Hans Suess Papers, 1875 - 1991 (bulk 1955-1991) (MSS 199)

Extent: 29 Linear feet (69 archives boxes, 3 oversize folders)

Papers of Hans Suess, an Austrian-born geochemist who pioneered radiocarbon dating techniques and was a founding faculty member of the University of California, San Diego. His papers span the years 1875-1991 and contain grant proposals, conference materials, subject files, photographs, and writings by Suess and others. The collection also contains correspondence with prominent scientists and UC San Diego faculty. Many of the correspondence files and the writings by Suess are in German.

Hans Eduard Suess was born in Vienna, Austria, in 1909. He was the son of Franz E. Suess, former professor of geology at the University of Vienna, and Olga Frenzl Suess. His grandfather was Eduard Suess, who wrote The Face of the Earth, an early work in geochemistry.

Suess studied chemistry and physics at the University of Vienna where he received a Ph.D. in chemistry in 1935. He conducted postgraduate research at the Institute of Chemical Technology in Zurich and the First Chemical University Laboratory in Vienna. In 1938, Suess accepted a position at the University of Hamburg. As assistant professor at the Institute for Physical Chemistry in Hamburg, Suess conducted experiments involving the technical production of deuterium. During World War II, he belonged to the group of German scientists assigned to explore the possibilities for utilizing atomic energy. Suess also served as scientific advisor to the heavy water plant in Vemork, Norway, which was destroyed by Allied bombs in 1943. During the war years, Suess became interested in theories of the origins of the elements, and in 1948 and 1949 he worked with Hans Jensen on the nuclear shell model. Suess was co-author with Jensen on a seminal paper on the nuclear shell model. Jensen was later awarded a Nobel Prize for his participation in the development of this model.

In 1949 Suess received an invitation from Professor Harrison Brown to visit the Institute for Nuclear Studies at the University of Chicago as a research fellow. Suess immigrated to the U.S. in 1950 and spent 18 months in Chicago conducting research in Harold Urey's laboratory. Suess worked as a physical chemist for the U.S. Geological Survey from 1951 to 1955. In 1955, Suess accepted an offer from Roger Revelle to join the Scripps Institution of Oceanography. In 1956, Suess established the La Jolla Radiocarbon Laboratory. The findings of this laboratory, which utilized innovative carbon-14 measurements, included important contributions to many fields of modern science.

Suess was one of the first four professors appointed to the faculty of the University of California, San Diego, upon its inception. He served as professor of geochemistry from 1958 to 1977. His courses included cosmochemistry and radiochemistry. Suess' research has focused on the distribution of carbon-14 and tritium in the oceans, the abundances of the elements, and other problems of cosmochemistry. In 1977, Suess was named professor emeritus by the University of California. While at UC San Diego, Suess also acted as consultant to the International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna.

Among his accomplishments as an experimental scientist, Suess was responsible for developing and improving radiocarbon dating. In addition, he has contributed to solving problems concerning the origin and synthesis of the elements and the evolution of the solar system. One of Suess' major contributions is work that led to the development of the shell model of the atomic nucleus.

Suess was awarded a Guggenheim Fellowship in 1965, the V.M. Goldschmidt Medal in 1974, and the Leonard Medal of the International Meteoritical Society in 1977. He has served many guest professorships at European universities and is a member of several scientific academies, including the National Academy of Science. His bibliography is extensive and notable for its documentation of the development of the carbon-14 dating process.

The Hans Suess Papers document the career and achievements of a renowned geochemist. The materials in the collection date from 1875 through 1991. The nineteenth century papers pertain to Suess' father, Franz Eduard Suess, professor of geology at the University of Vienna. The majority of the papers date from 1955 through 1991, when Suess was professor and professor emeritus of geochemistry at Scripps Institution of Oceanography and the University of California, San Diego. The papers contain extensive correspondence with international scientists and include a comprehensive collection of Suess' writings, both published and in manuscript form. The collection provides documentation of Suess' activities at UC San Diego and in international scientific organizations. Also present in the collection are materials pertaining to Suess' activities at the University of Hamburg during World War II. Photographs include images of Hans Suess, his family, and other scientists; and of planets, comets, and meteorites.

Accession processed in 1993


Accession processed in 2011


Container List

Accession Processed in 1993


Scope and Content of Series

Series 1) BIOGRAPHICAL MATERIALS: Biographical documents for Hans Suess and genealogical charts of the Suess family. The Biographical Statements file contains Suess' description of his wartime activities involving deuterium and the heavy water plant at Vemork, Norway. Many of the statements are written by Suess and provide insight into his own perception of his life and achievements. Additional biographical information can be found in the correspondence files of Christabelle Bielenberg and Marc Walker. See also Series 7, AWARDS, and Series 13, BIOGRAPHICAL MATERIALS.

Box 1 Folder 1
Biographical data forms
Box 1 Folder 2
Biographical statements
Box 1 Folder 3
Certificates of birth, residence, etc. of Suess family
Box 1 Folder 4
Curricula vitae
Box 1 Folder 5
Family documents
Box 1 Folder 6
Genealogical charts of Suess family and other family information
Box 1 Folder 7
List of conferences attended and presentations
Box 1 Folder 8
List of publications
Box 1 Folder 9
Newspaper articles and press about Suess
Box 1 Folder 10
Professional dossier
Box 1 Folder 11
University of California biography forms


Scope and Content of Series

Series 2) CORRESPONDENCE. Arranged in two subseries: A) General and B) Collected.

A) General: General correspondence contains letters between Suess and several prominent scientists of the twentieth century, as well as faculty members who helped establish the UC San Diego campus. Details about the history of UC San Diego can be gleaned from the correspondence files of several faculty members. Additional correspondence can be found in Series 14. Correspondence regarding writings or grants and proposals can be found in their respective series.

Correspondence files are arranged alphabetically by surname of correspondent. Correspondence for individuals represented by fewer than three items is filed alphabetically in miscellaneous files for each letter of the alphabet. Prominent correspondents include Gustaf Arrhenius, Harrison Brown, Jomar Brun, Werner Heisenberg, Hans Jensen, Joseph Mayer, Maria Goeppert Mayer, Roger Revelle, William Nierenberg, Linus Pauling, Carl Sagan, Mrs. Morton Sobell, Leo Szilard, and Harold Urey.

The Arrhenius correspondence dates from Suess' early years at Scripps and involves exchange of scientific data. Correspondence with Harrison Brown relates to Brown's invitation to Suess to visit the University of Chicago as a research fellow. Suess' immigration difficulties are discussed, and Brown states that Suess must verify that his activities in Germany during World War II were not considered for prosecution at the Nuremberg trials. The Jomar Brun letters contain a discussion of secret war operations and Brun's role in heavy water production.

The Werner Heisenberg correspondence is in German and includes wartime letters that discuss the social responsibility of German scientists under the National Socialist regime. The majority of the correspondence with Hans Jensen is in German and contains many exchanges of scientific data and information. The file contains a letter from Jensen to Roger Revelle (in German) describing Maria Mayer's contribution to the development of the nuclear shell model. Included is correspondence regarding Jensen's proposed UC San Diego faculty appointment, which was precluded by Jensen's death. The Jensen file documents his long friendship with Suess and includes a few items of ephemera.

Correspondence with Maria Mayer dates from 1950 to 1959 and includes subjects related to the University of Chicago and UC San Diego. The file contains a letter from Suess to Roger Revelle recommending that Dr. Mayer be appointed to the UC San Diego faculty. The William Nierenberg file includes a discussion of the nature of Suess' faculty appointment at Scripps Institution of Oceanography. Correspondence with Linus Pauling involves nuclear structure and magic number theory.

The Roger Revelle correspondence dates from 1955 to 1986 and pertains to administrative and scientific matters, including the interchange of carbon dioxide between the atmosphere and the ocean. The Carl Sagan file contains a small amount of friendly interchange of scientific information. Correspondence with Mrs. Sobell includes a request for assistance in obtaining clemency for her husband, Morton Sobell. Suess' response indicates that, unlike his colleague Harold Urey, he declined to help the Sobells. The Harold Urey correspondence documents the collaborative work performed by Urey and Suess, including their book on the abundance of the elements. A discussion, dated 1966, on the state of UC San Diego's architecture may be of interest to UC San Diego historians.

B) Collected Correspondence: The UC San Diego Department of Chemistry chronological files provide a day-to-day record of the activities of Suess' office for the years 1960-1979. The Correspondence Regarding Research Projects During World War II is in German and consists of photostats and typed carbon copies. These letters pertain to scientific research projects conducted at the University of Hamburg during the years 1942-1944. The information is technical and administrative and reflects the coordination of activities between the University, industrial firms, and the German government. While no substantive information about the war is contained in these letters, several pieces are notable for the wartime convention of using the closing expression "Heil Hitler."


