The Visual Front: Posters of the Spanish Civil War from UCSD's Southworth Collection


Visual Index (Entire Poster Collection)


Chronology of the War


Lists of References

Afterword: Herbert R. Southworth Collection



Camperols, escolteu les emissions radiades de la Conselleria d'Agricultura cada dimarts i divendres a les 7 i 1/2 del vespre

[Farmers, listen to the radio programs broadcast by the ministry of Agriculture every Tuesday and Friday at 7:30 p.m.]. . Sindicat de Dibuxants Professionals, U.G.T. Poster 4 colors; 100 x 70 cm

This poster is an advertisement of the Republican Ministry of Agriculture's radio programs. In the image, a farmer gestures toward a radio encouraging two other farmers to listen.

During the war, radios served several important functions. First, it served as a main means of communication with the civilian population. A contemporary observer describes Spaniards listening intently to their radios waiting for news of the rebel approach on Madrid: "Thousands upon thousands of bodies sat tensely [by the radio] in eager anticipation. In the sky and on earth there was a cosmic silence." Second, the radio served as a means of communicating the propaganda of the Republican and Nationalist governments to promote solidarity and hope as well as animate the population for battle. In other cases, government operatives used radio to communicate with citizens on the opposing side and to transmit or intercept secret orders. Military leaders even broadcast false information to trick their opponents.

In this image, the radio is functioning as a source of information about agriculture. In the regions of Aragon and Cataluña, state-controlled collective agricultural operations were not uncommon especially in the early months of the war. Collectivization, in some cases, afforded the opportunity to upgrade agricultural technologies and techniques. The use of the radio may have been simultaneously a means to communicate this information and an icon of the introduction of technology into farm life.

Like poster 72, the Sindicat de Dibuxants Professionals (Syndicate of Professional Draftsmen) produced this poster. The artist remains anonymous.

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