Canones sicut breuissimi, ita etiam doctissimi, complectentes praecepta & obseruationes de mutatione aurae


Johannes Werner
Title PagePage A2Pages C2 Verso & C3

This edition of the "guidelines that explain the principles and observations of the changes in the atmosphere" is the earliest printed collection of meteorological observations.

This work includes Werner's notes for 1513-1520, altogether over one hundred observations, each one being accurately dated. he reported, for example that the winter of 1513-1514 was one of the severest in historical times, and that traffic could safely pass over the Rhine and Danube. he investigated the sudden weather changes, winds, and snowfalls. Although Werner did not collect the data systematically, he attempted to incorporate meteorology into physics and to take into consideration the geographical situation of the observed site. Thus he may be regarded as a poineer of modern meteorology and weather forecasting.