Box 1 Folder 12
Ableson, Philip H., 1968 - 1975
Box 1 Folder 13
Academic Press Incorporated, 1955 - 1981
Box 1 Folder 14
Adamovska, Dagmar, 1967
Box 1 Folder 15
Aegerter, Simon, 1963 - 1981
Box 1 Folder 16
Agogino, George, 1958 - 1959
Box 1 Folder 17
Aitken, Martin, 1967 - 1976
Box 1 Folder 18
Aldrich, L. Thomas, 1963
Box 1 Folder 19
Aller, Lawrence H., 1956 - 1964
Box 1 Folder 20
Allibone, T.E., 1969 - 1970
Box 1 Folder 21
American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 1972 - 1986
Box 1 Folder 22
American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1966 - 1984
Box 1 Folder 23
American Chemical Society, 1970 - 1985
Box 2 Folder 1
American Geophysical Union, 1955 - 1988
Box 2 Folder 2
American Institute of Chemists, 1969 - 1970
Box 2 Folder 3
American Institute of Physics, 1968 - 1973
Box 2 Folder 4
American Meteoritical Society, 1964 - 1970
Box 2 Folder 5
American Quaternary Association, 1972 - 1976
Box 2 Folder 6
Ammerman, Albert J., 1972
Box 2 Folder 7
Anders, Edward, 1954 - 1982
Box 2 Folder 8
Anderson, Ernest C., 1957 - 1977
Box 2 Folder 9
Anderson, Maurice C., 1963 - 1965
Box 2 Folder 10
Anderson, Roger, 1966
Box 2 Folder 11
Andrews, Wyllys, 1960 - 1970
Box 2 Folder 12
Annual Review of Nuclear Science , 1968
Box 2 Folder 13
Annual Reviews Incorporated, 1957 - 1973
Box 2 Folder 14
Antioch College, 1962 - 1964
Box 2 Folder 15
Aranow, R. H., 1973 - 1976
Box 2 Folder 16
Arizona State University Center for Meteorite Studies, 1966 - 1973
Box 2 Folder 17
Arnold, James R., 1955 - 1981
Box 2 Folder 18
Arrhenius, Gustaf, 1954 - 1986
Box 2 Folder 19
Asimov, Isaac, 1989
Box 2 Folder 20
Aumann, Dieter C., 1965
Box 2 Folder 21
Australian Consulate-General, 1976
Box 2 Folder 22
Australian Science Education Project, 1972
Box 2 Folder 23
A - Miscellaneous
Box 2 Folder 24
Bada, Josef, 1973
Box 2 Folder 25
Bainbridge, Arnold, 1957 - 1965
Box 3 Folder 1
Baity, Elizabeth C., 1973 - 1985
Box 3 Folder 2
Bannister, Bryant, 1973 - 1977
Box 3 Folder 3
Barnes, Virgil E., 1953
Box 3 Folder 4
Barth, Charles A., 1959
Box 3 Folder 5
Bates, David R., 1970
Box 3 Folder 6
Baxter, Murdoch S., 1969 - 1986
Box 3 Folder 7
Bazil, Rudoff, 1965 - 1975
Box 3 Folder 8-10
Becker, Bernd, 1970 - 1982
Box 3 Folder 11
Begemann, Friedrich, 1958 - 1988
Box 3 Folder 12
Bell, Barbara, 1969
Box 3 Folder 13
Benson, Bruce B., 1959 - 1965
Box 3 Folder 14
Berger, Rainer, 1967 - 1980
Box 3 Folder 15
Berkner, Lloyd V., 1965 - 1967
Box 4 Folder 1
Bielenberg, Christabelle, 1987
Box 4 Folder 2
Bieliauskas, Diana B., 1980
Box 4 Folder 3
Bien, George S., 1956 - 1972
Box 4 Folder 4
Biermann, Ludwig, 1966 - 1974
Box 4 Folder 5
Bild Der Wissenschaft , 1967 - 1969
Box 4 Folder 6
Bird, Junius B., 1976 - 1977
Box 4 Folder 7
Black, Robert F., 1961 - 1976
Box 4 Folder 8
Blackie and Son Limited, 1983 - 1984
Box 4 Folder 9
Blander, Milton, 1966
Box 4 Folder 10
Boeckl, Richard, 1969 - 1972
Box 4 Folder 11
Boggild, J.K., 1958
Box 4 Folder 12
Bolin, Bert, 1959 - 1979
Box 4 Folder 13
Booth, Carolyn L., 1969 - 1975
Box 4 Folder 14
Borkin, Joseph, 1971
Box 4 Folder 15
Boschke, Friederich, 1956 - 1981
Box 4 Folder 16
Bowman, Sheridan, 1989
Box 4 Folder 17
Boyce, Joseph M., 1984 - 1987
Box 4 Folder 18
Boyd, Clare, 1970 - 1972
Box 4 Folder 19
Braidwood, Robert, 1968
Box 4 Folder 20
Bray, J. Roger, 1966 - 1969
Box 4 Folder 21
Brett, Robin, 1980 - 1983
Box 4 Folder 22
Briggs, Michael H., 1962
Box 4 Folder 23
Brin, David, 1979 - 1981
Box 4 Folder 24
Broadwell, Teresa, 1972
Box 4 Folder 25
Broda, Engelbert, 1969 - 1978
Box 4 Folder 26
Broecker, Wallace, 1958 - 1989
Box 4 Folder 27
Brookhaven National Laboratory, 1965 - 1974
Box 4 Folder 28
Brown, Harrison, 1949 - 1969
Box 4 Folder 29
Brun, Jomar, 1950 - 1987
Box 4 Folder 30
Bruns, Michael, 1975 - 1980
Box 4 Folder 31
Brush, Stephen G., 1988
Box 4 Folder 32
Bryson, Robert P., 1968 - 1975
Box 4 Folder 33
Buccellati, Giorgio, 1975 - 1983
Box 4 Folder 34-35
Bucha, Vaclav, 1968 - 1973
Box 5 Folder 1
Bullard, Edward C., 1965 - 1980
Box 5 Folder 2
Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists , 1959 - 1968
Box 5 Folder 3
Bullinger, Leonore, 1961 - 1962
Box 5 Folder 4
Burgerstein, Lothar, 1950 - 1956
Box 5 Folder 5
Burleigh, Richard, 1966 - 1985
Box 5 Folder 6
Burton, J. Dennis, 1974 - 1975
Box 5 Folder 7
Buttlar, Hans, 1957 - 1969
Box 5 Folder 8-9
B - Miscellaneous
Box 5 Folder 10
Cadle, Richard D., 1966 - 1967
Box 5 Folder 11
Cain, William, 1974
Box 5 Folder 12-13
California Institute of Technology and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, 1956 - 1983
Box 5 Folder 14
California Space Institute, 1981 - 1983
Box 5 Folder 15
Cameron, A.G.W., 1962 - 1973
Box 5 Folder 16
Capel-Boute, C., 1968 - 1985
Box 5 Folder 17
Carmon, B., 1966 - 1979
Box 5 Folder 18
Carnegie Institute of Washington, 1969 - 1977
Box 5 Folder 19
Carter, George F., 1955 - 1959
Box 5 Folder 20
Case, Humphrey J., 1967
Box 5 Folder 21
Castagnoli, Giuliana, 1985 - 1986
Box 5 Folder 22
Center for Astrophysics and Space Sciences, 1979 - 1981
Box 5 Folder 23
Chamberlain, Joseph W., 1975 - 1988
Box 5 Folder 24
Chandrasekhar, S., 1962 - 1968
Box 5 Folder 25
Chatters, R.M., 1963 - 1976
Box 5 Folder 26
Chau, Edward T.C., 1967
Box 5 Folder 27
Chevron Oil Field Research Company, 1977 - 1981
Box 5 Folder 28
Chillcott, Sylvia, 1962 - 1975
Box 5 Folder 29
Clark, R. Malcolm, 1975 - 1981
Box 5 Folder 30
Clementson, S.P., 1971
Box 6 Folder 1
Clube, S. Victor M., 1979 - 1985
Box 6 Folder 2
Clute, Walker, 1957 - 1958
Box 6 Folder 3
Cohen, Alvin J., 1963
Box 6 Folder 4
Cohen, Steven Jay, 1976
Box 6 Folder 5
Coleman, Denis D., 1974 - 1976
Box 6 Folder 6
Collison, David, 1971
Box 6 Folder 7
Conrad, Herbert M., 1957 - 1958
Box 6 Folder 8
Corning Museum of Glass, 1969 - 1973
Box 6 Folder 9
Correns, Carl W., 1950 - 1964
Box 6 Folder 10
Corrigan, Donald J., 1969 - 1970
Box 6 Folder 11
Coryell, Charles D., 1956 - 1968
Box 6 Folder 12
Cosslett, Ellis, 1963 - 1970
Box 6 Folder 13
Craig, Harmon, 1958 - 1963
Box 6 Folder 14
Creer, Ken M., 1985
Box 6 Folder 15
Current Anthropology , 1966 - 1972
Box 6 Folder 16
Currie, Lloyd A., 1976 - 1981
Box 6 Folder 17
Czihak, G., 1980
Box 6 Folder 18
C - Miscellaneous
Box 6 Folder 19
Dale, John M., 1962
Box 6 Folder 20
Damon, Paul E., 1953 - 1989
Box 6 Folder 21
Daniel, Glyn, 1969 - 1976
Box 6 Folder 22
David, A. Rosalie, 1978 - 1980
Box 6 Folder 23
David, Erwin, 1967
Box 6 Folder 24
Davies, Richard W., 1963 - 1965
Box 6 Folder 25
DeGeer, E.H., 1955
Box 6 Folder 26
DeMaret, Pierre, 1974
Box 6 Folder 27
Deevey, Edward S., 1958 - 1972
Box 6 Folder 28
Degens, Egon T., 1968 - 1982
Box 6 Folder 29
Delsemme, A.H., 1976
Box 6 Folder 30
Dergachev, V.A., 1977
Box 6 Folder 31
DeSilva, Leonor N., 1961
Box 6 Folder 32
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, 1988
Box 6 Folder 33
Diamond, George P., 1970
Box 6 Folder 34
Dingle, A. Nelson, 1966 - 1967
Box 6 Folder 35
Diop, Cheikh Anta, 1972 - 1973
Box 6 Folder 36
Divis, Alan F., 1963 - 1968
Box 6 Folder 37
Dockins, Karen, 1962 - 1967
Box 6 Folder 38
Donath, Fred A., 1975
Box 7 Folder 1
Doring, Herbert, 1950 - 1985
Box 7 Folder 2
Douglas, Howard H., 1970
Box 7 Folder 3
Dow Chemical Company, 1965
Box 7 Folder 4
Downs, Theodore, 1958 - 1960
Box 7 Folder 5
Drais, John H., 1964
Box 7 Folder 6
Druffel, Ellen, 1975 - 1988
Box 7 Folder 7
DuFresne, Eugene R., 1963
Box 7 Folder 8
Dubin, Maurice, 1961
Box 7 Folder 9
Duursma, Egbert, 1971
Box 7 Folder 10
Dzarnoski, John E., 1976
Box 7 Folder 11
D - Miscellaneous
Box 7 Folder 12
Eckart, Carl, 1968 - 1970
Box 7 Folder 13
Eddy, John A., 1978
Box 7 Folder 14
El Wardani, Sayed A., 1957
Box 7 Folder 15
Elsevier Science Publishers, 1984 - 1986
Box 7 Folder 16
Emery, K.O., 1955 - 1956
Box 7 Folder 17
Emiliani, Cesare, 1955 - 1985
Box 7 Folder 18
Encyclopedia Britannica , 1958 - 1967
Box 7 Folder 19
Endeavor Publications, 1972 - 1980
Box 7 Folder 20
Energy Research and Development Administration, 1977
Box 7 Folder 21
Engelhardt, Wolf, 1961 - 1965
Box 7 Folder 22
Ertel, S., 1982 - 1985
Box 7 Folder 23
Eton College, 1965 - 1967
Box 7 Folder 24
European Science Foundation, 1981
Box 7 Folder 25
Evans, George C., 1963 - 1978
Box 7 Folder 26
E - Miscellaneous
Box 7 Folder 27
Fabian, Peter, 1968
Box 7 Folder 28
Fairbridge, Rhodes, 1957 - 1986
Box 7 Folder 29
Fan, Charles Y., 1971 - 1977
Box 7 Folder 30
Fechtig, Hugo, 1963 - 1984
Box 7 Folder 31
Felthouse, Marie, 1982
Box 8 Folder 1
Ferguson, Charles Wesley, 1960 - 1983
Box 8 Folder 2
Filby, Royston, 1961
Box 8 Folder 3
Filthuth, Heinz, 1973
Box 8 Folder 4
Fischer, Franz, 1969
Box 8 Folder 5
Fisher, David E., 1967
Box 8 Folder 6
Fleckenstein, Karen, 1985 - 1986
Box 8 Folder 7
Fleischmann, R., 1951
Box 8 Folder 8
Fletcher, John M., 1964 - 1969
Box 8 Folder 9
Flexor, Jean-Marie, 1975
Box 8 Folder 10
Fliegel, Henry F., 1979 - 1980
Box 8 Folder 11
Folinsbee, Robert E,, 1960 - 1963
Box 8 Folder 12
Foote Mineral Company, 1957 - 1958
Box 8 Folder 13
Forcey, Robert M., 1968 - 1970
Box 8 Folder 14
Fossey, John M., 1975 - 1976
Box 8 Folder 15
Fowler, William, 1956 - 1983
Box 8 Folder 16
Fredriksson, Kurt, 1969 - 1970
Box 8 Folder 17
French, Bevan N., 1974 - 1983
Box 8 Folder 18
Frenzel, Burkhard, 1970 - 1977
Box 8 Folder 19
Freundlich, Jurgen, 1965 - 1976
Box 8 Folder 20
Friedman, Irving, 1960 - 1962
Box 8 Folder 21
Furcron, A.S., 1963
Box 8 Folder 22
F - Miscellaneous
Box 8 Folder 23
Gamow, George, 1969 - 1974
Box 8 Folder 24
Gasche, Edith, 1950 - 1969
Box 8 Folder 25
Gasche, Jurg, 1978 - 1983
Box 8 Folder 26
Gault, Donald E., 1974
Box 8 Folder 27
Geiss, Johannes, 1963 - 1984
Box 8 Folder 28
General Atomic Company, 1980
Box 8 Folder 29
General Motor Cancer Research Foundation, 1978 - 1979
Box 8 Folder 30
Gentner, Wolfgang, 1955 - 1980
Box 8 Folder 31
Geochemical Ocean Sections Program, 1969
Box 8 Folder 32
Geochemical Society, 1974
Box 8 Folder 33
Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta , 1969 - 1975
Box 8 Folder 34
Geyh, Mebus A., 1965 - 1982
Box 8 Folder 35
Giertz, Veronika, 1968 - 1977
Box 8 Folder 36
Gill, Edmund D., 1957 - 1958
Box 9 Folder 1
Gimbutas, Marija, 1969 - 1985
Box 9 Folder 2
Gleissberg, Wolfgang, 1971 - 1977
Box 9 Folder 3
Gmelin Institute, 1965
Box 9 Folder 4
Goel, Parmatma S., 1961 - 1962
Box 9 Folder 5
Gold, Thomas, 1979
Box 9 Folder 6
Goldberg, Edward D., 1956 - 1984
Box 9 Folder 7
Goldstein, Mark, 1974
Box 9 Folder 8
Goles, Gordon, 1961 - 1970
Box 9 Folder 9
Gonzales, Nancie L., 1976 - 1977
Box 9 Folder 10
Goodchild, Peter, 1987
Box 9 Folder 11
Goodman, Murray, 1976 - 1981
Box 9 Folder 12
Goody, Richard M., 1975
Box 9 Folder 13
Gordon, Robert L., Jr., 1969 - 1971
Box 9 Folder 14
Gove, Harry E., 1977 - 1978
Box 9 Folder 15
Graham, Elizabeth, 1976
Box 9 Folder 16
Greenland, Paul, 1964 - 1966
Box 9 Folder 17
Griffin, Sheila, 1969 - 1981
Box 9 Folder 18
Gross, Gerardo Wolfgang, 1973 - 1974
Box 9 Folder 19
Gross, Philip, 1950 - 1974
Box 9 Folder 20
Groth, Wilhelm, 1950 - 1976
Box 9 Folder 21
Guggenheim Memorial Foundation, 1964 - 1975
Box 9 Folder 22
Guinn, Vincent P., 1977 - 1980
Box 9 Folder 23
G - Miscellaneous
Box 9 Folder 24
Haber, Heinz, 1967 - 1968
Box 9 Folder 25
Haber, Sigrid, 1984 - 1987
Box 9 Folder 26
Hahn, Otto, 1959
Box 9 Folder 27
Haidemonakis, E.D., 1970
Box 9 Folder 28
Hall, Edmond, 1971
Box 9 Folder 29
Hall, Warren A., 1964 - 1965
Box 9 Folder 30
Hammond, Norman, 1976 - 1979
Box 9 Folder 31
Hanle, Hellmut, 1979 - 1985
Box 9 Folder 32
Harbottle, Garman, 1968 - 1986
Box 9 Folder 33
Harrison, William, 1958 - 1959
Box 9 Folder 34
Harteck, Paul, 1950 - 1979
Box 10 Folder 1
Harvey, Danny, 1980 - 1981
Box 10 Folder 2
Hashimoto, Beverly, 1971
Box 10 Folder 3
Haul, R., 1950 - 1963
Box 10 Folder 4
Hausheer, Werner, 1953 - 1954
Box 10 Folder 5
Haxel, Otto, 1956 - 1981
Box 10 Folder 6
Haynes, Vance, 1984
Box 10 Folder 7
Hecht, Alan, 1977 - 1981
Box 10 Folder 8
Hecht, Friedrich, 1955 - 1970
Box 10 Folder 9
Hedden, Kurt, 1957
Box 10 Folder 10
Heintze, J., 1974
Box 10 Folder 11
Heidelburg Academy, 1983 - 1984
Box 10 Folder 12
Heisenberg, Werner, 1940 - 1967
Box 10 Folder 13
Heizler, Robert F., 1958 - 1960
Box 10 Folder 14
Hellin, Frederick P., 1957 - 1966
Box 10 Folder 15
Hendrick, Kent, 1970
Box 10 Folder 16
Hernandez, Everett, 1965 - 1966
Box 10 Folder 17
Herndon, James M., 1975 - 1978
Box 10 Folder 18
Herzog, Leonard F., 1955 - 1957
Box 10 Folder 19
Hewlett, Richard G., 1967 - 1968
Box 10 Folder 20
Hiesbock, Heinz, 1969
Box 10 Folder 21
Hintenberger, Heinrich, 1960 - 1965
Box 10 Folder 22
Hitzler, Wolfgang, 1967 - 1969
Box 10 Folder 23
Ho, Ping-ti, 1976
Box 10 Folder 24
Hoffman, John S., 1981
Box 10 Folder 25
Holland, Heinrich D., 1965 - 1981
Box 10 Folder 26
Hollstein, Ernst, 1972 - 1977
Box 10 Folder 27
Holweger, Hartmut, 1972 - 1977
Box 10 Folder 28
Hood, Donald W., 1970 - 1971
Box 10 Folder 29
Houtermans, Jan, 1964 - 1975
Box 10 Folder 30
Howard, Hildegarde, 1957 - 1960
Box 10 Folder 31
Hower, John, 1977 - 1978
Box 10 Folder 32
Hubbs, Carl L., 1964 - 1970
Box 10 Folder 33
Huber, Bruno, 1962 - 1969
Box 10 Folder 34
Huber, J.F.K., 1975
Box 10 Folder 35
Hultin, Eskil, 1972
Box 10 Folder 36
Hurley, Patrick M., 1962 - 1968
Box 10 Folder 37
Hutto, Carol, 1973 - 1982
Box 10 Folder 38
H - Miscellaneous
Box 10 Folder 39
Imbrie, John, 1972 - 1984
Box 11 Folder 1
Ingerson, Earl, 1951 - 1972
Box 11 Folder 2
International Association of Geochemistry and Cosmochemistry, 1968 - 1983
Box 11 Folder 3-4
International Atomic Energy Agency, 1957 - 1982
Box 11 Folder 5
International Committee for Research and Study of Environmental Factors, 1967 - 1978
Box 11 Folder 6
International Interdisciplinary Cycle Research, 1969 - 1980
Box 11 Folder 7
International Meteorological Institute, 1963 - 1964
Box 11 Folder 8
International Science Foundation, 1970
Box 11 Folder 9
Irving, David, 1967
Box 11 Folder 10
I - Miscellaneous
Box 11 Folder 11
Jackson, Teresa Lou, 1981 - 1984
Box 11 Folder 12
Jager, Emmi, 1962 - 1969
Box 11 Folder 13
Janoschek, Robert, 1962 - 1963
Box 11 Folder 14
Janowsky, Aaron, 1974
Box 11 Folder 15
Jastrow, Robert, 1961 - 1962
Box 11 Folder 16
Jelinek, Arthur, 1970 - 1972
Box 11 Folder 17
Jennings, Jesse D., 1956
Box 11 Folder 18
Jenny, Hans, 1962 - 1963
Box 11 Folder 19
Jensen, J. Hans D., 1950 - 1989
Box 11 Folder 20
John, Brian S., 1967
Box 12 Folder 1
John Wiley and Sons Publishers, 1963 - 1986
Box 12 Folder 2
Johns Hopkins University, 1956 - 1984
Box 12 Folder 3
Johnson, Frederick, 1955 - 1972
Box 12 Folder 4
Johnson, Karen, 1984 - 1987
Box 12 Folder 5
Jope, E. Martyn, 1975 - 1988
Box 12 Folder 6
Journal of Chemical Education , 1975 - 1982
Box 12 Folder 7-8
Journal of Environmental Radioactivity , 1961 - 1984
Box 12 Folder 9
Junge, Christian, 1971 - 1976
Box 12 Folder 10
J - Miscellaneous
Box 12 Folder 11
Kaiser, Klaus Felix, 1975 - 1984
Box 12 Folder 12
Kaiteie, T.J., 1968
Box 12 Folder 13
Kamen, Martin D., 1968 - 1984
Box 12 Folder 14
Kawai, Hiroshi, 1966 - 1970
Box 12 Folder 15
Kearns, Archibald, 1961
Box 12 Folder 16
Keeling, Charles David, 1979 - 1981
Box 12 Folder 17
Keil, Klaus, 1960 - 1988
Box 12 Folder 18
Kerr, Richard, 1984
Box 12 Folder 19
Ketchum, Bostwick H., 1965 - 1966
Box 12 Folder 20
Kigoshi, Kunihiko, 1969 - 1973
Box 12 Folder 21
King, Elbert, 1971 - 1983
Box 12 Folder 22
Kini, K. A., 1972
Box 12 Folder 23
Knopoff, Leon, 1975 - 1981
Box 12 Folder 24
Kocharov, G. E., 1985 - 1987
Box 12 Folder 25
Koczy, Fritz F., 1963 - 1966
Box 12 Folder 26
Kohl, Gunther, 1966 - 1976
Box 12 Folder 27
Kohman, Truman P., 1955 - 1962
Box 12 Folder 28
Konig, Hans, 1961 - 1964
Box 12 Folder 29
Korkisch, Hans, 1964 - 1965
Box 12 Folder 30
Kosiba, Walter L., 1971 - 1973
Box 12 Folder 31
KPBS Radio Station, 1974 - 1976
Box 12 Folder 32
Kra, Renee, 1979 - 1980
Box 12 Folder 33
Kramish, Arnold, 1983 - 1986
Box 12 Folder 34
Kratky, Otto, 1964 - 1971
Box 12 Folder 35
Krauskopf, Konrad B., 1966
Box 12 Folder 36
Krinov, E.L., 1961 - 1966
Box 12 Folder 37
Kuhn, Othmar, 1964 - 1969
Box 12 Folder 38
Kuiper, Gerard, 1950 - 1974
Box 13 Folder 1
Kulp, Lawrence, 1956 - 1984
Box 13 Folder 2
Kummer, Fred H., 1972
Box 13 Folder 3
Kummer, Jorg, 1979
Box 13 Folder 4
Kurat, Gero, 1970 - 1986
Box 13 Folder 5
Kuroda, Paul K., 1962 - 1987
Box 13 Folder 6
K - Miscellaneous
Box 13 Folder 7
Labeyrie, Jacques, 1961 - 1976
Box 13 Folder 8
Lagowski, J.J., 1981
Box 13 Folder 9
Lal, Devendra, 1960 - 1988
Box 13 Folder 10
Lalou, Claude, 1973 - 1974
Box 13 Folder 11
LaMarche, Valmore C., 1965 - 1967
Box 13 Folder 12
Lamb, Hubert H., 1965 - 1976
Box 13 Folder 13
Lamont Geological Observatory, 1956
Box 13 Folder 14
Landolt-Bornstein, 1963 - 1981
Box 13 Folder 15
LaPaz, Lincoln, 1960 - 1961
Box 13 Folder 16
Lasken, Jesse, 1986 - 1987
Box 13 Folder 17
Laves, F., 1957 - 1967
Box 13 Folder 18
LaViolett, Paul, 1985 - 1987
Box 13 Folder 19
Lawrence Livermore Laboratory, 1974 - 1985
Box 13 Folder 20
Leakey Foundation, 1978 - 1981
Box 13 Folder 21
Lemmon, Richard M., 1957
Box 13 Folder 22
Lentsch, Josef, 1967
Box 13 Folder 23
Lerman, Juan Carlos, 1968 - 1979
Box 13 Folder 24
Leroi-Gourhan, Andre, 1957 - 1958
Box 13 Folder 25
Levanthal, Joel, 1968 - 1974
Box 13 Folder 26
Lewis, Carl, 1959 - 1960
Box 13 Folder 27
Lewis, Frederick James, 1961 - 1962
Box 13 Folder 28
Lewis, John, 1966 - 1969

