Scope and Contents of Series

Series 3) CORRESPONDENCE. Arranged in three subseries: A) Interoffice Correspondence, B) Personal Correspondence, and C) Letter Logs.

A) Interoffice Correspondence: Chronological file (1975-1995) of communication with San Diego Union staff regarding policy and administration of the newspaper. Arranged chronologically.

B) Personal Correspondence: Warren's correspondence (1974-1978) while deputy press secretary and during his transition to editor of the Union. Also includes letters of congratulations on Warren's 1995 retirement. Arranged alphabetically by subject.

C) Letter Logs: Detailed records of incoming correspondence from 1990 to 1995, including date received, author, address, description of contents, and disposition/date. Arranged chronologically.

Interoffice Correspondence

Box 28 Folder 1-23
Correspondence, chronological file, 1975 - 1994
Box 29 Folder 1-6
Correspondence, chronological file, 1994 - 1995

Personal Correspondence

Oversize FB-543 Folder 24
Correspondence, birthday card with "Gerald Warren for President" drawing, ca.1976
Box 29 Folder 7
Correspondence, general, 1974 - 1975
Box 29 Folder 8
Correspondence, legal, 1975 - 1978
Box 29 Folder 9-14
Correspondence, personal, 1975 - 1978
Box 29 Folder 15-17
Correspondence, press secretary briefing , 1975
Box 46 Folder 13-14
Correspondence, retirement letters, 1995 - 1997

Includes photographs.

Box 29 Folder 18
Correspondence, Richard Nixon China trip, 1976
Box 29 Folder 19
Correspondence, TV letters, 1975
Box 29 Folder 20
Correspondence, welcome letters, 1975

Letter Logs

Box 29 Folder 21-28
1990 - 1992
Box 30 Folder 1-7
1992 - 1995


Scope and Contents of Series

Series 4) DEPARTMENT FILES: Policy statements, interoffice memoranda and miscellaneous materials documenting Warren's interaction with other San Diego Union departments. Includes photographs of newspaper staff events and newspaper-sponsored events. Arranged alphabetically.

Box 30 Folder 8-12
Accounting, 1975 - 1994
Box 30 Folder 13-23
Advertising, 1975 - 1995
Box 31 Folder 1
Advertising, 1990 - 1994
Box 31 Folder 2-3
Capen, Dick/General, 1976 - 1994
Box 31 Folder 4-10
Circulation, 1974 - 1995
Box 31 Folder 11
Circulation, San Diego Union , 1986 - 1993
Box 31 Folder 12
Circulation, Union-Tribune , 1992
Box 31 Folder 13-17
City Desk, 1979 - 1995
Box 31 Folder 18
Columnists, 1979 - 1991
Box 31 Folder 19
Community relations, 1989 - 1992
Box 31 Folder 20
Computer Systems Dept., 1983 - 1989
Box 31 Folder 21
Copley, Helen/Governor's Commission on Government Reform, 1978 - 1979
Box 31 Folder 22-25
Copley, Helen/Memoranda to, 1975 - 1995
Box 32 Folder 1
Copy Clerks, 1969 - 1992
Box 32 Folder 2
Copy Desk, 1982 - 1992
Box 32 Folder 3
County Desk, 1977 - 1992
Box 32 Folder 4
Current/At Ease, 1977 - 1984
Box 32 Folder 5-6
Current/In General, 1974 - 1995
Box 32 Folder 7-8
Currents/Book Section, 1970 - 1993
Box 32 Folder 9
Currents/Homes, 1982 - 1994
Box 32 Folder 10
Currents/In the Arts, 1969 - 1992
Box 32 Folder 11
Currents/In Travel, 1975 - 1993
Box 32 Folder 12
Editorial Page, 1986 - 1990
Box 32 Folder 13-23
Editorial Writers Department, 1976 - 1994
Box 32 Folder 24
Engineers/Herb Harman, 1986
Box 32 Folder 25
Facilities Committee, 1989 - 1994
Box 32 Folder 26-27
Financial, 1978 - 1991
Box 33 Folder 1
Financial, 1992 - 1994
Box 33 Folder 2
Hispanic Committee, 1993 - 1994
Box 33 Folder 3
Information on Southeast San Diego and South County Zip Codes, 1988
Box 33 Folder 4
Kaltenbach, Hubert L., 1979 - 1987
Box 33 Folder 5
Kaye, Pete, 1976 - 1993
Box 33 Folder 6
Klein, Herb/Political Coverage, 1992
Box 33 Folder 7-8
La Jolla - General, 1976 - 1995
Box 33 Folder 9
Levinson/Carabet/Prosinski, 1986 - 1994
Box 33 Folder 10-21
Library, 1975 - 1994
Box 33 Folder 22
Library/Newsbank, 1991
Box 33 Folder 23
Literacy Council, 1992 - 1993
Box 33 Folder 24-26
Managing Editors, 1972 - 1983
Box 34 Folder 1-4
Managing Editors, 1984 - 1995
Box 34 Folder 5
Marketing, 1988
Box 34 Folder 6-7
Marketing the Total Newspaper Committee, 1987 - 1990
Box 34 Folder 8-11
Memos - Dear Colleague, 1976 - 1995
Box 34 Folder 12
Morgan/Tribune , 1981 - 1991
Box 34 Folder 13
News Desk, 1979 - 1994
Box 34 Folder 14
Newsletter, 1987
Box 34 Folder 15
North County Committee/Booking Committee, 1990 - 1994
Box 34 Folder 16
North County Project File, 1992 - 1994
Box 34 Folder 17-20
Personnel policy, 1974 - 1994
Box 34 Folder 21-25
Photo Department, 1963 - 1994
Box 34 Folder 26
Photos, 47th and 48th Conferences of the Copley Press, Inc., 1976 - 1977
Box 34 Folder 27
Photos, 50th Conference of the Copley Press, Inc., 1979
Box 34 Folder 28
Photos, 51st Conference of the Copley Press, Inc., 1980
Box 34 Folder 29
Photos, 52nd Conference of the Copley Press, Inc., 1981
Box 34 Folder 30
Photos, 53rd Conference of the Copley Press, Inc., 1982
Box 34 Folder 31
Photos, 54th Conference of the Copley Press, Inc., 1983
Box 34 Folder 32
Photos, 66th Conference of the Copley Press, Inc., 1994
Box 34 Folder 33
Photos, Copley dinner

