Elizabeth Bartlett Papers, ca. 1940 - 1994 (MSS 321)

Restrictions: Original reel-to-reel recordings in the collection are restricted. Listening copies may be available for researchers.

Extent: 13.6 Linear feet (29 archives boxes, one records carton & one flat box)

The papers of American writer, poet and editor Elizabeth Bartlett (1911-1994). The papers cover the period from ca. 1940-1994 and include correspondence, typescript poetry and prose, artwork, and ephemera. The collection also includes Bartlett's editing work for ETC: A Review of General Semantics and Crosscurrents, as well as her work for the Literary Olympics.

Elizabeth Bartlett, née Winters, was born on July 20, 1911 in New York City. She studied at Teachers College, receiving her BS in Education in 1941. After graduation Bartlett traveled extensively, meeting and marrying Paul Alexander Bartlett in Mexico in 1943.

Throughout her life Bartlett continued to travel between the United States and Mexico, living in various cities while writing, editing, and teaching. She taught at several universities, including Southern Methodist University; San Jose State University; the University of California, Santa Barbara; and the University of San Diego. She worked as a poetry editor for ETC: A Review of General Semantics and Crosscurrents.

Bartlett was also founder and President of the international non-profit organization, Literary Olympics, Inc. Literary Olymics, Inc. was established to bring the cultural component back to the Olympic Games, as in ancient Greece. Through this work, Bartlett edited three international multi-language anthologies to coincide with the Olympics, beginning in 1984. A fourth volume was published in 1997 in memory of Bartlett, to honor her for her work with the Literary Olympics, and to commemorate the 1996 Olympic Games.

Her writing has been published in numerous journals, anthologies and books of collected poetry, including Poems of Yes and No (1952), It Takes Practice Not to Die (1964), Address in Time (1979), Memory is No Stranger (1981), The Gemini Poems (1984), Candles (1988), and Around the Clock (1989).

Bartlett passed away August 12, 1994.

The Elizabeth Bartlett Papers document Bartlett's life and work as a writer, poet, and editor. The collection is arranged in seven series: 1) BIOGRAPHICAL MATERIALS, 2) CORRESPONDENCE, 3) WRITINGS, 4) EDITING, 5) OTHER PROJECTS, 6) AUDIO RECORDINGS, and 7) WORK OF OTHERS.

Container List


Scope and Content of Series

SERIES 1: BIOGRAPHICAL MATERIALS: Comprised of awards, datebooks, newspaper clippings, resumes, and a scrapbook detailing her career as a writer. Also located in this series are notecards on which Bartlett kept detailed records of her career and efforts to publish her work.

Box 1 Folder 1
Awards, 1967-1992
Box 1 Folder 2
Bibliographies & promotional materials
Box 1 Folder 3-4
Biographical information & resumes
Box 1 Folder 5-6
Datebooks, 1978, 1987, 1992
Box 1 Folder 7
Legal documents & inventories
Box 1 Folder 8
Newspaper clippings by & about Bartlett, ca. 1958-1993


Box 1 Folder 9
Poetry submissions
Box 1 Folder 10
Publications, readings, biographical information
Box 2 Folder 1-2
Publishing record
Box 2 Folder 3
Short story submissions


Box 2 Folder 4
Photographs of Elizabeth Bartlett, 1959-1992
Box 2 Folder 5
Photographs & autographs of writers and poets, collected by Bartlett
Box 2 Folder 6 Oversize FB-520-01
Poetry readings, ca. 1962-1992
Box 2 Folder 7
Reviews of Bartlett's work
Box 2 Folder 8-9


Scope and Content of Series

SERIES 2) CORRESPONDENCE: Contains letters and postcards ranging in date from 1952-1994. While there are letters from friends and family, including Bartlett's husband Paul and son Steven, the bulk of the correspondence is professional and details Bartlett's efforts to publish her writing, with letters of acceptance as well as rejection from numerous journal editors and publishing houses. Within the series, notable correspondents include Kirby Congdon, Mabel Hutchinson, Josephine Jacobsen, Marianne Moore, Larry Rubin, and William Stafford. The series is arranged alphabetically by correspondent with letters arranged by subject at the end.