Libby, Leona Marshall

Box 13 Folder 29
1968 - 1972
Box 14 Folder 1
1973 - 1983
Box 14 Folder 2-3
Libby, William F., 1951 - 1981
Box 14 Folder 4
Library of Congress, 1973 - 1976
Box 14 Folder 5
Lill, Gordon G., 1956 - 1959
Box 14 Folder 6
Linick, Timothy W., 1974 - 1985
Box 14 Folder 7
Lockhart, Luther B., 1967 - 1968
Box 14 Folder 8
Loidl, Alfred, 1969
Box 14 Folder 9
Lodge, James P., 1959 - 1961
Box 14 Folder 10
Los Angeles County Museum, 1956 - 1958
Box 14 Folder 11
Lovering, John F., 1966 - 1969
Box 14 Folder 12
Lowdon, James A., 1966
Box 14 Folder 13
Lowenstam, Heinz A., 1960 - 1961
Box 14 Folder 14
Lueken, W., 1959
Box 14 Folder 15
Lufthansa Airlines, 1971 - 1972
Box 14 Folder 16-17
Lunar and Planetary Institute, 1975 - 1983
Box 14 Folder 18
Lyman, John, 1957 - 1968
Box 14 Folder 19
L - Miscellaneous
Box 15 Folder 1
Mackie, E.W., 1967 - 1969
Box 15 Folder 2
Mahadevappa, Dandinasivara S., 1979 - 1980
Box 15 Folder 3
Mallman, Carlos A., 1964
Box 15 Folder 4
Mann, Wilfrid B., 1978 - 1980
Box 15 Folder 5
Manufacture Belge de Lampes et de Materiel Electronique, 1957 - 1963
Box 15 Folder 6
Marchant, Victor, 1971
Box 15 Folder 7
Mark, Herman F., 1984 - 1985
Box 15 Folder 8
Martell, Ed A., 1956 - 1973
Box 15 Folder 9
Marti, Kurt, 1957 - 1980
Box 15 Folder 10
Martin, Paul S., 1956 - 1966
Box 15 Folder 11-12
Martinek, Barbara Jo, 1971 - 1981
Box 15 Folder 13
Marvin, Ursula, 1968 - 1976
Box 15 Folder 14
Mason, Brian, 1961 - 1965
Box 15 Folder 15
Mattauch, Josef, 1958 - 1976
Box 15 Folder 16
Max-Planck Institut fur Chemie, 1958 - 1989
Box 15 Folder 17
May, Henry D., 1983
Box 15 Folder 18
Mayer, Joseph, 1962
Box 15 Folder 19
Mayer, Maria Goeppert, 1950 - 1959
Box 15 Folder 20
McDowell, Leslie L., 1962 - 1963
Box 15 Folder 21
McEvoy, J.P., 1971
Box 15 Folder 22
McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1958 - 1984
Box 15 Folder 23
Medwenitsch, Walter, 1969
Box 15 Folder 24
Merrihue, Craig, 1965
Box 15 Folder 25
Merritt, Robert L., 1968 - 1969
Box 16 Folder 1
Meteoritical Society, 1966 - 1980
Box 16 Folder 2
Michael, Henry H., 1967 - 1972
Box 16 Folder 3
Michaelis, Anthony R., 1975 - 1982
Box 16 Folder 4
Michel, Robert Leroy, 1969 - 1982
Box 16 Folder 5
Millon, R.F., 1958
Box 16 Folder 6
Mitchell, Murray Jr., 1964 - 1981
Box 16 Folder 7
Mok, H., 1977
Box 16 Folder 8
Moley, Nicholas, 1970 - 1971
Box 16 Folder 9
Mook, Wm. G., 1970 - 1987
Box 16 Folder 10
Moore, Carleton B., 1961 - 1980
Box 16 Folder 11
Moreno y Moreno, Augusto, 1956
Box 16 Folder 12
Morgan, John W., 1983
Box 16 Folder 13
Moser, H., 1968 - 1984
Box 16 Folder 14
Mosleitner, Franz A., 1975
Box 16 Folder 15
Munk, Walter H., 1966 - 1967
Box 16 Folder 16
Munnich, Karl Otto, 1963 - 1984
Box 16 Folder 17
M - Miscellaneous

National Academy of Sciences

Box 16 Folder 18-19
Correspondence, 1957 - 1980
Box 17 Folder 1-4
Correspondence, 1981 - 1989; George P. Merrill Fund, 1969-1972; and J. Lawrence Smith Fund, 1968-1972
Box 17 Folder 5-7
National Aeronautics and Space Administration , 1959 - 1989
Box 17 Folder 8
National Bureau of Standards, 1965 - 1980
Box 17 Folder 9
National Geographic Magazine , 1977 - 1979
Box 17 Folder 10
National Oceanographic Data Center, 1962 - 1975
Box 17 Folder 11
National Research Council, 1953 - 1985
Box 18 Folder 1-2
National Science Foundation, 1955 - 1987
Box 18 Folder 3
Nature , 1976 - 1983
Box 18 Folder 4
Neftel, Albrecht, 1978 - 1982
Box 18 Folder 5
Neustupny, Evzen, 1968 - 1980
Box 18 Folder 6
New York Academy of Sciences, 1976
Box 18 Folder 7
Nichiporuk, Walter, 1962 - 1977
Box 18 Folder 8
Nicolet, M., 1956 - 1959
Box 18 Folder 9
Nier, Alfred O.C., 1969 - 1976
Box 18 Folder 10
Nierenberg, William A., 1970 - 1980
Box 18 Folder 11
Nininger, H.H., 1960 - 1962
Box 18 Folder 12
Nowotny, Hans, 1967 - 1972
Box 18 Folder 13
Nuclear Science and Engineering Corporation, 1955 - 1961
Box 18 Folder 14
Nydal, Reidar, 1972 - 1985
Box 18 Folder 15
N - Miscellaneous
Box 18 Folder 16
Oak Ridge National Laboratory, 1956 - 1977
Box 18 Folder 17
Occidental Research Corporation, 1979 - 1981
Box 18 Folder 18-19
Oeschger, Hans, 1961 - 1984
Box 18 Folder 20
O'Keefe, John, 1962 - 1972
Box 18 Folder 21
Okubo, Akira, 1957
Box 18 Folder 22
Olsson, Ingrid U., 1962 - 1979
Box 18 Folder 23
Oppenheimer, Michael, 1977
Box 18 Folder 24
Oro, John, 1973
Box 18 Folder 25
Orr, Phil C., 1961
Box 19 Folder 1
Ostlund, Gote, 1957 - 1972
Box 19 Folder 2
Ottaway, Barbara, 1976 - 1984
Box 19 Folder 3
Outten, Burnet, Jr., 1972 - 1974
Box 19 Folder 4
Owens, Marian, 1969 - 1971
Box 19 Folder 5
O - Miscellaneous
Box 19 Folder 6
Palley, Marshall N., 1960
Box 19 Folder 7
Paneth, F.S., 1950
Box 19 Folder 8
Pantheon Books Incorporated, 1957
Box 19 Folder 9
Patterson, Clair C., 1970 - 1985
Box 19 Folder 10
Pauling, Linus, 1965 - 1970
Box 19 Folder 11
Payne, Bryan, 1959 - 1983
Box 19 Folder 12
Peacock, Dennis, 1976 - 1984
Box 19 Folder 13
Pearl, Henry F., 1955 - 1962
Box 19 Folder 14
Pearson, Gordon W., 1978 - 1984
Box 19 Folder 15
Pergamon Press, 1951 - 1982
Box 19 Folder 16
Peterson, Bengt, 1966 - 1969
Box 19 Folder 17
Piper, Klaus, 1987 - 1988
Box 19 Folder 18
Pisias, Nick, 1973
Box 19 Folder 19
Polach, Henry, 1964 - 1982
Box 19 Folder 20
Pomeroy, John H., 1963 - 1967
Box 19 Folder 21
Posch, Harold, 1978 - 1979
Box 19 Folder 22
Post, Heinz R., 1977 - 1979
Box 19 Folder 23
Povinec, Pavel, 1968 - 1980
Box 19 Folder 24
Prager, Heidi, 1973 - 1983
Box 19 Folder 25
Press, Frank, 1971 - 1982
Box 19 Folder 26
P - Miscellaneous
Box 19 Folder 27
Quaide, William, 1980 - 1984
Box 19 Folder 28
Queen's University of Belfast, 1975 - 1982
Box 19 Folder 29
Quinton, Michael E., 1976
Box 19 Folder 30
Quitta, Hans, 1967 - 1981
Box 19 Folder 31
Radiation Counter Laboratories Incorporated, 1956
Box 20 Folder 1
Radiocarbon , 1969 - 1989
Box 20 Folder 2
Radnell, Chris, 1977 - 1978
Box 20 Folder 3
Rafter, T. Athol, 1957 - 1972
Box 20 Folder 4
Rakestraw, Norris W., 1964 - 1965
Box 20 Folder 5
Ralph, Elizabeth K., 1965 - 1969
Box 20 Folder 6
Rambaldi, Ermanno, 1977 - 1978
Box 20 Folder 7
Ramdohr, Paul, 1964
Box 20 Folder 8
Rampone, William M., 1977 - 1978
Box 20 Folder 9
Randers, Jorgen, 1965
Box 20 Folder 10
Rankama, Kalervo, 1957 - 1974
Box 20 Folder 11
Rao, M. Nageswara, 1964 - 1967
Box 20 Folder 12
Rapaire, Jean Louis, 1965 - 1966
Box 20 Folder 13
Rapp, George, Jr., 1972 - 1975
Box 20 Folder 14
Rebello, Angela DeLuca, 1976 - 1977
Box 20 Folder 15
Redfield, Alfred C., 1961
Box 20 Folder 16
Reed, George W., Jr., 1959 - 1966
Box 20 Folder 17
Reeves, Robert, 1975 - 1985
Box 20 Folder 18
Reichel, William, 1966
Box 20 Folder 19
Reichert, Jorg, 1965
Box 20 Folder 20
Reicke, Siegfried, 1963
Box 20 Folder 21
Renfrew, Colin A., 1968 - 1981
Box 20 Folder 22
Renz, Manfred, 1968
Box 20 Folder 23
Republic Geothermal Incorporated, 1976 - 1981
Box 20 Folder 24
Revelle, Roger, 1955 - 1986
Box 20 Folder 25
Rey, Plinio, 1967 - 1968
Box 20 Folder 26
Reynolds, John H., 1961 - 1976
Box 20 Folder 27
Rick, John W., 1975 - 1976
Box 20 Folder 28
Rieder, Rudolf, 1969 - 1973
Box 20 Folder 29
Riesen, Trudi, 1970 - 1971
Box 20 Folder 30
Ringl, Alois, 1958 - 1978
Box 20 Folder 31
Ringwood, A.E., 1958 - 1986
Box 20 Folder 32
Roche, Marcel, 1968
Box 20 Folder 33
Roether, D. Wolfgang, 1965 - 1974
Box 20 Folder 34
Rompe, Robert, 1966 - 1968
Box 20 Folder 35
Roske, H., 1967
Box 20 Folder 36
Rost, Rudolf, 1960 - 1966
Box 20 Folder 37
Rowe, Marvin W., 1961 - 1963
Box 20 Folder 38
Royal Society, 1982 - 1989
Box 20 Folder 39
Rubin, Meyer, 1955 - 1981
Box 20 Folder 40
Ruegg, Dominic, 1974 - 1982
Box 21 Folder 1
Runcorn, S. Keith, 1962 - 1989
Box 21 Folder 2
Ruttenberg, Stanley, 1958
Box 21 Folder 3
Ruzic, Raiko H., 1965
Box 21 Folder 4
R - Miscellaneous
Box 21 Folder 5
Sabu, Dwarka D., 1967
Box 21 Folder 6
Sagan, Carl, 1967 - 1975
Box 21 Folder 7
Saltman, Paul D., 1973 - 1978
Box 21 Folder 8
Saplakoglu, Adnan, 1965 - 1969
Box 21 Folder 9
Schaeffer, O.A., 1965 - 1966
Box 21 Folder 10
Schell, William R., 1968 - 1978
Box 21 Folder 11
Scheminsky, F., 1961 - 1967
Box 21 Folder 12
Schmid, Erich, 1965 - 1970
Box 21 Folder 13
Schmidt, Holzwirt Burghart, 1975 - 1976
Box 21 Folder 14
Schmitt, Roman A., 1958 - 1986
Box 21 Folder 15
Scholz, Traugott, 1970
Box 21 Folder 16
Schove, Derek J., 1966 - 1984
Box 21 Folder 17
Schultze, H., 1963 - 1964
Box 21 Folder 18
Schuster, Peter, 1972
Box 21 Folder 19
Schwabedissen, H., 1955 - 1974
Box 21 Folder 20
Schwanda, Heinrich, 1963 - 1975
Box 21 Folder 21
Schwingruber, F.H., 1974 - 1982
Box 21 Folder 22
Science , 1955 - 1985
Box 21 Folder 23
Scott, Marian, 1982 - 1985
Box 21 Folder 24
Scott, William E., 1968
Box 21 Folder 25
Scripps Institution of Oceanography, 1956 - 1985
Box 21 Folder 26
Sears, Mary, 1971
Box 21 Folder 27
Seelmann-Eggebert, W., 1968
Box 21 Folder 28
Seifert, Karl-Friedrich, 1978
Box 21 Folder 29
Seligman, Henry, 1959 - 1962
Box 22 Folder 1
Sengbusch, Peter V., 1962 - 1973
Box 22 Folder 2
Servant, Jean, 1965 - 1968
Box 22 Folder 3
Sharp Laboratories - Beckman Instruments, 1966 - 1967
Box 22 Folder 4
Sharrock, Stuart, 1982
Box 22 Folder 5
Shaw, Denis M., 1974 - 1975
Box 22 Folder 6
Shell Development Company, 1956 - 1957
Box 22 Folder 7
Sheppard, John G., 1975
Box 22 Folder 8
Sheppard, P.A., 1968
Box 22 Folder 9
Shimazu, Yasuo, 1964 - 1966
Box 22 Folder 10
Shuler, Kurt E., 1968 - 1985
Box 22 Folder 11
Signer, Peter, 1960 - 1984
Box 22 Folder 12
Simpson, John A., 1963 - 1974
Box 22 Folder 13
Singer, Fred, 1966 - 1967
Box 22 Folder 14
Singh, Gurdip, 1963
Box 22 Folder 15
Skirrow, G., 1964
Box 22 Folder 16
Sliepcevic, Adela, 1968 - 1970
Box 22 Folder 17
Smales, A.A., 1963 - 1967
Box 22 Folder 18-19
Smithsonian Institution, 1956 - 1979
Box 22 Folder 20
Sobell, Mrs. Morton (Helen), 1959
Box 22 Folder 21
Sonett, Charles P., 1961 - 1989
Box 22 Folder 22
Springer-Verlag Publishers, 1949 - 1985
Box 22 Folder 23
Stachowiak, Jean, 1971 - 1972
Box 22 Folder 24
Stanford University, 1967
Box 22 Folder 25
Stanner, Friedrich, 1969 - 1970
Box 22 Folder 26
Stefant, Robert J., 1966
Box 22 Folder 27
Steinhauser, Peter, 1979 - 1982
Box 22 Folder 28
Stenhouse, Michael John, 1973 - 1982
Box 22 Folder 29
Stillwell, William D., 1962 - 1970
Box 22 Folder 30
Stilwell, Ronald, 1971
Box 22 Folder 31
Stommel, Henry, 1969
Box 22 Folder 32
Strominger, Don, 1957 - 1958
Box 22 Folder 33
Stuckenrath, Robert, 1970
Box 22 Folder 34
Stuewer, Roger H., 1977 - 1988
Box 22 Folder 35
Stuiver, Minze, 1961 - 1987
Box 22 Folder 36
Stunt, A.V., 1972 - 1979
Box 23 Folder 1
Suess, Antje, 1951
Box 23 Folder 2
Suess, Franz Eduard, 1875 - 1911
Box 23 Folder 3
Suess, Olga, 1950 - 1967
Box 23 Folder 4
Swedish Royal Academy of Sciences - Nobel Committee for Chemistry, 1970 - 1975
Box 23 Folder 5
Swings, P., 1956 - 1962
Box 23 Folder 6
Switsur, V. Roy, 1968 - 1985
Box 23 Folder 7
Szalay, Sandor, 1974 - 1986
Box 23 Folder 8
Box 23 Folder 9
S - Miscellaneous
Box 23 Folder 10
Tamers, Murray, 1968
Box 23 Folder 11
Tarling, Donald H., 1975
Box 23 Folder 12
Taylor, Donald A., 1960
Box 23 Folder 13
Taylor, R.E., 1971 - 1987
Box 23 Folder 14
Teller, Edward, 1956
Box 23 Folder 15
Tellus , 1960 - 1965
Box 23 Folder 16
Texas A&M University, 1968
Box 23 Folder 17
Thirring, Hans, 1961 - 1965
Box 23 Folder 18
Thomas, Charles C., Jr., 1969 - 1970
Box 23 Folder 19
Thompson, William B., 1983
Box 23 Folder 20
Tilles, David, 1962
Box 23 Folder 21
Time-Life Films, 1971 - 1974
Box 23 Folder 22
Todd, David K., 1963
Box 23 Folder 23
Tongiori, E., 1960 - 1965
Box 23 Folder 24
Tracerlab Incorporated, 1958 - 1960
Box 23 Folder 25
Treder, Hans-Jurgen, 1982 - 1988
Box 23 Folder 26
Trivedi, B.M.P., 1971 - 1972
Box 23 Folder 27
Tryner, James, 1961
Box 23 Folder 28
Tucek, Karel, 1972
Box 23 Folder 29
Tufar, Werner, 1969
Box 23 Folder 30
Tugarinov, Alexei, 1970 - 1977
Box 23 Folder 31
Tunney, John V., 1967 - 1968
Box 23 Folder 32
Turekian, Karl K., 1975
Box 23 Folder 33
Turner, Greenville, 1977 - 1988
Box 23 Folder 34
Turrell, Franklin M., 1959
Box 23 Folder 35
T - Miscellaneous
Box 23 Folder 36
Umschau , 1977 - 1980
Box 24 Folder 1
U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, 1957 - 1970
Box 24 Folder 2
U.S. Coast Guard, 1969
Box 24 Folder 3
U.S. Congress, 1977 - 1983
Box 24 Folder 4
U.S. Department of Agriculture, 1963
Box 24 Folder 5
U.S. Department of Commerce, 1973 - 1978
Box 24 Folder 6
U.S. Department of Energy, 1978 - 1981
Box 24 Folder 7
U.S. Department of the Air Force, 1965 - 1968
Box 24 Folder 8-9
U.S. Department of the Interior, 1951 - 1985
Box 24 Folder 10
U.S. Department of the Navy, 1955 - 1984
Box 24 Folder 11
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1971 - 1972
Box 24 Folder 12
U.S. Senate, 1967
Box 24 Folder 13
U.S. Weather Bureau, 1955 - 1968
Box 24 Folder 14
Universities Council on Water Resources, 1988
Box 24 Folder 15
Universities Space Research Association, 1975 - 1981
Box 24 Folder 16-17
University of Arizona and Laboratory of Tree Ring Research, 1967 - 1982
Box 24 Folder 18
University of California, Berkeley, 1980 - 1981
Box 24 Folder 19
University of California, Davis, 1981
Box 24 Folder 20
University of California, Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, 1960
Box 24 Folder 21
University of California, Los Angeles, 1976 - 1982