Photos, Miscellaneous

Box 34 Folder 34-35
General, 1976 - 1994
Oversize FB-543 Folder 25
Gerald Warren group photos, 1972 and undated
Box 34 Folder 36
Photos, Naval Training Center visit, 1988
Box 34 Folder 37
Photos, Queen's visit to San Diego, 1983
Box 34 Folder 38
Photos, Reception at Nuffer, Smith, Tucker, Inc., 1985
Box 34 Folder 39-40
Photos, Spelling Bee, 1984 - 1991
Box 34 Folder 41
Photos, Visit to Mexico, 1980
Box 34 Folder 42-43
Policy, 1976 - 1994
Box 34 Folder 44
Post Commission, 1979
Box 34 Folder 45
Product Quality/Product Training, 1989 - 1990
Box 35 Folder 1-3
Production Department, 1970 - 1994
Box 35 Folder 4-8
Promotion/Community Relations, 1976 - 1994
Box 35 Folder 9-10
Publisher's Office/Bell, 1992 - 1995
Box 35 Folder 11
Publisher's Office/Bob Robinson, 1989 - 1994
Box 35 Folder 12
Publisher's Office/Curley, 1989 - 1992
Box 35 Folder 13-14
Publisher's Office/DeBakcsy, 1976 - 1983
Box 35 Folder 15
Publisher's Office/Goss, 1983 - 1989
Box 35 Folder 16
Publisher's Office/Hazel, 1994
Box 35 Folder 17-21
Publisher's Office/Klein, Herb, 1946 - 1994
Box 35 Folder 22
Publisher's Office/Krulac, Vic, 1969 - 1976
Box 35 Folder 23
Publisher's Office/Kolender, 1988 - 1991
Box 35 Folder 24
Publisher's Office/Pfeil, 1992
Box 35 Folder 25
Publisher's Office/Tullar, 1984 - 1991
Box 35 Folder 26
Publisher's Office/Purchasing Department, 1978 - 1994
Box 35 Folder 27
Rand Advisory Board for Center for Research on Immigration Policy, 1995
Box 35 Folder 28-32
Reader's Rep/JaCoby, Alfred, 1976 - 1984
Box 35 Folder 33
Readers' Rep/Lubrano, 1992 - 1994
Box 35 Folder 34
Readers' Rep/Smith, Cliff, 1985 - 1988
Box 36 Folder 1
Readers' Rep/Stothers, Bill, 1989 - 1990
Box 36 Folder 2
Smith, Bob/Community Leadership, 1994
Box 36 Folder 3-8
Sports Department, 1976 - 1994
Box 36 Folder 9
St. Vincent de Paul, 1995
Box 36 Folder 10-11
Telephone Office, 1969 - 1994
Box 36 Folder 12
Union-Tribune Organization Charts, 1991 - 1992
Box 36 Folder 13
U-T Plus Shopper (San Diego Plus), 1983 - 1988
Box 36 Folder 14-15
World Currents/Opinion Section, 1978 - 1994


Scope and Contents of Series

Series 5) MEMBERSHIPS: Correspondence, financial records and promotional literature regarding various organizations to which Warren belonged. Arranged alphabetically.