Box 3 Folder 1
2PLUS2 , 1985-1987
Box 3 Folder 2
A - Miscellaneous
Box 3 Folder 3
The Academy of American Poets, 1975-1977
Box 3 Folder 4
Agnes Scott College, 1989
Box 3 Folder 5
Ammons, Archie, 1977-1979
Box 3 Folder 6
Andrea, Marianne, 1986-1987
Box 3 Folder 7
The Antigonish Review , 1978-1985
Box 3 Folder 8
Applewhite, James, 1984-1985
Box 3 Folder 9
Arc , 1984-1985
Box 3 Folder 10
Arizona Quarterly , 1985-1987
Box 3 Folder 11
Arrowsmith, William, 1985-1991
Box 3 Folder 12
Artful Dodge , 1987-1989
Box 3 Folder 13
Associated Writing Programs, 1982-1983
Box 3 Folder 14
The Augusta Spectator , 1980-1983
Box 3 Folder 15
The Authors Guild, Inc., 1984-1989
Box 3 Folder 16
B - Miscellaneous
Box 3 Folder 17
Barry, Jan, 1979-1982
Box 3 Folder 18
Bartlett, Paul, 1975, 1983
Box 3 Folder 19
Bartlett, Steven, 1981-1984
Box 3 Folder 20
Bennett, Maria, 1986-1991
Box 3 Folder 21
Beyond Baroque Foundation, 1979-1989
Box 3 Folder 22
Biggins, Michael, 1991
Box 3 Folder 23
Blue Unicorn , 1978-1987
Box 3 Folder 24
Bourne, Daniel, 1986-1990
Box 3 Folder 25
Bruce, Lennart, 1987-1991
Box 3 Folder 26
C - Miscellaneous
Box 3 Folder 27
Camille, Pamela, 1987
Box 3 Folder 28
Carrefour Books (Daphne Fraenkel, ed.), 1966-1976
Box 3 Folder 29
The Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions, 1970-1974
Box 3 Folder 30
The Cerulean Press (Blair Allen, ed.), 1985-1991
Box 3 Folder 31
Clearwater Journal , 1984-1987
Box 3 Folder 32
Concerning Poetry , 1978-1983
Box 3 Folder 33
Congdon, Kirby, 1972-1978
Box 3 Folder 34
Convergence , 1982-1983
Box 3 Folder 35
Cream City Review , 1981 and 1984
Box 3 Folder 36
Cuelho, Art, 1976-1977
Box 3 Folder 37
D - Miscellaneous
Box 3 Folder 38
DeFrees, Madeline, 1983-1984
Box 3 Folder 39
Delhi-London Poetry Quarterly , 1987-1989
Box 3 Folder 40
Der Hovanessian, Diana, undated
Box 4 Folder 1
Dewar's Young Artists Recognition Awards, 1990
Box 4 Folder 2
Dorland, Ellen, 1980-1982
Box 4 Folder 3
Dream International Quarterly , 1984-1986
Box 4 Folder 4
Dreamworks , 1980-1983
Box 4 Folder 5
E - Miscellaneous
Box 4 Folder 6
Eaton, Charles Edward, 1983-1988
Box 4 Folder 7
Eaton, Evelyn, 1973-1975
Box 4 Folder 8
Eberhart, Richard, 1952-1984
Box 4 Folder 9
Elkind, Sue Saniel, 1985-1987
Box 4 Folder 10
Exxon Company, 1989
Box 4 Folder 11
F - Miscellaneous
Box 4 Folder 12
Farber, Norma, 1975 & 1980
Box 4 Folder 13
Faricy, Austin, 1978-1990
Box 4 Folder 14
Fassin, Gustave & Gretchen, 1963-1987
Box 4 Folder 15
Feldman, Ruth, 1984-1991
Box 4 Folder 16
Fitzsimmons, Thomas, 1986-1991
Box 4 Folder 17
Forum , 1966-1981
Box 4 Folder 18
G - Miscellaneous
Box 4 Folder 19
Garson, Sascha, 1972-1976
Box 4 Folder 20
Gibson, Morgan, 1986-1990
Box 4 Folder 21
Goodman, Ryah, 1975-1987
Box 4 Folder 22
The Greenfield Review , 1984-1987
Box 4 Folder 23
Guenther, Charles, 1982
Box 4 Folder 24
H - Miscellaneous
Box 4 Folder 25
Hadas, Rachel, 1985-1986
Box 4 Folder 26
Hamilton-Hovde, Jane, 1974-1986
Box 4 Folder 27
Harper & Row, Publishers, Inc., 1972-1982
Box 4 Folder 28
Harper's , 1983-1989
Box 4 Folder 29
Hellerstein, Kathryn, 1987
Box 4 Folder 30
Henig, Suzanne, 1980-1981
Box 4 Folder 31
Hicks, Tom, 1970-1971
Box 4 Folder 32
Holloway, Glenna, 1988
Box 4 Folder 33
Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1982-1984
Box 4 Folder 34
Houghton Mifflin Company, 1975 & 1986
Box 4 Folder 35
Hovde, Annis, 1970-1982
Box 4 Folder 36
Hutchins, Robert, 1970-1975
Box 4 Folder 37
Hutchinson, Mabel, 1953-1990
Box 5 Folder 1
I-J - Miscellaneous
Box 5 Folder 2
Icarus , 1974-1980
Box 5 Folder 3
Iddings, Kathleen, 1986-1989
Box 5 Folder 4
Ignatow, David, 1970-1982
Box 5 Folder 5
Imagine , 1984-1985
Box 5 Folder 6
Inez, Colette, 1985-1989
Box 5 Folder 7
International Women's Writing Guild, 1982-1992
Box 5 Folder 8
Interzone , 1984-1987
Box 5 Folder 9
Jacobsen, Josephine, 1973-1989
Box 5 Folder 10
K - Miscellaneous
Box 5 Folder 11
Kahn, Irving & wife, 1970-1975
Box 5 Folder 12
Kessler, Jascha, 1979-1992
Box 5 Folder 13
Kumin, Maxine, 1987-1990
Box 5 Folder 14
L - Miscellaneous
Box 5 Folder 15
Lazard, Naomi, 1986-1987
Box 5 Folder 16
Lengyel, Cornel, 1973-1991
Box 5 Folder 17
Library of Congress, 1972-1988
Box 5 Folder 18
Lima, Robert, 1986-1988
Box 5 Folder 19
Lin, Julia, 1986-1991
Box 5 Folder 20
Linthicum, John, 1984-1987
Box 5 Folder 21
Loo, Jeffrey, 1987-1990
Box 5 Folder 22
Los Angeles Times , 1981-1982
Box 5 Folder 23
Lovell, Linda, 1973-1974
Box 5 Folder 24
Lowenfels, Walter, 1967-1971
Box 5 Folder 25
Lundstrom, Lucy Jo, 1974-1990
Box 5 Folder 26
M - Miscellaneous
Box 5 Folder 27
The Madison Review , undated
Box 5 Folder 28
Mahapatra, Jayanta, 1971-1991
Box 5 Folder 29
The Malahat Review , 1971-1979
Box 5 Folder 30
Maloy, Miriam, 1973-1987
Box 5 Folder 31
Mayer, Elizabeth, 1987-1990
Box 5 Folder 32
McCall's , 1983-1985
Box 5 Folder 33
McCord, Howard, 1966-1976
Box 6 Folder 1
McDowell, Jennifer, 1977-1991
Box 6 Folder 2
McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1981-1984
Box 6 Folder 3
McLeod, Dan, 1981-1989
Box 6 Folder 4
Meinke, Peter, 1984-1989
Box 6 Folder 5
Mintz, Ruth Finer, ca. 1968-1981
Box 6 Folder 6
Moffitt, John, 1975-1986
Box 6 Folder 7
Monitor Book Company, 1980-1984
Box 6 Folder 8
Moore, Lenard, 1983-1990
Box 6 Folder 9
Moore, Marianne (photocopies), 1952-1963
Box 6 Folder 10
Moran, Sister Mary, 1974-1991
Box 6 Folder 11
N - Miscellaneous
Box 6 Folder 12
Nathan, Leonard, 1986-1989
Box 6 Folder 13
National Endowment for the Arts, 1969-1983
Box 6 Folder 14
National Forum , 1979-1985
Box 6 Folder 15
The National Institute of Arts and Letters, 1968-1976
Box 6 Folder 16
National League of American PEN Women, 1984-1991
Box 6 Folder 17
Nelson, Mildred, 1985-1992
Box 6 Folder 18
New Letters , 1978-1985
Box 6 Folder 19
New Mexico Humanities Review , 1978-1985
Box 6 Folder 20
Newsletter Inago , 1983-1984
Box 6 Folder 21
The New Yorker , 1969-1987
Box 6 Folder 22
O - Miscellaneous
Box 6 Folder 23
Orbis , 1986-1988
Box 6 Folder 24
Osaki, Mark, 1976-1986
Box 6 Folder 25
Osers, Ewald, 1985-1991
Box 6 Folder 26
P - Miscellaneous
Box 6 Folder 27
Panache , 1973-1981
Box 6 Folder 28
Pastan, Linda, 1987
Box 6 Folder 29
PEN American Center, 1984-1985
Box 6 Folder 30
PEN Syndicated Fiction Project, 1983-1987
Box 7 Folder 1
Perivale Press (Lawrence Springarn, ed.), 1973-1987
Box 7 Folder 2
Perspectives , 1974-1975
Box 7 Folder 3
Pindar, Georgine & George, 1975-1991
Box 7 Folder 4
Pivot , 1986-1988
Box 7 Folder 5