University of California, San Diego

Box 24 Folder 22-23
Department of Chemistry and intracampus memos, 1957 - 1985
Box 25 Folder 1-2
Natural Tritium Laboratory; Office of the Vice Chancellor, 1969 - 1989
Box 25 Folder 3
University of California Press, 1980
Box 25 Folder 4
University of Cambridge, 1955 - 1981
Box 25 Folder 5
University of Chicago, 1949 - 1966
Box 25 Folder 6
University of Groningen, 1986 - 1987
Box 25 Folder 7
University of Hamburg, 1950 - 1965
Box 25 Folder 8
University of Heidelberg, 1956 - 1965
Box 25 Folder 9
University of Michigan, 1981
Box 25 Folder 10
University of New Mexico, 1980 - 1981
Box 25 Folder 11
University of Southern California, 1986 - 1989
Box 25 Folder 12
University of Texas, 1961 - 1977
Box 25 Folder 13
University of Washington, 1961
Box 25 Folder 14
University Research Foundation, 1967 - 1983
Box 25 Folder 15
Unsold, A., 1961 - 1979
Box 25 Folder 16-17
Urey, Harold C., 1951 - 1983
Box 25 Folder 18
Urrutia, Benjamin, 1975 - 1978
Box 25 Folder 19
Usacev, S., 1972
Box 25 Folder 20
U - Miscellaneous
Box 25 Folder 21
Van der Merwe, Nicholas, 1975
Box 25 Folder 22
Venugopalan, M., 1966
Box 25 Folder 23
Verdery, Roy B., 1969 - 1970
Box 25 Folder 24
Vertes, Laszlo, 1965 - 1968
Box 25 Folder 25
Vienna Academy, 1956 - 1982
Box 25 Folder 26
Vieweg, 1985
Box 25 Folder 27
Vinding, Joseph P., 1967
Box 25 Folder 28
Vinogradov, A.P., 1965 - 1966
Box 25 Folder 29
Vogel, John C., 1961 - 1967
Box 25 Folder 30
Voigt, H.H., 1962 - 1978
Box 25 Folder 31
Vries, Hessel de, 1957 - 1959
Box 25 Folder 32
V - Miscellaneous
Box 26 Folder 1
Waard, H. de, 1960 - 1961
Box 26 Folder 2
Waffler, Herman, 1960 - 1975
Box 26 Folder 3-4
Wagener, Klaus, 1958 - 1988
Box 26 Folder 5
Wagner, Carl, 1962 - 1964
Box 26 Folder 6
Wahl, Michael, 1984
Box 26 Folder 7
Walker, Marc, 1986 - 1989
Box 26 Folder 8
Walker, Robert M., 1974 - 1975
Box 26 Folder 9
Wallick, Edward I., 1969 - 1970
Box 26 Folder 10
Walton, Matt, 1961 - 1962
Box 26 Folder 11
Wanke, Heinrich, 1960 - 1988
Box 26 Folder 12
Ward, Peter R.B., 1966
Box 26 Folder 13
Washington State University, 1959 - 1982
Box 26 Folder 14
Wasserburg, G. Jerry, 1958 - 1977
Box 26 Folder 15
Wasson, John T., 1970 - 1987
Box 26 Folder 16
Water Resources Center, 1970 - 1985
Box 26 Folder 17
Wayman, P.A., 1963
Box 26 Folder 18
Wayne, William J., 1961
Box 26 Folder 19
Weaver, John D., 1958
Box 26 Folder 20
Weiss, Werner W., 1985
Box 26 Folder 21
Weisskopf, Victor, 1944 - 1950
Box 26 Folder 22
Wendorf, Fred, 1969 - 1970
Box 26 Folder 23
Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research, 1956 - 1967
Box 26 Folder 24
Wetherhill, George W., 1962
Box 26 Folder 25
Whipple, Fred H., 1963 - 1976
Box 26 Folder 26
Whitaker, John, 1983
Box 26 Folder 27
Weisberg, Lutz H.G., 1974 - 1980
Box 26 Folder 28
Wilkening, Laurel, 1968 - 1987
Box 26 Folder 29
Willis, Erich H., 1960 - 1962
Box 26 Folder 30
Wilson, Henry W., 1975 - 1976
Box 26 Folder 31
Wilson, Joseph, 1980
Box 26 Folder 32
Wintle, Ann, 1980 - 1984
Box 26 Folder 33
Wirtz, Karl, 1976
Box 27 Folder 1
Wiseman, J.D.H., 1956 - 1966
Box 27 Folder 2
Wlotze, Frank, 1961 - 1963
Box 27 Folder 3
Wood, John A., 1962 - 1967
Box 27 Folder 4
Wood, John L., 1968
Box 27 Folder 5
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1963 - 1985
Box 27 Folder 6
World Meteorological Organization, 1983
Box 27 Folder 7
Wright, Gillian, 1972
Box 27 Folder 8
Wurm, K., 1961 - 1962
Box 27 Folder 9
W - Miscellaneous
Box 27 Folder 10
Yale University, 1949 - 1952
Box 27 Folder 11
Yale University Press, 1973 - 1987
Box 27 Folder 12
Yen, Percy C.H., 1969
Box 27 Folder 13
Yen, Terence T., 1969
Box 27 Folder 14
Y - Miscellaneous
Box 27 Folder 15
Zahringer, Josef, 1962 - 1970
Box 27 Folder 16
Zeh, Dieter, 1965 - 1987
Box 27 Folder 17
Zimen, K. Eric, 1962 - 1969
Box 27 Folder 18
Zinke, Paul, 1960 - 1967
Box 27 Folder 19
Zwolinski, Bruno J., 1974
Box 27 Folder 20
Z - Miscellaneous
Box 27 Folder 21


UCSD Department of Chemistry

Box 27 Folder 22-24
1960 - 1967
Box 28 Folder 1-7
1967 - 1975
Box 29 Folder 1-2
1976 - 1979
Box 29 Folder 3
Correspondence regarding research projects during World War II, 1942 - 1944


Scope and Content of Series

Series 3) CONFERENCES: Materials relevant to some of the conferences and symposia attended by Suess during his career. Topics include radiocarbon dating, atmospheric carbon dioxide, origins of life, and paleontology. Arranged chronologically.

Box 29 Folder 4-7
1952-1960: Miscellaneous
Box 30 Folder 1
1959-1968: International Atomic Energy Agency
Box 30 Folder 2-3
1961-1963: Miscellaneous
Box 30 Folder 4
1963: Gordon Research Conference
Box 30 Folder 5
1964: Miscellaneous
Box 30 Folder 6
1965: International Carbon-14 and Tritium Dating Conference
Box 30 Folder 7
1965-1966: Miscellaneous
Box 30 Folder 8
1967: Symposium on Radioactive Dating and Low Level Counting, International Atomic Energy Agency
Box 31 Folder 1
1967-1968: Miscellaneous
Box 31 Folder 2
1969: Uppsala Symposium on Radiocarbon Variations and Absolute Chronology
Box 31 Folder 3-4
1969-1971: Miscellaneous
Box 31 Folder 5-9
1972: Symposium on Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide; International Radiocarbon Conference; Symposium on the Future of Science and Technology in Austria; and miscellaneous
Box 32 Folder 1-4
1973: Origins of Life Conference; International Colloquium from the National Center of Scientific Research; Noble Gases Symposium; and Joint U.S.-Japan Seminar on Recent Advances in Radiochemical Techniques
Box 32 Folder 5-7
1973-1975: Miscellaneous
Box 32 Folder 8
1976: Conference on Radiocarbon and Tritium Dating
Box 32 Folder 9-10
1976-1979: Miscellaneous
Box 32 Folder 11
1979: Workshop on the Calibration of the Radiocarbon Time Scale
Box 32 Folder 12
1980: Meteoritical Society Meeting
Box 33 Folder 1-3
1980: International Conference on Sun and Climate; Workshop on Planetology; and miscellaneous
Box 33 Folder 4-5
1981: Conference on Radiocarbon Dating in Archaeology, Needs and Priorities in the 1980s; and Symposium on Carbon-14 and Archaeology
Box 33 Folder 6-7
1981-1990: Miscellaneous


Scope and Content of Series

Series 4) CONTRACTS, GRANTS AND PROPOSALS: Proposals, reports and correspondence regarding grants for research projects conducted by Suess during his years at UC San Diego. Funding agencies include the National Science Foundation (NSF), the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC), and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). Arranged alphabetically by name of the granting institution. See also Series 16.