Box 36 Folder 16
American Leadership Forum, 1987
Box 36 Folder 17
American Newspaper Publishers Association, 1986 - 1987
Box 36 Folder 18-19
American Newspaper Publishers Association Government Affairs Committee, 1986 - 1991
Box 36 Folder 20
August Group, 1979
Box 36 Folder 21
Brotherhood/Walker, 1982 - 1987
Box 36 Folder 22
California Community Colleges, 1983
Box 36 Folder 23
California Society of Newspaper Editors, 1990 - 1992
Box 36 Folder 24
California Newspaper Publishers Association, 1979 - 1994
Box 36 Folder 25
Center for the Study of the Presidency, 1985 - 1992
Box 36 Folder 26
Children's Hospital and Health Center, 1976
Box 36 Folder 27-29
Children's Hospital and Health Center/Child Guidance Clinic Advisory Committee, 1978 - 1993
Box 36 Folder 30
Commission of the Californias, 1984 - 1990
Box 36 Folder 31
Consejo Asesor del Union-Tribune , 1993
Box 37 Folder 1
Consejo Asesor del Union-Tribune , 1994
Box 37 Folder 2-3
Council on Foreign Relations, 1990 - 1994
Box 37 Folder 4
Cuyamaca Club, 1975 - 1988
Box 37 Folder 5-6
Diversity, 1993 - 1994
Box 37 Folder 7
Episcopal Diocese of San Diego, 1987 - 1991
Box 37 Folder 8
Executive Committee, 1994 - 1995
Box 37 Folder 9
Faculty Club/UC San Diego, 1988 - 1989
Box 37 Folder 10
February Group, 1976 - 1994
Box 37 Folder 11
Friends of the UC San Diego Library, 1987 - 1994
Box 37 Folder 12-15
Institute of the Americas/International Council, 1986 - 1995
Box 37 Folder 16-17
International Press Institute, American Committee, 1976 - 1994
Box 37 Folder 18
Kona Kai Club, 1987
Box 37 Folder 19
Literacy Council Luncheon, 1994
Box 37 Folder 20
Literacy Council of San Diego, 1993 - 1995
Box 37 Folder 21
Media Research Center, 1994
Box 37 Folder 22-23
Mexican and American Foundation, 1976 - 1985
Box 37 Folder 24
National Press Foundation, 1989
Box 37 Folder 25-27
Press Club, 1978 - 1993
Box 38 Folder 1
Price Public Affairs Forum, 1992 - 1993
Box 38 Folder 2
Rest and Aspiration Club, 1979 - 1990
Box 38 Folder 3
San Diego - City of the Future, 1994 - 1995
Box 38 Folder 4-5
San Diego Arts Foundation, 1983 - 1991
Box 38 Folder 6
San Diego City Schools, 1993
Box 38 Folder 7
San Diego Dialogue, 1992 - 1995
Box 38 Folder 8-10
San Diego Historical Society, 1979 - 1994
Box 38 Folder 11
San Diego Historical Society - Executive Committee, 1990 - 1991
Box 38 Folder 12-13
San Diego Historical Society - Nominating Committee, 1989 - 1994
Box 38 Folder 14
San Diego Historical Society - Sefton Gift, 1991
Box 38 Folder 15-17
San Diego Padre Community - Advisory Council, 1983 - 1993
Box 38 Folder 18-21
San Diego State University - Center for Communications Board, 1979 - 1995
Box 38 Folder 22
San Diego Yacht Club, 1989 - 1992
Box 38 Folder 23
Scripps Aquarium Associates, 1984 - 1986
Box 38 Folder 24-25
Sigma Delta Chi/Society of Professional Journalists (SPJ), 1976 - 1990
Box 39 Folder 1
Sigma Delta Chi/Society of Professional Journalists (SPJ), 1991 - 1995
Box 39 Folder 2
Special Olympics, 1991 - 1992
Box 39 Folder 3
Stadium Club, 1982 - 1991
Box 39 Folder 4
Tambo De Oro, 1979 - 1990
Box 39 Folder 5
Torrey Club, 1979 - 1980
Box 39 Folder 6-7
UC San Diego Chancellor's Associates, 1982 - 1994
Box 39 Folder 8
Union-Tribune 10 Meeting, 1994 - 1995
Box 39 Folder 9
United Mileage Plus, 1989 - 1993
Box 39 Folder 10
University Club of San Diego, 1978 - 1994
Box 39 Folder 11-12
University of San Diego Law School Board of Visitors, 1976 - 1995
Box 39 Folder 13
Wine and Food Society, 1975 - 1988