Pleasants, Ben, 1971-1977
Box 7 Folder 6
Poet Lore , 1976-1987
Box 7 Folder 7
Poetry Society of America, 1953-1989
Box 7 Folder 8
Poets & Writers, 1970-1976
Box 7 Folder 9
Poets' Newsletter , 1992
Box 7 Folder 10
Power, Marjorie, 1988
Box 7 Folder 11
Prism International , 1982-1987
Box 7 Folder 12
Prospice (Roger Elkin, ed.), 1986-1988
Box 7 Folder 13
Q - Miscellaneous
Box 7 Folder 14
Quarterly Review of Literature , 1987-1994
Box 7 Folder 15
Queen's Quarterly , 1982-1984
Box 7 Folder 16
R - Miscellaneous
Box 7 Folder 17
Rachel, Naomi, 1979-1981
Box 7 Folder 18
Ragdale Foundation, 1983
Box 7 Folder 19
Random House, Inc., 1956-1985
Box 7 Folder 20
Ray, David, 1984-1991
Box 7 Folder 21
Reader's Digest , 1980-1981
Box 7 Folder 22
Robbins, Martin, 1988
Box 7 Folder 23
Robson, Ernest, 1978-1981
Box 7 Folder 24-25
Rubin, Larry, 1961-1992
Box 7 Folder 26
S - Miscellaneous
Box 7 Folder 27
Sachs, Bred, 1981
Box 7 Folder 28
San Diego Public Library, 1979-1991
Box 7 Folder 29
San Diego State University, 1976-1989
Box 7 Folder 30
San Jose Public Library, 1986-1987
Box 8 Folder 1
Santa Barbara City College, 1965
Box 8 Folder 2
San Ysidro School District, 1987
Box 8 Folder 3
Schulman, Grace, 1984-1991
Box 8 Folder 4
Scrivener , 1984-1987
Box 8 Folder 5
Sellin, Eric, 1987-1991
Box 8 Folder 6
Skyline , 1989
Box 8 Folder 7
Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, 1983-1984
Box 8 Folder 8
Stafford, William, 1970-1990
Box 8 Folder 9
Stanford, Ann, 1975-1985
Box 8 Folder 10
Stone, Arlene, 1973-1991
Box 8 Folder 11
Stone Country (Judith Neeld, ed.), 1982-1989
Box 8 Folder 12
Stone Drum , 1987-1989
Box 8 Folder 13
Summers, Hollis, 1979-1984
Box 8 Folder 14
Swann, Brian, 1991
Box 8 Folder 15
T - Miscellaneous
Box 8 Folder 16
Tate, Allen, 1968-1972
Box 8 Folder 17
Taylor, Chuck, 1975-1988
Box 8 Folder 18
Thompson, Lin, 1984
Box 8 Folder 19
Tomasic, Irene, 1946-1949
Box 8 Folder 20
Tritica, John, 1983-1985
Box 8 Folder 21
Turco, Lewis, 1972-1987
Box 8 Folder 22
U - Miscellaneous
Box 8 Folder 23
Unicorn Press (Alan Brilliant, director; Ted Savory, ed.), 1977 & 1984
Box 8 Folder 24
University of Arizona Poetry Center, 1977-1985
Box 8 Folder 25
University of California, San Diego, 1977-1984
Box 8 Folder 26
University of Northern Iowa, 1973-1974
Box 8 Folder 27
University of Wyoming, 1979-1992
Box 8 Folder 28
V - Miscellaneous
Box 8 Folder 29
The Virginia Quarterly Review , 1975-1978
Box 8 Folder 30
W - Miscellaneous
Box 8 Folder 31
Wade, John Stevens, 1976-1981
Box 8 Folder 32
Watts, Anthony, 1987-1988
Box 8 Folder 33
Webb, Louise, 1969-1971
Box 8 Folder 34
Whitebird, Joanie, 1987-1988
Box 8 Folder 35
Whitman, Ruth, 1983-1991
Box 8 Folder 36
Wind , 1974-1994
Box 8 Folder 37
Windfall Press (Paul Pross, ed.) - Letters to and about, 1969-1971
Box 8 Folder 38
Witt, Harold, 1978-1988
Box 8 Folder 39
Wolfe, Don, 1964-1976
Box 8 Folder 40
Woods, Christopher, 1987
Box 9 Folder 1
X-Z - Miscellaneous
Box 9 Folder 2
Yaddo, 1973-1991
Box 9 Folder 3
Zdanys, Jonas, 1987-1989
Box 9 Folder 4
Zenith, Richard, 1987-1991
Box 9 Folder 5
Unidentified correspondents
Box 9 Folder 6
Correspondence re. portrait of Joanna d'Aragon, 1979
Box 9 Folder 7
Letters from students, 1962-1979