Atomic Energy Commission

Box 33 Folder 8-13
Proposals, 1959 - 1970
Box 34 Folder 1-3
Proposals and progress reports, 1971-1973
Box 34 Folder 4
Reports on Project 40 - Low-level counting, 1958-1960
Box 34 Folder 5
Radiocarbon measurements in the subsurface and deep waters of the California Pacific Ocean, 1965-1978
Box 34 Folder 6-7
California Space Institute - General, Solar Activity, Cosmogenic Carbon-14, and the Terrestrial Climate, 1981 - 1982 and undated

Department of Energy

Box 34 Folder 8-10
1979 - 1980
Box 35 Folder 1
1981 - 1982
Box 35 Folder 2-3
Department of Health, Education, and Welfare - An Investigation of the Twentieth Century Increase of CO2 in the Atmosphere of Large Cities and general proposals, 1970 - 1971 and undated
Box 35 Folder 4
Environmental Protection Agency, 1972
Box 35 Folder 5-6
International Atomic Energy Agency - Determination of the World Distribution and general proposals, 1962 - 1965 and undated
Box 35 Folder 7
IGPP - Lawrence Livermore Nuclear Laboratories, 1989 - 1990

National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)

Box 35 Folder 8-10
Apollo Program and general proposals, 1980 - 1987
Box 36 Folder 1-10
Cosmic Abundance of the Elements and other proposals, 1969 - 1970 and undated
Box 37 Folder 1
Technical reports, 1962 - 1969
Box 37 Folder 2
National Center for Atmospheric Research, 1965
Box 37 Folder 3-4
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 1972 - 1973

National Science Foundation

Box 37 Folder 5
Proposals, 1958 - 1977
Box 37 Folder 6-7
Natural Radiocarbon Measurements
Box 37 Folder 8-12
Determination of Tritium in Natural Waters
Box 38 Folder 1
Study of the Feasibility of the Use of Remanent Magnetism in Wood for the Investigation of the Intensity of the Geomagnetic Field During the Past 40,000 Years
Box 38 Folder 2
Carbon-14 as a Tracer in the Global Carbon Cycle
Box 38 Folder 3
Investigations of the Bomb-Tritium Distribution
Box 38 Folder 4
Measurements of Natural Radiocarbon
Box 38 Folder 5
Accuracy of Radiocarbon and Amino Acid Racemization Dates on Bone of Pleistocene Age
Box 38 Folder 6
Investigation of Radiocarbon in Annual Coral Rings
Box 38 Folder 7
Tritium Distribution in the Northwest Pacific
Box 38 Folder 8
Further Studies of the Radiocarbon Record
Box 38 Folder 9
Radiocarbon Record from Early Neolithic Times
Box 38 Folder 10
Cosmogenic Carbon-14 on Earth
Box 38 Folder 11
Analytical Assessment of Existing Results of Precision Measurements of Radiocarbon in Dendrochronologically Dated Wood
Box 38 Folder 12
Completion of the Text on Radiocarbon Dating
Box 38 Folder 13
Counting and Chemical Advances in the Benzene
Box 38 Folder 14
Analytical Assessment of the Results

Proposal evaluations

Box 38 Folder 15-16
1958 - 1965
Box 39 Folder 1-8
1966 - 1985
Box 40 Folder 1-2
1986 and undated
Box 40 Folder 3
Occidental Research Corporation, 1979
Box 40 Folder 4-5
Office of Naval Research, 1962 - 1985
Box 40 Folder 6
Smithsonian Institution, 1970 - 1975
Box 40 Folder 7-10
Various agencies - Project fund reports and miscellaneous proposals, 1959 - 1978


Scope and Content of Series

Series 5) NOTES AND DATA: Notes, data, charts, correspondence and notebooks concerning Suess' research in carbon-14, radiocarbon dating, meteorites, tektites, tritium, and atmospheric carbon. See also Series 17.

Box 40 Folder 11
Abundances of the Elements
Box 40 Folder 12
Carbon-14 Data
Box 40 Folder 13
Carbon Sample Data
Box 41 Folder 1
Element Abundances Data
Box 41 Folder 2
Meteorite Data and Charts
Box 41 Folder 3
Norwegian Institute of Technology - Carbon-14 Data
Box 41 Folder 4
Notebook containing data and computations, 1957 - 1958
Box 41 Folder 5
Origin of Atmosphere
Box 41 Folder 6
Radiocarbon Dating
Box 41 Folder 7
Radiocarbon Measurement Data
Box 41 Folder 8
Seawater Gas Samples
Box 41 Folder 9
Tektite data - Chicago, 1950
Box 41 Folder 10
Tritium exchange data in notebook
Box 41 Folder 11
Tritium Lab Data
Box 41 Folder 12


Scope and Content of Series

Series 6) SUBJECT FILES: The SUBJECT FILES document many of Suess' personal and professional activities during the years 1939 to 1989. The Passports files contain Suess' passports and visas from World War II and illustrate the difficulties Suess encountered with the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service in the 1950s. These documents also include statements by Suess describing the nature of his political affiliations and activities in Germany during World War II. Subject Files relevant to UC San Diego include various committees and the Radiocarbon Laboratory. Arranged alphabetically.

Box 41 Folder 13
Bureau of Naval Personnel - Documents
Box 41 Folder 14
Fan mail
Box 41 Folder 15
Guggenheim Foundation Award application, 1975 - 1976
Box 41 Folder 16
Humboldt Foundation Award nominations
Box 42 Folder 1
Interview (German)
Box 42 Folder 2
Invitations - Congreso Internacional para el Estudio del Quaternario, 1957
Oversize FB-142-01
La Jolla Radiocarbon and Tritium Laboratory, 1967. Revised floor plans, 1987
Box 42 Folder 4
Max-Planck Institute - Visiting Professorship
Box 42 Folder 5
National Academy of Sciences Soviet and Eastern European Exchange Program, 1983
Box 42 Folder 6-7
Passports - Applications and related documents; expired passports and visas of Hans and Ruth Suess, 1939 - 1964
Box 42 Folder 8
Permission requests from publishers, 1957 - 1975
Box 42 Folder 9
Personal possessions - Shipping documents
Box 42 Folder 10
Real estate in Marz, Austria, 1966 - 1987
Box 42 Folder 11
Requests for Carbon-14 determination, 1968 - 1974
Box 42 Folder 12-14
Requests for reprints of Suess' publications
Box 42 Folder 15
Residential materials - Leases and deeds
Box 42 Folder 16
Soviet Union visit, 1964
Box 42 Folder 17
Speeches, miscellaneous, 1950 - 1983
Box 42 Folder 18
Travel, miscellaneous documents, 1956 - 1959
Box 43 Folder 1-2
Tree ring research
Box 43 Folder 3
University of Arizona, Laboratory of Tree Ring research, 1966 - 1967

UC San Diego

Box 43 Folder 4-9
Committees - Academic Senate Committee on Research; Chemistry Department Committees; Curriculum Committee; Doctoral Committee; Safety Committee; and miscellaneous , 1961 - 1985
Box 43 Folder 10
Course and professor evaluations, 1974 - 1978
Box 43 Folder 11
Equipment requests, 1977
Box 43 Folder 12
Hans Suess Birthday Symposium, 1979 - 1984
Box 43 Folder 13
Merit increase - Hans Suess
Box 43 Folder 14
Project Clean Air, 1970

Radiocarbon Laboratory

Box 43 Folder 15-18
Construction grant; environmental health and safety; and miscellaneous , 1961 - 1973
Box 44 Folder 1
Tenth Anniversary Symposium, 1967
Box 44 Folder 2-6
Sabbatical, 1962 - 1976
Box 44 Folder 7
Speakers' Bureau, 1966 - 1984
Box 44 Folder 8
Teaching assignments, 1974 - 1977
Box 44 Folder 9-15
Telephone charges, 1969 - 1988

Travel vouchers

Box 45 Folder 1-18
1962 - 1984
Box 46 Folder 1-2
1985 - 1989
Box 46 Folder 3-4
Tritium Laboratory data and correspondence; International Atomic Energy Agency agreement and correspondence, 1958 - 1978
Box 46 Folder 5
United Stated Geological Survey - Employment related documents
Box 46 Folder 6
United States Immigration and Naturalization Service - Petition
Box 46 Folder 7
Box 46 Folder 8
Vienna, Austria - Legal documents, 1953
Box 46 Folder 9
Wine samples for Tritium determination, 1965 - 1967


Scope and Content of Series

Series 7) AWARDS: Certificates, correspondence, news clippings and reprints regarding Suess' awards from the Geochemical Society, the Meteoritical Society, the Max-Planck Society, and other organizations. Includes a list of the awards and honors received by Suess during his career. Arranged alphabetically.

Box 46 Folder 10
Goldschmidt Medal of the Geochemical Society, 1974
Box 46 Folder 11
Leonard Medal of the Meteoritical Society, 1977
Box 46 Folder 12
Max-Planck Society Membership, 1969
Box 46 Folder 13
Miscellaneous awards and certificates


Scope and Content of Series

Series 8) TEACHING MATERIALS: Lecture notes, visual aids and problem sets for cosmochemistry and radiochemistry classes taught by Suess at UC San Diego. Additional teaching materials are located in Series 18.

Box 46 Folder 14-16
Cosmochemistry lecture notes and visual aids, 1964 - 1973
Oversize FB-142-03
Cosmochemistry visual aids
Box 46 Folder 18-19
Radiochemistry problem solutions, study guide and transparencies, 1976 - 1980


Scope and Content of Series

Series 9) WRITINGS BY SUESS: Reprints, drafts, abstracts, reviews, and correspondence regarding scientific papers in English and German written or co-authored by Suess. Topics include radiocarbon dating, meteorites, cosmochemistry and atmospheric carbon-14. Additional writings can be found in Series 19. Arranged chronologically in three subseries: A) Numbered Publications, B) General, and C) Co-Authored Works.

A) Numbered Publications: Reprints of Suess' publications that were numbered by his secretary for retention in his academic archives. The original numbering system has been maintained. See Series 19 for drafts and correspondence related to the numbered publications.

B) General Writings: Suess' Ph.D. dissertation and other scientific writings not included in the numbered subseries. Includes reviews by Suess, a tribute to Harold Urey, typescripts of cosmochemistry textbooks, and drafts of unpublished writings.

C) Co-Authored Works: Papers written by Suess with other scientists including Roger Revelle, Harold Urey, Heinrich Wanke, Dieter Zeh and Timothy Linick.

Numbered Publications

Box 46 Folder 20
Numbered Publications 1-25, 1934 - 1949

1. "Uber die Abhangigkeit der Geschwindigkeit der uckerinversion vom Gehalt des Wassers an Schwerem Wasser." 1934; 2. "Uber den Thermischen Zerfall des Dioxans." 1936; 3. "The Inversion of Cane Sugar in Mixtures of Light and Heavy Water." 1946; 4. "Uber Reaktionen in Schwerem Wasser." 1937; 5. "Uber die Kinetik der Thermischen Polymerisation von Styrol in Losung I." 1937; 6. "Uber die Kinetik der Thermischen Polymerisation von Styrol in Losung II." 1937; 7. "Bemerkungen zur Photochemie der Erdatmosphare: Uber die Entstehung des Frien Sauerstoffes und die Photochemie Bildung Organischer Stoffe." 1938; 8. "Bemerkungen zum Meteoritenproblem: Die Radioacktivitat des Kaliums als Mittel zur Bestimmung des Relativen Alters der Elemente." 1938; 9. "Die Radioaktivitat des Kaliums als Mittel zur Bestimmung des Relativen Alters der Elemente." 1939; 10. "Uber Chemische Prozesse Beim Einfang von Neutronen Durch Brom." 1939; 11. "Uber Chemische Prozesse Beim Einfang von Neutronen Durch Brom: Das Verhalten von Athylbromid in der Gasphase und die Reaktion der Radioaktiven Bromteilchen mit Azetylen." 1940; 12. "Das Verhalten von Bromwaserstoff bei Bromkernprozessen." 1940; 13. "Die Bedeutung des Neutrons fur die Chemie." 1940; 14. "Alter und Entstehung der Chemischen Elemente." 1944; 15. "Das Gleichgewicht H2+HDO--HD+H20 und die Weiteren Austauschgleichgewichte im System H2D und H2O." 1949; 16. "Regln uber die Lage von Isotopensaustaus-Chegleichgewichte." 1944; 17. "Zur Deutung der aufigdeitsverteilung der Elemente." 1944; 18. "Uber Kosmische Kernhaufigkeiten, I. Mitteilung: Einige Haufigkeitsregeln und ihre Anwendung bei der Abschatzung der Haufigkeitswerte fur die Mittelschwergen und Schweren Elemente." 1947; 19. "Uber Kosmischen Kernhaufigkeiten, II. Mitteilung: Einzelheiten in der Haufigkeitsverteilung der Mittelschweren und Schweren Kerne." 1947; 20. "Zur Goldschmidt-Verteilung der Element-Haufigkeiten." 1947. 21. "Isotopenaustauschgleichgewichte." 1948; 22. "Der Argongehalt Kalihaltiger Minerale und die Frage des Dualen Zerfalles von K40." 1947; 23. "On the Radioactivity of K40." 1948; 24. "Kosmische Kernhaufigdeit und Naturliche Beta-Aktivitat." 1948; 25. "Die Kosmische Haufigkeit der Elemente." 1949.

Box 47 Folder 1
Numbered Publications 26-45, 1949 - 1954

26. "Zur Frage Nach dem Alter der Elemente." 1949; 27. "Zur Interpretation der Ausgezeichneten Nucleoenzahlen im Bau der Atomkerne." 1948; 28. "Zur Interpretation der Ausgezeichneten Nucleoenzahlen im Bau der Atomkerne." 1949; 29. Modellmassige Deutung der Ausgezeichneten Nucleoenzahlen im Kernbau." 1949; 30. "Die Haufigkeit der Edelgase auf der Erde und im Kosmos." 1949; 31. "Zur Chemie der Planeten- und Meteoriten-Bildung." 1949; 32. "On the 'Magic Numbers' in Nuclear Structure." 1949; 33. "Der Deuteriumgehalt des Freien Wasserstoffs in der Atmosphare." 1949; 34. "Die Haufigdeit der Elemente im Kosmos." 1950; 35. "Modellmassige Deutung der Ausgezeichneten Nudleonenzahlen im Kernbau." 1950; 36. "Beta-Umwandlungsenergien, Magic Numbers, und die Fehelnden Elemente 43 Technitium und 61 Prometium." 1951; 37. "Age of Tektites." 1951; 38. "Gas Content and Age of Tektites." 1951; 39. "I-129 and the Age of the Elements." 1951; 40. "Magic Numbers and the Missing Elements Technitium and Promethium." 1951; 41. "Das Schalenmodell des Atomkerns." 1952; 42. "Natural Radiocarbon and the Rate of Exchange of Carbon Dioxide Between the Atmosphere and the Sea." 1953; 43. "A Note on the Isotopic Composition of Atmospheric Hydrogen." 1953; 44. "Natural Radiocarbon Measurements by Acetylene Counting." 1954; 45. "U.S. Geological Survey Radiocarbon Dates I." 1954.

Box 47 Folder 2
Numbered Publications 46-54, 1955 - 1958

46. "U.S. Geological Survey Radiocarbon Dates II." 1955; 46b. "Back to the Homeric Tradition." 1955; 47. "Radiocarbon Concentration in Modern Wood." 1955; 48. "Absolute Chronology of the Last Glaciation." 1956; 49. "U.S Geological Survey Radiocarbon Dates III." 1956; 50. "Abundances of the Elements." 1956; 51. "Rate of Postglacial Rise of Sea Level." 1956; 52. "Grundlagen un Ergebnisse der Radiokohlenstoff-Datierung." 1956; 53. "Carbon Dioxide Exchange Between Atmosphere and Ocean and the Question of an Increase of Atmospheric CO2 During the Past Decades." 1957; 54. "Die Haufigkeit der Elemente in den Planeten und Meteoriten." 1958.