Scope and Contents of Series

Series 6) TRIPS: Files related to conferences, conventions, speaking engagements and meetings that Warren attended, including his trip to Egypt to interview Anwar Sadat. Arranged alphabetically by the name or location of the event.

Box 39 Folder 14
25th Anniversary of Nixon Administration, 1994
Box 39 Folder 15
2020 Vision, 1994
Box 39 Folder 16
2020 Vision/Future of California's Courts, 1992
Box 39 Folder 17
American Assembly on Mexican-American Relations, 1979
Box 39 Folder 18
American Participant Program, 1991
Box 39 Folder 19-24
ANPA (American Newspaper Publishers Association) Government Affairs Committee, 1986 - 1990
Box 39 Folder 25-26
APACAHN (Associated Press Association for California, Arizona, Hawaii and Nevada) Convention, 1981 - 1982
Box 39 Folder 27
API (American Press Institute) Meeting, 1988
Box 39 Folder 28-32
ASNE (American Society of Newspaper Editors) Convention, 1984 - 1989
Box 40 Folder 1
ASNE (American Society of Newspaper Editors) Convention, 1990
Box 40 Folder 2-3
ASNE (American Society of Newspaper Editors) International Communications Committee, 1987 - 1989
Box 40 Folder 4
ASNE (American Society of Newspaper Editors), U.S.-Japanese Editors, 1981
Box 40 Folder 5
Aspen Institute, 1994
Box 40 Folder 6
Associated Press Editors Conference, 1983
Box 40 Folder 7-20
Borrego Conference, 1982 - 1995
Box 40 Folder 21
Borrego Retreat, 1987
Box 40 Folder 22-23
Boulder Trip, 1990 - 1991
Box 40 Folder 24
Brookings Institution Conference, 1981
Box 40 Folder 25
California Journal Meeting/Roast, 1985
Box 40 Folder 26
Center for the Study of the Presidency Conference, 1985
Box 40 Folder 27
Center for the Study of the Presidency Panel, 1989
Box 40 Folder 28
Center for U.S.-Mexican Studies/UC San Diego, 1983 - 1995
Box 41 Folder 1
China Trip, 1987
Box 41 Folder 2
CNPA (California Newspaper Publishers Association) Convention, 1989
Box 41 Folder 3
CNPA (California Newspaper Publishers Association) Reverse Press Conference Panel, 1994
Box 41 Folder 4
Commission of the Californias, Hotel Del Coronado, 1980
Box 41 Folder 5
Commission of the Californias, La Paz, 1984
Box 41 Folder 6
Commission of the Californias, Long Beach, 1984
Box 41 Folder 7
Commission of the Californias, San Felipe, Baja, 1979
Box 41 Folder 8
Commission of the Californias, Santa Barbara, 1981
Box 41 Folder 9-10
Connie Gerrard Reception and Retirement, 1989
Box 41 Folder 11
Cornelius Board, 1979 - 1980
Box 41 Folder 12
Costa Rica, 1984
Box 41 Folder 13
Council on Foreign Relations Meeting, 1993
Box 41 Folder 14-16
CSCE (Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe) Information Forum , 1989
Box 41 Folder 17
East-West Center/Taiwan Trip, 1984
Box 41 Folder 18-23
Egypt , 1975 - 1982
Box 42 Folder 1-3
Egypt, Sadat Initiative , 1977
Box 42 Folder 4
El Salvador, 1985
Box 42 Folder 5
FACS (Foundation for American Communications) Conference-U.S./Latin America, 1985
Box 42 Folder 6
Foreign Policy, 1992
Box 42 Folder 7
Freedom Forum Center Panel, 1992
Box 42 Folder 8
Friends of the Library Speech, 1990
Box 42 Folder 9-21
Gridiron Dinner, 1982 - 1994
Box 42 Folder 22
Humor and the Presidency Symposium, 1986
Box 42 Folder 23
Hungary Trip, 1991
Box 42 Folder 24