Scope and Content of Series

SERIES 3) WRITINGS: Comprised of typescript and manuscript poetry and writings, both completed work and unfinished fragments. The series is arranged in two subseries: A) Files By Title and B) Files By Subject.

A) The Files by Title subseries includes handwritten and typescript drafts of poetry, prose, articles and play scripts of both published and unpublished work. The bulk of this subseries includes book manuscripts, prose, and collected poetry; single poems, shorter works, and unfinished pieces are generally found in the Files by Subject subseries. Included in this subseries are materials for several published books of poetry including Address in Time, Around the Clock, Candles, Dialogue of Dust, Memory is No Stranger, and A Zodiac of Poems. The subseries is arranged alphabetically by the title of the work.

B) The Files by Subject subseries contains articles, essays, notebooks, short stories, clippings, tear sheets, and typescript copies of both published and unpublished poetry. Also included are two disbound scrapbooks with clippings and a series of tear sheets of published work. The folders are arranged alphabetically by folder title and in most cases retain the original folder titles given by Bartlett. Be aware that the folder list reflects only the first and last folder in each box; additional subject folders exist but are not listed.

Files By Title

Box 9 Folder 8-14
A - Ar
Box 10 Folder 1-13
Ar - Ch
Box 11 Folder 1-10
Ci - D
Box 12 Folder 1-11 Oversize FB-520-02-03
G - P

Oversize folders contain materials for Memory is No Stranger.

Box 13 Folder 1-10
P - T
Box 14 Folder 1-4
W - Z

Files By Subject

Box 14 Folder 5-10
Articles for the Baja Times -- Ideas for poems, note and fragments
Box 15 Folder 1-9
Illustrated poems, for children's book -- Notebook
Box 16 Folder 1-12 Oversize FB-520-04
Notebook -- Short stories, early work

Oversize folder contains poems written by Bartlett and set to music by various composers.

Box 17 Folder 1-9
Unpublished poetry -- Scrapbook of poetry
Box 18 Folder 1-6
Scrapbook of poetry -- Tear sheets, 1951-1975
Box 19 Folder 1-5
Tear sheets, 1975-1985, 1975-1985
Box 20 Folder 1-2
Tear sheets, 1986-1994


Scope and Content of Series

SERIES 4) EDITING: Contains correspondence and poetry submissions related to Bartlett's work as a poetry editor for ETC: A Review of General Semantics and Crosscurrents. Also included are materials related to the Literary Olympics and the publication of Literary Olympians 1984, Literary Olympians II and Literary Olympians 1992: An International Anthology. The Literary Olympics project began as a special issue of Crosscurrents, so there is some overlap between the two file groups.

Box 20 Folder 3-4
ETC: A Review of General Semantics , ca. 1969-1977
Box 20 Folder 5
Box 21 Folder 1-8
Crosscurrents , 1983-1985
Box 22 Folder 1-8
Crosscurrents , 1985-1988
Box 22 Folder 9-10
Crosscurrents / Literary Olympics
Box 23 Folder 1-11
Literary Olympics, ca. 1982-1992
Box 24 Folder 1-7
Literary Olympics, ca. 1990-1992
Box 25 Folder 1-9
Literary Olympians, 1984 -- Literary Olympians 1992: An International Anthology
Box 26 Folder 1-9
Literary Olympians 1992: An International Anthology
Box 27 Folder 1-2
Literary Olympians 1992: An International Anthology
Box 27 Folder 3
Miscellaneous writing of others, edited by Bartlett


Scope and Content of Series

SERIES 5) OTHER PROJECTS: Includes materials separate from, but often related to, Bartlett's writing. The series contains conference materials, grant applications, teaching materials, poetry translations, and papers regarding a 12-tone poetry contest sponsored by Bartlett. The series also contains Bartlett's paintings, drawings and sketches, and a series of illustrated poems.