Box 47 Folder 3
Numbered Publications 55-72, 1958 - 1962

55. "Radioactivity of the Atmosphere and Hydrosphere." 1958; 56. "Isotopische Zusammensetzung des Wassers des Nausiedler Sees bei Wien." 1958; 57. "The Abundance of the Chemical Elements." 1959; 58. "Increase of C14 in the Atmosphere From Artificial Sources Measured in a California Tree." 1959; 59. "The Formation of Molecular Hydrogen Through Photolysis of Water Vapor in the Presence Oxygen." 1960; 60. "The C14 Content of Urban Airborne Particulate Matter." 1960; 61. "La Jolla Natural Radiocarbon Measurements." 1960; 62. "Radiocarbon Concentration in Pacific Ocean Water." 1960; 63. "Secular Changes in the Concentration of Atmospheric Radiocarbon." 1961; 64. "Natural Tritium Measurements by Ethane Counting." 1961; 65. "On the Isotopic Composition of Atmospheric Hydrogen and Methane." 1961; 66. "Interchange of Properties Between the Sea and Atmosphere," Section 2.2: Gases, from The Sea: Ideas and Observations on Progress in the Study of the Seas. 1962; 67. "Fuel Residuals and Climate." 1961; 68. "Die Methode der Radiokohlenstoffdatierung und ihre Bedeutung fur Prahistorische Forschung." 1961; 69. "The Tritium Content of Three Stony Meteorites and one Iron Meteorite." 1962; 70. "Radiocarbon Content and Terrestrial Age of Twelve Stony Meteorites and One Iron Meteorite." 1962; 71. "Thermodynamic Data on the Formation of Solid Carbon and Organic Compounds in Primitive Planetary Atmospheres." 1962; 72. "La Jolla Natural Radiocarbon Measurements II." 1962.

Box 47 Folder 4
Numbered Publications 73-83, 1962 - 1964

73. "The Cosmic Abundances of the Elements." 1962; 74. "Rare Gases in the Sun, in the Atmosphere, and in Meteorites." 1963; 75. "Radiocarbon Dating of the Deep Water of the Pacific and Indian Oceans." 1963; 76. "Natural Radiocarbon in the Pacific and Indian Oceans." 1963; 77. "Abundances of the Noble Gases in the Atmosphere and in Meteorites." 1963; 78. "La Jolla Natural Radiocarbon Measurements III." 1963; 79. "Properties of Chondrules I." 1963; 80. "The Urey-Craig Groups of Chondrites and Their States of Oxidation." 1964. 81. "Helium, Neon, and Argon in the Oceans." 1964; 82. "Remarks Concerning the Chemical Composition of the Atmosphere of Venus." 1964; 83. "On the Origin of Gas-Rich Meteorites." 1964.

Box 47 Folder 5
Numbered Publications 84-100, 1965 - 1967

84. "On the Possibility of a Helium Flux Through the Ocean Floor." 1965; 85. "Abundances of the Elements in the Universe." 1965; 86. "On Element Synthesis and the Interpretation of the Abundances of Heavy Nuclides." 1964; 87. "Krypton and Xenon in the Oceans." 1964; 88. "La Jolla Natural Radiocarbon Measurements IV." 1965; 89. "Chemical Evidence Bearing on the Origin of the Solar System." 1965; 90. "Radiocarbon in the Pacific and Indian Oceans and Its Relation to Deep Water Movements." 1965; 91. "Secular Variations in the Cosmic Ray-Produced Carbon-14 in the Atmosphere and Their Interpretations." 1965; 92. "On the Theory of the Origin of the Nuclear Species of Our Solar System." 1966; 93. "Some Chemical Aspects of the Evolution of the Terrestrial Atmosphere." 1966; 94. "Climatic Changes, Solar Activity, and the Cosmic Ray-Production Rate of Diocarbon." 1968; 95. "Difficulties with Theories of Nuclear Synthesis in Stars." 1965; 96. "On the Relationship Between Radiocarbon Dates and True Sample Ages." 1966; 97. "Determination of the Age of Swiss Lake Dwellings as an Example of Dendro-Chronologically-Calibrated Radiocarbon Dating." 1966; 98. "Metamorphosis and Equilibration in Chondrites." 1967; 99. "Transfer and Exchange of Carbon-14 Between the Atmosphere and the Surface Water of the Pacific Ocean." 1967; 100. "Tritium in the Mixed Layer of the North Pacific Ocean." 1967.

Box 47 Folder 6
Numbered Publications 101-106, 1967 - 1968

101. "The Effect of Industrial Fuel Combustion on the Carbon-14 Level of Atmospheric CO2." 1967; 102. Bristlecone Pine Calibration of the Radiocarbon Time Scale from 4100 B.C. to 1500 B.C." 1967; 103. "Zur Chronologie des Alten Agypten." 1967; 104. "Der Abbau Schwerer Kerne bei Hohen Temperaturen." 1968; 105. "Solar Element Abundances and the Composition Meteorites." 1967; 106. "The Radioactivity of the Atmosphere and Hydrosphere." 1968.

Box 48 Folder 1
Numbered Publications 107-122, 1968 - 1972

107. "On the Genetic Interpretation of Solar System Nuclear Abundances." 1968; 108. "Virus House: Comments and Reminiscences." 1968; 109. "Tritium Geophysics as an International Research Project." 1969; 110. "Die Eichung der Radiokarbonuhr." 1969; 111. "Nuclear Abundance Rules and the Composition of Meteorites." 1969; 112. "Cosmochemistry." 1969; 113. "Bristlecone Pine Calibration of the Radiocarbon Time Scale from 5300 B.C. to the Present." 1971; 114. "The Three Causes of the Secular Carbon-14 Fluctuations, Their Amplitudes and Time Constraints." 1971; 115. "Transfer of Carbon-14 and Tritium from the Atmosphere into the Ocean." 1970; 116. "The Neolithic of Auvenier, Switzerland: I. Calibrated Radiocarbon Dates." 1970; 117. "Climate and Radiocarbon During the Middle Ages." 1970; 118. "Climatic Changes and the Atmospheric Radiocarbon Level." 1971; 119. "Comments on Paper by H. Craig, 'Abyssal Carbon and Radiocarbon in the Pacific'." 1971; 120. "Thoughts on Radiocarbon Dating." 1971; 121. "Solar Rare Gases and the Abundances of the Elements." 1972; 122. "Bomb-Produced Radiocarbon in the Surface Water of the Pacific Ocean." 1972.

Box 48 Folder 2
Numbered Publications 123-147, 1973 - 1981

123. "Natural Radiocarbon." 1973; 124. "Reservoir Models and Production Rate Variations of Natural Radiocarbon." 1973; 125. "The Abundances of the Heavy Elements." 1973; 126. "Remarks on the Chemical Conditions on the Surface of the Primitive Earth and the Probability of Evolution of Life." 1975; 127. Natural Radiocarbon Evidence Bearing on Climatic Changes." 1974; 128. "Bomb Tritium in the Pacific Ocean." 1975; 129. "Der Radiodarbongehalt von Jahrringproben aus Postglazialen Eichenstammen Mitteleuropas." 1977; 130. "Can Enstatite Meteorites Form from a Nebula of Solar Composition?" 1976; 131. "The Calibration Curve for Radiocarbon Dates." 1976; 132. "Historical Dates for Neolithic Sites of Southeast Europe." 1976. 133. "Carbon-14 in Tree-Rings." 1976; 134. "Can the Ordinary Chondrites Have Condensed From a Gas Phase?" 1977; 135. "Were the Allerod and Twocreekan Substages Contemporaneous?" 1979; 136. "The Carbon-14 Level During the Fourth and Second Half of the Fifth Millennium B.C. and the Carbon-14 Calibration Curve." 1979; 137. "La Jolla Measurements of Radiocarbon in Tree-Ring Dated Wood." 1979; 138. "Absolute Radiocarbon Dating by Low-Altitude European Tree-Ring Calibration." 1978; 139. "Tritium in the Caspian Sea." 1978; 140. "A Calibration Table for Conventional Radiocarbon Dates." 1979; 141. "Ist die Sonnenaktivitat fur Klimaschwankungen Verantwortlich?" 1979; 142. "Radiocarbon Dating; Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Radiocarbon Dating." 1979; 143. "The Radiocarbon Record in Tree Rings of the Last 8000 Years." 1980; 144. "Computer-Matched Radiocarbon Dates of Floating Tree-Ring Series." 1980; 145. "Radiocarbon Geophysics." 1980; 146. "Solar Activity, Cosmic Ray Produced Carbon-14 and the Terrestrial Climate." 1980; 147. "Secular Non-random Variations of Cosmogenic Carbon-14 in the Terrestrial Atmosphere." 1981.

Box 48 Folder 3
Numbered Publications 148-156, 1981 - 1985

148. "Abundances of the Elements in the Solar System." 1981; 149. "Asphalt in Carbon-14 Dated Archaeological Samples from Terqa, Syria." 1982; 150. "On the Radiocarbon Record in Banded Corals: Exchange Parameters and Net Transport of 14CO2 Between Atmosphere and Surface Ocean." 1983; 151. "Some Comments on the Exchange of CO2 Across the Air-Sea Interface." 1983; 152. "The Atmospheric Carbon-14 Level in the 7th and 8th Millennia B.C." 1983; 153. "Can Chondrules Form from a Gas of Solar Composition?" 1983; 154. "Correlation of Bristlecone Pine Ring Widths with Atmospheric C14 Variations." 1984; 155. "Zur Interpretation der Elementhaufigkeiten." 1984; 156. "La Jolla Measurements of Radiocarbon in South German Oak Tree-Ring Chronologies." 1985.

Box 48 Folder 4
Numbered Publications 157-167, 1985 - 1989

157. "Radiocarbon in Tree Rings." 1985; 158. "Excerpts of a Letter by H.E. Suess to Prof. Roger R. Revelle, Dated 12/10/82." 1985; 159. "Secular Variations of Cosmogenic C14 on Earth: Their Discovery and Interpretation." 1986; 160. "The Even-Odd Systematics in R-Process Nuclide Abundances." 1986; 161. Chemistry of the Solar System (An Elementary Introduction to Cosmochemistry)." 1987; 162. "The Even-Odd Effects in R-Process Yields in Element Synthesis, Accepted for Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Geochronology, Cosmochronology and Isotope Geology." 1987; 163. "Radiocarbon Content of Tropospheric CO2 at China Lake, California; 1977-1983." 1987; 164. "The Even-Odd Systematics in R-Process Nuclide Abundances." 1988; 165. "V.M. Goldschmidt and the Origin of the Elements." 1988; 166. "The Suess Wiggles in the Carbon-14 Content of Bristlecone Pine Tree Rings." 1989; 167. "A Comparison of High-Precision Calibrations of the Radiocarbon Time Scale by Three Different Laboratories." 1989.

General Writings

Box 48 Folder 5
Ph.D. Dissertation: Uber den Thermischen Zerfall Einiger Organischer Substenzen , 1935
Box 48 Folder 6
Stand der Arbeiten uber die Gewinnung von schweren Wasser, 1941
Box 48 Folder 7
Die Gewinnung von Deuterium durch Austausch bei zwei verschiedenen Temperaturen I, 1942
Box 48 Folder 8
Die Gewinnung von Deuterium durch Austausch bei zwei verschiedened Temperaturen II. Mitteilung, 1942
Box 48 Folder 9
Untersuchungen an den Azeotropen Stoffpaaren, 1945
Box 48 Folder 10
Abundance of the Noble Gases on the Earth and in the Universe, 1949
Box 48 Folder 11
Ausgezeichnete Nucleonenzahlen, Beta-Zerfallsenergien und das Fehlen Stabiler Isotope der Elemente 43 (TC) und 61 (Pm), 1950
Box 48 Folder 12
Outline of a Research Program on the Cosmic Abundances of Nuclear Species, 1951
Box 48 Folder 13
Empirical Systematics of Nuclear Binding Energies, 1951
Box 48 Folder 14
Gas Content and Age of Tektites, 1951
Box 49 Folder 1
Nuclear Shell Structure and the Abundance of the Stable Nuclear Species, 1952
Box 49 Folder 2
Notes on Radioactive Decay, 1952
Box 49 Folder 3
Reviews by Suess of the Work of Others, 1953 - 1988
Box 49 Folder 4
Fuel Residuals and Climate, 1961
Box 49 Folder 5
Cosmic Abundances of the Elements, 1961
Box 49 Folder 6
Radiocarbon Content and Terrestrial Age of Twelve Stony Meteorites and One Iron Meteorite, 1961
Box 49 Folder 7
Abstracts of various papers, 1961 - 1976
Box 49 Folder 8
Abundance of the Noble Gases in the Atmosphere and in Meteorites, 1962
Box 49 Folder 9
Thermodynamic Data on the Formation of Solid Carbon and Organic Compounds in Primitive Planetary Atmospheres, 1962
Box 49 Folder 10
Urey-Craig Groups of Chondrites and their State of Oxidation, 1962
Box 49 Folder 11
Naturlicher Radiokohlenstoff und Archaologische Forschung, 1967
Box 49 Folder 12
Bristlecone-pine Calibration of the Radiocarbon Time-scale 5,200 B.C. to the Present, 1969
Box 49 Folder 13
Three Causes of the Secular Carbon-14 Fluctuations, Their Amplitudes and Time Constants, 1969
Box 49 Folder 14
Transfer of Carbon-14 and Tritium from the Atmosphere to the Ocean, 1969
Box 49 Folder 15
Comments on paper by H. Craig, "Abyssal Carbon and Radiocarbon in the Pacific", 1970
Box 49 Folder 16
Global Contamination, 1970
Box 49 Folder 17
Climate and Radiocarbon during the Middle Ages, 1970
Box 49 Folder 18
Sind wir Allein?, 1970
Box 49 Folder 19
Global Pollution - English and German versions, 1970
Box 49 Folder 20
Climatic Changes and the Atmospheric Radiocarbon Level, 1970
Box 49 Folder 21
Natural Radiocarbon, 1973
Box 49 Folder 22
Der Radioaktive Kohlenstoff in der Natur, 1973
Box 50 Folder 1
Remarks on the Chemical Conditions of the Surface of the Primitive Earth and the Probability of the Evolution of Life, 1974
Box 50 Folder 2
Der Radiokarbongehalt von Jahrringproben aus Postglazialen Eichenstammen Sudmitteleuropos, 1974
Box 50 Folder 3
Were the Allerod and Twocreekan Substages Contemporaneous?, 1976
Box 50 Folder 4
Carbon-14 Level During the Fourth and Second Half of the Fifth Millennium B.C. and the Carbon-14 Calibration Curve, 1976
Box 50 Folder 5
La Jolla Measurements of Radiocarbon in Tree-Ring Dated Wood, 1977
Box 50 Folder 6
Introduction to Cosmochemistry, 1978
Box 50 Folder 7
La Jolla Measurements of Radiocarbon in Tree-Ring Dated Wood, 1978
Box 50 Folder 8
Radiocarbon and Egyptology, 1979
Box 50 Folder 10
Radiocarbon Record in Tree-Rings of the Last 8000 Years, 1979
Box 50 Folder 11
Calibration Table for Conventional Radiocarbon Dates, 1979
Box 50 Folder 12
Radiocarbon Geophysics, 1980
Box 50 Folder 13
Chemical Composition of the Members of the Solar System, 1980
Box 50 Folder 14
Sun and Climate, 1980
Box 50 Folder 15
Tribute to Harold C. Urey - Various copies, 1981 - 1983
Box 50 Folder 16
Cosmochemistry Book - Draft, typescript. Includes lecture notes from 1973 cosmochemistry class, 1984
Box 51 Folder 1-2
Chemistry of the Solar System - Textbook, typescript, and references, 1987
Box 51 Folder 3
Chemical Composition of the Universe
Box 51 Folder 4
On the Origin of Gas-Rich Meteorites
Box 51 Folder 5
Die Wiener Meteoritensammlung Im Zeitalter Der Raumschiffahrt
Box 51 Folder 6
Nuclear Shell Structure and the Cosmic Abundance of the Stable Nuclear Species
Box 51 Folder 7
Secular Changes in the Concentration of Atmospheric Radiocarbon
Box 51 Folder 8
Cosmogenic Carbon-14 and the Climate
Box 51 Folder 9
Schwankungen Im Kohenstoff-14 Gehalt Der Atmospher Ein Neuer Gepphysikalischer Parameter
Box 51 Folder 10
Radiocarbon Dating and Climate Oscillations During Glacial Periods
Box 51 Folder 11
Can Chondrules Form from a Gas of Solar Composition?
Box 51 Folder 12
Geochemistry of Nuclear Species
Box 51 Folder 13
Sonnenaktivitat und Klima
Box 51 Folder 14
Article on Abundance of Elements for Encyclopedia
Box 51 Folder 15
Composition of the Atmosphere and Hydrosphere
Box 51 Folder 16
I-129 and the Age of the Elements
Box 51 Folder 17
Cosmogenic Carbon-14 on Earth During and Since Glacial Times
Box 51 Folder 18
Thermal History of Enstatite Chondrite Meteorites
Box 51 Folder 19
Miscellaneous writings
Box 51 Folder 20
Unpublished transcripts and manuscripts