IPI (International Press Institute) American Committee Meeting, 1988
Box 42 Folder 25
IPI (International Press Institute) Mexican-U.S. Editor's Conference, 1982
Box 42 Folder 26
Institute of the Americas, 1990
Box 42 Folder 27
Inter-American Dialogue Task Force, 1987
Box 42 Folder 28
Ireland/Hungary, 1991
Box 42 Folder 29
IRPS (International Relations and Pacific Studies), 1988 - 1990
Box 42 Folder 30
Judging Walker Stone Award, 1988
Box 42 Folder 31
Latin American Program , 1978
Box 43 Folder 1-2
Latin American Program , 1978
Box 43 Folder 3
Lincoln, Nebraska Trip, 1983
Box 43 Folder 4
Management Development Weekend, Borrego Springs, 1984
Box 43 Folder 5
Mexican-U.S. Editor's Conference, 1979
Box 43 Folder 6-8
Mexican-U.S. Editor's Meeting , 1981
Box 43 Folder 9
Mexican-U.S. Seminar, 1977 - 1979
Box 43 Folder 10
Mexico City/Guadalajara, 1991
Box 43 Folder 11
Mexico City Trip, 1980
Box 43 Folder 12
Mexico Trip, 1989 - 1991
Box 43 Folder 13-14
Box 43 Folder 15
Monterey, 1991
Box 43 Folder 16
Nicaragua, 1985 - 1986
Box 43 Folder 17
NIE (Newspaper in Education) Conference, 1986
Box 43 Folder 18
Ninth Circuit Judicial Conference, 1986
Box 43 Folder 19
Nixon Conference, 1987
Box 43 Folder 20
Oath of Office - Miguel de la Madrid, 1982
Box 43 Folder 21
Pacific Basin News Seminar, 1986
Box 43 Folder 22
Panama, 1982 - 1985
Box 44 Folder 1-2
Panel/Government-Media Relations in U.S., 1986 - 1988
Box 44 Folder 3-4
Presidency and the Press, 1984 - 1989
Box 44 Folder 5-7
Presidency, the Press, and the People , 1990
Box 44 Folder 8
Presidential Lunch/Briefing, Los Angeles, 1982
Box 44 Folder 9
Press Reception for Chief of Staff, 1986
Box 44 Folder 10
Press Secretaries, 1990
Box 44 Folder 11
Regional American Assembly on Mexican-American Relations, 1981
Box 44 Folder 12
Republican Convention, 1988
Box 44 Folder 13
Sacramento, 1992
Box 44 Folder 14
San Diego Council on Literacy
Box 44 Folder 15
Shimoda Conference, 1994
Box 44 Folder 16
Speech, Palm Springs, 1984
Box 44 Folder 17
State Legislative Leaders, 1989
Box 44 Folder 18-20
UC San Diego Dialogue, 1990 - 1992
Box 44 Folder 21-22
UPI (United Press International) Advisory Board Meeting, 1985 - 1986
Box 44 Folder 23
U.S.-Japan Relations and Balance of Power in Post-Cold War Asia, 1993
Box 44 Folder 24
U.S.-Mexico Symposium, 1979 - 1980
Box 44 Folder 25
U.S.-Venezuela Policy Dialogue, 1981
Box 44 Folder 26
VU3, 1983 - 1988
Box 44 Folder 27
Washington, DC Trip, 1982
Box 44 Folder 28
White House Advance Reunion, 1982
Box 44 Folder 29
White House Correspondents Dinner, 1994
Box 44 Folder 30
White House Dinner, 1982
Box 44 Folder 31
White House Editors Group, 1981
Box 44 Folder 32-34
Wingspread conference and seminar, 1979


Scope and Contents of Series

Series 7) APPOINTMENT CALENDARS AND TELEPHONE LOGS: Warren's appointment books, documenting his daily activities and meetings between 1975 and 1994, and spiral bound carbons of his telephone messages. Arranged chronologically.

Box 45 Folder 1-20
Appointment Calendars, 1975 - 1994
Box 46 Folder 1-12
Telephone Logs, 1988 - 1995


Scope and Contents of Series:

Series 8) AWARDS: Awards and plaques Warren received during his career with the San Diego Union.

Box 47 Folder 1-12
1980 - 1987
Box 48 Folder 1-11
1988 - 1993
Box 49 Folder 1-22
1965 - 1986