Box 27 Folder 4
Book cover mock-ups
Box 27 Folder 5 Oversize FB-520-05
Illustrated poetry
Box 27 Folder 6-8 Oversize FB-520-06
Miscellaneous drawings by Bartlett
Box 28 Folder 9 Oversize FB-520-07
Miscellaneous drawings (removed from an album)
Box 27 Folder 10-11
Titled drawings, I - XII
Box 28 Folder 1
Album of work
Box 28 Folder 2
Slides of work
Box 28 Folder 3
Sketchbooks (2)
Box 28 Folder 4
Exhibit announcements & information


Box 28 Folder 5
Associated Writings Programs Annual Meeting, 1983
Box 28 Folder 6
52nd Seoul International PEN Congress, 1988
Box 28 Folder 7
54th International PEN Congress in Canada, 1989
Box 28 Folder 8
57th World Congress of the International PEN, 1992
Box 28 Folder 9
Consulting - Book publishing for Irma Rooney, 1991
Box 28 Folder 10
Grants & fellowships, 1983-1990
Box 28 Folder 11
Poetry contest - 12 tone poems, 1982-1992
Box 29 Folder 1
Publishing - Autograph Editions, 1976-1979
Box 29 Folder 2
Teaching materials, 1963-1981


Box 29 Folder 3-4
Desierta Compañí, by Griselda Alvarez
Box 29 Folder 5
Dos Cantos, by Griselda Alvarez
Box 29 Folder 6
Miscellaneous poems by Griselda Alvarez
Box 29 Folder 7
Notes for German translation


Scope and Content of Series

SERIES 6) AUDIO RECORDINGS: Comprised of recordings - both reel-to-reel and cassette - of Bartlett reading her work. One recording also includes the poets Stanley Cooperman, George Abbe, and Earle Birney reading with Bartlett. Descriptions of the recordings were taken from labels written by Bartlett and have not been verified. Reel-to-reel recordings are restricted.


Box 30 Folder 1
Poetry reading by E. Bartlett, 1961

Digital version available upon request.

Restrictions Apply

Box 30 Folder 2
Elizabeth Bartlett, recording of her poems, 1961

Restrictions Apply

Box 30 Folder 3
Two Voices - Poetry by E. Bartlett, 1961

Restrictions Apply

Box 30 Folder 4
Dialogue of Dust , 1975

Restrictions Apply

Box 30 Folder 5
The Early Poems, undated

Digital version available upon request.

Restrictions Apply

Box 30 Folder 6
Poetry reading - From It Takes Practice Not to Die , undated

Digital version available upon request.

Restrictions Apply

Box 30 Folder 7
Readings by the Canusa Poets - Stanley Cooperman, Elizabeth Bartlett, George Abbe, and Earle Birney, undated

Restrictions Apply

Box 30 Folder 8-11
Unlabeled tapes (4), undated

Restrictions Apply


Box 30 Folder 12
Candles and The Gemini poems, read by Bartlett, undated
Box 30 Folder 13
Heresy in Steel or The City
Box 30 Folder 14
Heresy in Steel, 1981
Box 30 Folder 15
A Miscellany from Poems of Yes and No


Scope and Content of Series

SERIES 7) WORK OF OTHERS: Contains artwork and writings by others, including Bartlett's husband Paul Alexander Bartlett. The series contains several pen and ink drawings by artist Mabel Hutchins, done to illustrate Bartlett's poetry, as well as two portraits of Bartlett by Leon Haskins and Louise Manley Steele.

Bartlett, Paul

Box 29 Folder 8
Box 29 Folder 9
Poetry & prose
Box 29 Folder 10
Brilliant, Alan - Poetry, 1961-1964
Box 29 Folder 11
Haskins, Leon - Portrait of Elizabeth Bartlett, 1973
Box 29 Folder 12
Hutchins, Mabel - Illustrations for Bartlett's poetry
Box 29 Folder 13
Steele, Louise Manley - Portrait of Elizabeth Bartlett, 1975