Co-Authored Works

Box 52 Folder 1
Radiocarbon Date and Sample Ages in Calendar Years. Stuiver, M. and Suess, H., 1949
Box 52 Folder 2
Carbon Dioxide Exchange Between Atmosphere and Ocean and the Question of an Increase of Atmospheric CO2 during the Past Decades. Revelle, R. and Suess, H., 1956
Box 52 Folder 3
Distribution of Natural Radiocarbon in the Oceans. Craig, H. and Suess, H., 1958
Box 52 Folder 4
Tritium Content of Three Stony Meteorites and One Iron Meteorite. Bainbridge, A.E., Suess, H. and Wanke, H., 1961
Box 52 Folder 5
Interchange of Properties Between Sea and Atmospheric Gases. Revelle, R. and Suess, H., 1961
Box 52 Folder 6
Rare Gases in the Sun, in the Atmosphere, and in Meteorites. Singer, P. and Suess, H., 1962
Box 52 Folder 7
Helium and Neon in the Oceans. Konig, H., Wanke, H., Bien, G.S., Rakestraw, N.W. and Suess, H., 1963
Box 52 Folder 8
Origin of Gas-Rich Meteorites. Wanke, H., Wlotzke, F. and Suess, H., 1963
Box 52 Folder 9
Die Eichung Altagyptischer RadioKarbon-Datierunguen Durch Baumring-Datierte Holzproben. Bielitz, G. and Suess, H., 1967
Box 52 Folder 10
Reservoir Models and Production Rate Variations of Natural Radiocarbon. Houtermans, J.C., Oeschger, H. and Suess, H., 1973
Box 52 Folder 11
Abundance of the Heavy Elements. Zeh, D.H. and Suess, H., 1973
Box 52 Folder 12-13
Carbon-14 in Tree Rings. Cain, W. and Suess, H., 1975
Box 52 Folder 14
Can the Enstatite Meteorites Form from a Nebula of Solar Composition? Herndon, J.M. and Suess, H., 1975
Box 52 Folder 15
Bomb Tritium in the Pacific Ocean, Part I. Michel, R. and Suess, H., 1975
Box 53 Folder 1
Bomb Tritium in the Pacific Ocean, Part II. Michel, R. and Suess, H., 1975
Box 53 Folder 2
Historical Dates for Neolithic Sites of Southeastern Europe. Ferguson, C.W., Gimbutas, M. and Suess, H., 1976
Box 53 Folder 3
Can the Ordinary Chondrites Have Condensed from a Gas Phase? Herndon, J.M. and Suess, H., 1976
Box 53 Folder 4
Radiocarbon Content of Tropospheric CO2 at China Lake, California. Berger, R., Jackson, T., Michael, R., and Suess, H., 1977
Box 53 Folder 5
Computer-Matched Radiocarbon Dates of Floating Tree-Ring Series. Kruse, H.H., Linick, T.W., Becker, B., and Suess, H., 1979
Box 53 Folder 6
Abundances of Elements in the Solar System. Palme, Zeh and Suess, H., 1980 - 1998
Box 53 Folder 7
Secular Non-Random Variations of Cosmogenic Carbon-14. Neftel, A., Oeschger, H. and Suess, H., 1981
Box 53 Folder 8
Asphalt in Carbon-14 Dated Archaeological Samples from Syria. Venkatesan, M.I., Linick, T.W., Suess, H., and Buccellati, G., 1982
Box 53 Folder 9
Carbon-14 Record in Bristlecone Pine Wood of the Last 8000 Years Based on Dendrochronology. Linick, T.W. and Suess, H., 1989
Box 53 Folder 10
Atmospheric Carbon-14 Level in the 7th Millennium B.C. Bruns, M., Rhein, M., Linick, T.W. and Suess, H
Box 53 Folder 11
Neutron and Proton Shell Numbers in the Cosmic Abundance of the Elements. Coryell, C.D., Urey, H.C. and Suess, H
Box 54 Folder 1
Variations of Oceanic Radiocarbon and Implications for the Carbon Dioxide Cycle. Druffel, E.M. and Suess, H
Box 54 Folder 2
Phosphatized Wood from the Sea Floor. Goldberg, E.D., Parker, R. and Suess, H
Box 54 Folder 3
Correlation of Bristlecone Pine Ring Widths with Atmospheric Carbon-14 Variations: A Climate Sun Relation. Sonnett, C.P. and Suess, H
Box 54 Folder 4
Chemical Fractionation in the Early Solar System: The Role of Condensation and Evaporation Sequences. Wanke, H. and Suess, H


Scope and Content of Series

Series 10) WRITINGS BY OTHERS: Annotated manuscript drafts and correspondence by scientists on radiocarbon dating, dendrochronology, climate, carbon dioxide, meteorites, and tritium. Authors represented in this series include UC San Diego faculty and graduate students and many international scientists. Arranged alphabetically by surname of the first author.

Box 54 Folder 5
Andree, M. and Oeschger, H. Limits on the Ventilation Rate for the Deep Ocean Over the Last 12,000 Years, 1986
Box 54 Folder 6
Baity, E.C. Climate, Civilization and Catastrophe, 1984
Box 54 Folder 7-8
Becker, B. Holocene Tree-Ring Series from Southern Central Europe for Archaeological Dating, undated. Tree-Ring Dating and Radiocarbon Calibration in South Central Europe, 1979
Box 54 Folder 9
Brun, Jomar. Vemork in Focus, 1986
Box 54 Folder 10
Collinson, D.W., Runcorn, S.K. and Stephanson, A. Changes in the Ancient Lunar Magnetic Field Intensity
Box 54 Folder 11
Dergachev, V.A. and Kocharov, G.E. Natural Process and Time Fluctuations in the Radiocarbon Concentration of the Atmosphere, 1980
Box 54 Folder 12
Goldberg, E.D. Guide to Marine Pollution, 1972
Box 54 Folder 13
Hitch, C.J. Dendrochronology and Serendipity, 1981
Box 54 Folder 14
Houtermans, F.G. and Oeschger, H. Simple Proportional Counter for Low Level Counting of Soft Beta-Radiation, 1955
Box 54 Folder 15
Houtermans, J.C. Paper on Data Representation, 1970
Box 54 Folder 16
Jensen, H. Zur Erhohung der Deuterium-Produktion der Norsk Hydro durch Austauschofen, 1942
Box 54 Folder 17
Jong, A.F.M. de, Mook, W.G. and Becker, B. Confirmation of the Suess Wriggles
Box 54 Folder 18
Knafl, G., Sacks, J. and Spiegelman, C. Statistical Comments on Radiocarbon Dating
Box 54 Folder 19-20
LaMarche, V.C. Distribution of Pleistocene Glaciers in the White Mountains of California and Nevada, 1965. Origin and Geologic Significance of Buttress Roots of Bristlecone Pines, White Mountains, California, 1963
Box 54 Folder 21
Leventhal, J., Suess, S.E., and Cloud, P. Nonprevalence of Biochemical Fossils in Kerogen from Pre-Phanerozoic Sediments, 1975
Box 54 Folder 22-24
Linick, T.W. La Jolla Radiocarbon Measurements VII, 1976. La Jolla Natural Radiocarbon Measurements X, 1982. Radiocarbon Analysis of Garigliano River Bridge Pilings, undated.
Box 54 Folder 25-26
Martell, E.A. Hydrogen Compounds in the Stratosphere and Mesosphere, 1970. Critique of Current Lung Dosimetry Models for Radon Progeny Exposure, 1987
Box 54 Folder 27
McMinn, J. Gamma-Scanning Neutronenaktivierter Proben (Weitere Entwicklung der Methode)
Box 54 Folder 28
Melosh, H.J. and Sonnett, C.P. When Worlds Collide: Jetted Vapor Plumes and the Moon's Origin
Box 54 Folder 29-32
Michel, R.L. Tritium Distribution in the Weddell Sea Water Masses, 1977. Tritium Inventories of the World Oceans and their Implications, 1975. Tritium Inventories of World Oceans, 1976. Paper on C-14 in Ocean Water, undated
Box 54 Folder 33
Michel-Levy, M.C. Etude Comparative des Chondrites Carbons d'Allende et de Leoville, 1986
Box 54 Folder 34
Miekeley, N. and Levi, H.W. Self-diffusion and Exchange Diffusion of Cations in Vermiculite
Box 54 Folder 35
Mook, W.G. International Comparison of Proportional Gas Counters for C-14 Activity Measurements, 1984
Box 54 Folder 36
Oeschger, H. et al. Comparison of Be-10 and C-14 Variations, 1982
Box 54 Folder 37-40
Patterson, C.C. Limiting the Contamination of Virgin Surfaces of Firn by Engine Exhausts from Nearby Traverses and Overflights, undated. Determination of Natural Levels of Toxic Metals in a Terrestrial Ecosystem, undated. Dwindling Stocks of Silver and their Relevance to Studies of the Metal Contents of Silver Coinage, 1972. Silver Stocks and Losses in Ancient and Medieval Times, 1972
Box 54 Folder 41
Patterson, C.C., Weiss, H.V., Koide, M. and Goldberg, E.D. Mercury and Lead in the Greenland Ice Sheet: A Reexamination of the Data, 1972
Box 55 Folder 1
Pearson, G.W. High Precision Radiocarbon Dating by Liquid Scintillation Counting Applied to Radiocarbon Timescale Calibration
Box 55 Folder 2
Pearson, G.W., Pilcher, J.R., Baille, M.G.L. and Hilliam, J. Absolute Radiocarbon Dating Using a Low Altitude European Tree-ring Calibration, 1977
Box 55 Folder 3
Polach, H.A. Arizona 1850 Wood and ANU Sucrose Radiocarbon Dating Standards: Progress Report on International Crosscalibration with NBS Oxalic Acid, 1977
Box 55 Folder 4
Polach, H.A. and Ferrari, L.M. Tracing Particulate Fallout by Carbon Isotopes, 1982
Box 55 Folder 5
President's Scientific Advisory Committee. Carbon Dioxide from Fossil Fuels: The Invisible Pollutant, 1965
Box 55 Folder 6-7
Renfrew, C. Radiocarbon Evolution Sheds New Light on Ancient Europe, 1977. Tree-ring Calibration of Radiocarbon: An Archaeological Evaluation, 1970
Box 55 Folder 8
Revelle, R. Introduction for book about the physical and biological history of the earth
Box 55 Folder 9
Rooth, C. Tritium Transient, a Global Oceanic Tracer Experiment. Will it Pass Us By?, 1970
Box 55 Folder 10
Rost, R. Recent Results of the Investigations of Moldavites, 1977
Box 55 Folder 11
Runcorn, K. Chemical Composition of the Members of the Solar System
Box 55 Folder 12
Schnitker, D. Climatic Variability and Deep Ocean Circulation: Evidence from the North Atlantic, 1982
Box 55 Folder 13
Scholz, T. Tritium Injection and Concentration Distribution in the Atmosphere, 1970
Box 55 Folder 14-15
Servant, J. Temporal and Spatial Variations of the Concentration of Short-Lived Decay Products of Radon in the Lower Atmosphere, 1965. Tritium Exchange in Wood, undated.
Box 55 Folder 16
Simpson, H.J. Tritium in Crater Lake, Oregon
Box 55 Folder 17
Stenhouse, M.J. Inter-Laboratory Comparison of Radiocarbon Measurements in Tree Rings, 1982
Box 55 Folder 18
Suess, Franz. Miscellaneous writings
Box 55 Folder 19
Urey, Harold C. Review of Atomic Abundances in Chondrites and the Origin of the Meteorites, 1962
Box 55 Folder 20-22
Wilkening, Laurel L. Carbonaceous Chondritic Xenoliths and Planetary-type Noble Gases in Gas-Rich Meteorites, 1976. Chemical Composition of the Moon, 1976. High Temperature Condensates Among Meteors, 1975
Box 55 Folder 23
Zimen, K.E. and Brits, R. Die C14-Aktivitat der Atmosphare von 1952 bis 1971 nach Messungen von Wein-Anthanol
Box 55 Folder 24-26
Miscellaneous writings of others - General, abstracts, and meteorite papers and reports


Scope and Content of Series

Series 11) PHOTOGRAPHS: Photographic prints of Hans Suess; his father and grandfather, geologists Franz and Eduard Suess; the UC San Diego Chemistry Department and campus; meteorites and comets; and group photos from physics and chemistry conferences. Additional photographs can be found in Series 20.

Box 55 Folder 27
Aerial photograph of UCSD campus, 1967
Box 55 Folder 28
Comets, unidentified, 1952
Box 55 Folder 29
Equipment in laboratory
Box 55 Folder 30-32
Groups - Chemistry Department, faculty and graduate students; conferences; and miscellaneous, 1950 - 1985
Box 55 Folder 33
Photos of others, 1960 - 1975


Box 55 Folder 34
Box 56 Folder 1
Box 56 Folder 2
Snapshots, 1969
Box 56 Folder 3-7
Suess photos - Lecturing; candids; portraits; publicity photos in laboratory; and with grandfather, Eduard Suess, 1911 - 1980


Scope and Content of Series

Series 12) ORIGINAL MATERIALS PHOTOCOPIED FROM COLLECTION: Documents that have been photocopied for preservation purposes. The copies of the original documents are foldered in the appropriate location in the collection.

Box 56 Folder 8-14
Photocopied originals

Accession Processed in 2011


Scope and Content of Series

Series 13) BIOGRAPHICAL MATERIALS: Suess' biographical statements and notes from 1979-1990. See also Series 1, BIOGRAPHICAL MATERIALS and Series 7, AWARDS.

Box 57 Folder 1
Biographical notes and miscellaneous biographical materials, 1979 - 1990


Scope and Content of Series

Series 14) CORRESPONDENCE: Correspondence documenting Suess' scientific activities in the 1980s, including participation in conferences, preparation of books and articles for publication, and lecturing abroad. Includes letters that document his efforts to raise funds for his radiocarbon laboratory at UC San Diego during the years 1977 to the early 1980s. Details about his struggle to prevent closure of the laboratory can be gleaned from the correspondence files. The series contains letters between Suess and granting agencies as well as his colleagues from leading institutions in the U.S. and Europe. The series is arranged alphabetically by surname of correspondent or corporate name. Additional correspondence is located in Series 2.

Box 57 Folder 2
A - Miscellaneous
Box 57 Folder 3
Bielenberg, Christabelle, 1987
Box 57 Folder 4
British Broadcasting Corporation, 1987
Box 57 Folder 5
B - Miscellaneous
Box 57 Folder 6
Cain, William, 1970 - 1971
Box 57 Folder 7
Clube, S.V.M., 1983 - 1985
Box 57 Folder 8-9
C-D - Miscellaneous
Box 57 Folder 10
Elsevier Science Publishers, 1984 - 1987
Box 57 Folder 11-14
E-H - Miscellaneous
Box 57 Folder 15
Hauser, Kurt, 1975 - 1977
Box 57 Folder 16
Instituto Di Cosmo-Geofisica, 1984 - 1986
Box 57 Folder 17
International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy, 1991
Box 57 Folder 18-21
I-L - Miscellaneous
Box 57 Folder 22
Max-Planck-Institut für Chemie, 1989 - 1990
Box 57 Folder 23
M - Miscellaneous
Box 57 Folder 24
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), 1982 - 1990
Box 57 Folder 25
National Academy of Sciences, 1979 - 1990
Box 57 Folder 26
National Science Foundation (NSF), 1977 - 1991
Box 57 Folder 27
Nydal, Reidar, 1984 - 1985
Box 57 Folder 28
N - Miscellaneous
Box 57 Folder 29
Oeschger, Hans, 1984 - 1991
Box 57 Folder 30
O - Miscellaneous
Box 57 Folder 31
Pearson, Gordon W., 1983 - 1987
Box 57 Folder 32
P - Miscellaneous
Box 57 Folder 33
Royal Society, 1984 - 1990
Box 57 Folder 34
Runcorn, S. Keith, 1980 - 1990
Box 57 Folder 35
R - Miscellaneous
Box 57 Folder 36
Schove, D.J., 1983
Box 57 Folder 37
Scientific American - Contains correspondence regarding article of Virgil Barnes on tektites published in Scientific American , 1954 - 1961
Box 57 Folder 38
Sonett, Charles P., 1983 - 1991
Box 58 Folder 1
Suess' family and personal correspondence, 1953 - 1991
Box 58 Folder 2
S - Miscellaneous
Box 58 Folder 3
Turekian, Karl K., 1986 - 1990
Box 58 Folder 4
T - Miscellaneous
Box 58 Folder 5
University of Arizona, 1987 - 1990
Box 58 Folder 6
University of California - Miscellaneous, 1980 - 1988
Box 58 Folder 7
University of California Press, 1969 - 1989
Box 58 Folder 8
University of Groningen, 1986 - 1987
Box 58 Folder 9-10
U-V - Miscellaneous
Box 58 Folder 11
Walker, Mark, 1984
Box 58 Folder 12
Wilkening, Laurel L., 1986 - 1988
Box 58 Folder 13
W - Miscellaneous
Box 58 Folder 14
Z - Miscellaneous
Box 58 Folder 15-16
Miscellaneous - Outgoing correspondence to unidentified correspondents and incoming correspondence by unidentified correspondents, 1961 - 1991


Scope and Content of Series

Series 15) UC SAN DIEGO MATERIALS: Correspondence, minutes and reports for UC San Diego's Academic Senate, Department of Chemistry, Office of the Provost, Revelle College, and Scripps Institution of Oceanography. Arranged alphabetically.

Box 58 Folder 17
Academic Senate, 1982 - 1989

Department of Chemistry

Box 58 Folder 18-20
1963 - 1988
Box 59 Folder 1
Box 59 Folder 2
Office of the Provost, 1980 - 1984
Box 59 Folder 3
Revelle College, 1966 - 1972
Box 59 Folder 4
Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO), 1987 - 1989
Box 59 Folder 5


Scope and Content of Series

Series 16) CONTRACTS, GRANTS, AND PROPOSALS: Grant proposals, correspondence, and final reports of research projects conducted by Suess at UC San Diego. Additional materials can be found in Series 4. The series is arranged in two subseries: A) National Science Foundation, and B) Miscellaneous Proposals.

A) National Science Foundation: The National Science Foundation (NSF) is the largest subseries and documents research projects that Suess conducted during the years 1963 to 1985. The materials also document Suess' efforts to prevent the closure of his laboratory in the 1980s when National Science Foundation started to reject his proposals. The subseries is arranged in chronological order by starting date of proposal.

B) Miscellaneous Proposals: Grant proposals submitted primarily to the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC), the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), and to UC San Diego. The subseries is arranged alphabetically by name of granting agency.

National Science Foundation (NSF)

Box 59 Folder 6
Natural Radiocarbon Measurements

10/4/1963 - 10/4/1966. Typescripts of grant proposals, correspondence, two research papers ("Natural Radiocarbon in the Pacific and Indian Oceans" and "Radiocarbon Dating of Deep Water of the Pacific and Indian Oceans"), and list of the grant personnel.

Box 59 Folder 7
Natural Radiocarbon Measurements

9/1/1966 - 9/1/1968 (Renewal). Grant proposal drafts and correspondence.

Box 59 Folder 8
Study of the Feasibility of the Use of Remanent Magnetism in Wood for the Investigation of the Intensity of the Geomagnetic Field During the Past 40,000 Years, 1967 - 1968

Grant proposals and correspondence.

Box 59 Folder 9
Solar Related Secular Variations of the Atmospheric C-14 Level

7/1/1968 - 6/30/1969. Proposal drafts and correspondence.

Box 59 Folder 10
Construction of New Radiocarbon and Tritium Laboratories

7/1/1968 - 6/30/1969 and 2/1/1970 - 1/31/1971. Proposal drafts and correspondence.

Box 59 Folder 11
Natural Radiocarbon Measurements

11/15/1968 - 11/14/1970 (Renewal). Proposal drafts and correspondence.

Box 59 Folder 12
Radiocarbon Measurements in the Surface and Subsurface Water of the Pacific Ocean, 1968 - 1969

Grant proposal.

Box 59 Folder 13
Determination of Tritium in Natural Waters

02/15/1970 - 02/14/1971. Proposal drafts and correspondence.

Box 59 Folder 14
Solar Terrestrial Relationships Based on C-14 level

07/1/1970 - 03/31/1975 (Renewal). Proposal drafts and correspondence.

Box 59 Folder 15
Equipment Renewal for Interdisciplinary Materials Research

10/1/1970 - 09/30/1971. Grant proposal.

Box 59 Folder 16
Measurements of Natural Radiocarbon and Tritium

12/1/1970 - 12/1/1972 (Renewal). Proposal drafts and correspondence.

Box 60 Folder 1
Measurements of Natural Radiocarbon

12/1/1972 - 05/31/1975 (Renewal). Proposal drafts and correspondence.

Box 60 Folder 2
Measurements of Natural Radiocarbon

12/1/1974 - 05/31/1976. Proposal drafts and correspondence.

Box 60 Folder 3
Secular Variations of the Atmospheric Carbon-14 Level

03/1/1975 - 02/28/1977. Proposal drafts and correspondence.

Box 60 Folder 4
Investigations of Bomb-Tritium Distribution in the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans

09/1/1975 - 08/31/1977. Proposal drafts and correspondence.

Box 60 Folder 5
Measurements of Natural Radiocarbon

12/1/1975 - 11/30/1977. Grant proposals and correspondence.

Box 60 Folder 6
Measurements of Natural Radiocarbon

12/1/1976 - 11/30/1978 (Renewal). Proposal drafts and correspondence.

Box 60 Folder 7
Secular Variations of the Atmospheric Carbon-14 Level

03/1/1977 - 02/28/1979. Proposal drafts and correspondence.

Box 60 Folder 8
Investigations of Bomb-Tritium Distribution in the Pacific and Antarctic Oceans

09/15/1977 - 09/14/1979. Grant proposals and correspondence.

Box 60 Folder 9
Bomb-Produced Tritium Distribution in the Antarctic Seas

10/1/1977 - 09/30/1978. Grant proposal, correspondence, and grant application guidelines.

Box 61 Folder 1
C-14 as Tracer in Global Carbon Cycle: Secular Variations of C-14/C-Ratio of the Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide as Measured in Tree-Ring Dated Wood from the Past 8,000 Years

12/1/1977 - 11/30/1979. Grant proposal, final report, and correspondence.

Box 61 Folder 2
Request for Research Equipment Grant: Set of Cary Vibrating Reed Amplifiers for Oxygen and Carbon Mass Spectrometer

07/1/1978 - 06/30/1979. Grant proposal and correspondence.

Box 61 Folder 3
Investigations of Bomb-Tritium in the Pacific and Antarctic Oceans

10/1/1978 - 09/30/1979. Grant proposal.

Box 61 Folder 4
Measurements of Natural Radiocarbon

12/1/1978 - 11/30/1980. Grant proposal, final report and correspondence.

Box 61 Folder 5
Bomb-Produced Tritium in the Antarctic Seas

03/1/1979 - 09/1/1979. Grant proposal.

Box 61 Folder 6
Investigations of Bomb-Tritium Distribution in the Pacific and Antarctic Oceans

10/1/1979 - 10/31/1980. Grant proposals and correspondence.

Box 61 Folder 7
Radiocarbon Record from Early Neolithic Times to the Beginning of History

10/1/1979 - 9/30/1980.Grant proposals, final report, and correspondence.

Box 61 Folder 8
Investigations of Radiocarbon in Annual Coral Rings

10/1/1979 - 09/30/1981. Grant proposals, final report, and correspondence.

Box 61 Folder 9
Further Studies of the Radiocarbon Record in Tree-Rings of the Last 8000 years

11/15/1979 - 11/14/1981. Grant proposals, final report, and correspondence.

Box 61 Folder 10
Cosmogenic Carbon-14 on Earth During and Since Glacial Times

05/1/1981 - 04/30/1984. Grant proposal and correspondence.

Box 62 Folder 1
Radiocarbon Measurements in Annual Coral Rings and Banded Sclerosponges

10/1/1981 - 06/30/1983. Grant proposals and correspondence.

Box 62 Folder 2
Tritium Distribution in the Northwest Pacific

11/1/1981 - 10/31/1982. Grant proposal.

Box 62 Folder 3
Investigation of Radiocarbon in the Equatorial and Western Pacific

02/01/1982 - 01/31/1984. Grant proposal and proposal evaluations.

Box 62 Folder 4
Final List of La Jolla Precision Measurements of Carbon-14 in Wood Samples Dated by Their Tree Rings

04/01/1982 - 03/30/1984. Grant proposal.

Box 62 Folder 5
Support of UCLA and UCSD Radiocarbon Laboratories

09/01/1982 - 08/30/1987. Grant proposal and panel summary.

Box 62 Folder 6
Support for Completion of the Text on Radiocarbon Dating

12/01/1983 - 11/30/1985. Grant proposal and correspondence.

Box 62 Folder 7
Analytic Assessment of Existing Results of Precision Measurements of Radiocarbon in Dendrochronologically Dated Wood, 1983
Box 62 Folder 8
NSF annual newsletters, brochures, and announcements, 1976 - 1983
Box 62 Folder 9
Miscellaneous NSF budget notes
Box 62 Folder 10
Miscellaneous correspondence concerning NSF grant proposals, 1967 - 1971

Miscellaneous Proposals

Box 62 Folder 11
Atomic Energy Commission - Interim progress report, Project 40 - Low-Level Counting, 1958
Box 62 Folder 12
NOAA Environmental Research Laboratories - An Assessment of Air Pollution During the Last Fifty Years Using Carbon-14 Techniques

04/1/1973 - 03/31/1976. Contains drafts of title page and budget.

Box 62 Folder 13
UCSD Academic Senate Committee of Research - Travel grants, 1982 - 1989
Box 62 Folder 14
UCSD Contract and Grant Administration - The Abundance of the Elements

10/1/1980 - 09/30/1981 and 11/1/1982 - 10/31/1983. Contains manuscript and typescripts of grant proposal.

Box 62 Folder 15
UCSD Department of Chemistry - Project status reports, 1984 - 1985
Box 62 Folder 16
Miscellaneous grant proposals, 1983 - 1984


Scope and Content of Series

Series 17) NOTES AND DATA: Laboratory notebooks, data, charts, figures, tables, and transparencies related to radiocarbon dating research conducted at Suess' laboratory. Includes a wood sample used in radiocarbon dating. Arranged alphabetically. See also Series 5.

Oversize MC-052-01
Charts - Soluble/Insoluble Sr90, San Diego and San Bernardino (Big Bear Lake), 1958
Box 62 Folder 18
Figures and transparencies

Laboratory data, charts, figures, and tables relating to radiocarbon dating

Box 62 Folder 19
Box 63 Folder 1
Box 63 Folder 2-3
Laboratory notebooks, 1961 and undated

Includes rare gases and meteorites.

Box 63 Folder 4
Tables and charts relating to radiocarbon dating

Contains unlabeled charts and tables.

Box 63 Folder 5
Wood sample used for radiocarbon dating, with labels


Scope and Content of Series

Series 18) TEACHING MATERIALS: Lecture notes, exam materials and visual aids for physical chemistry, cosmochemistry, and radiochemistry classes taught by Suess from 1968 to 1985. Additional teaching materials are located in Series 8.

Box 63 Folder 6
Advanced Physical Chemistry. Lecture notes, undated

Cosmochemistry 170. Lecture notes and exam materials

Box 63 Folder 7-8
Box 64 Folder 1-7
1968-1985 & undated
Box 64 Folder 8
Radiochemistry 171. Teaching and exam materials, 1971 - 1985


Scope and Content of Series

Series 19) WRITINGS BY SUESS. Arranged in two subseries: A) Numbered Publications and B) Unnumbered Writings.

A) Numbered Publications: Drafts, typescripts, and correspondence related to Suess' published works that were numbered by his secretary for retention in his academic archives. The subseries documents 42 out of 167 numbered publications and is arranged in numerical order by the original number of the published work. The original numbering system has been maintained in this collection. Reprints of these publications can be found in Series 9. Includes drafts of Chemistry of the Solar System.

B) Unnumbered Writings: Notes, drafts, and correspondence of Suess' published and unpublished writings that are not included in the numbered publications subseries. Includes a memoir, "My First Two Years," describing his work at the USGS Radiocarbon Laboratory in the 1950s. Additional writings by Suess can be found in Series 9. Arranged alphabetically.

Numbered Publications

Box 65 Folder 1
71. Thermodynamic Data on the Formation of Solid Carbon and Organic Compounds in Primitive Planetary Atmospheres, 1962
Box 65 Folder 2
74. Rare Gases in the Sun, in the Atmosphere, and in Meteorites, July 1962
Box 65 Folder 3
75. Radiocarbon Dating of Deep Water of the Pacific and Indian Oceans, November 1962
Box 65 Folder 4
76. Natural Radiocarbon in the Pacific and Indian Oceans, 1962
Box 65 Folder 5
80. Urey-Craig Groups of Chondrites and Their States of Oxidation, 1963
Box 65 Folder 6
81. Helium, Neon, and Argon in the Oceans, 1964
Box 65 Folder 7
82. Remarks Concerning the Chemical Composition of the Atmosphere of Venus, 1963
Box 65 Folder 8
83. On the Origin of Gas-Rich Meteorites, 1961
Box 65 Folder 9
84. On the Possibility of a Helium Flux through the Ocean Floor, 1965
Box 65 Folder 10
85. Abundances of the Elements in the Universe, 1964
Box 65 Folder 11
86. On Element Synthesis and the Interpretation of the Abundances of Heavy Nuclides, 1964
Box 65 Folder 12
89. Chemical Evidence Bearing on the Origin of the Solar System, 1965
Box 65 Folder 13
90. Radiocarbon in the Pacific and Indian Oceans and Its Relation to Deep Water Movements, 1965
Box 65 Folder 14
91. Secular Variations in the Cosmic Ray-Produced Carbon-14 in the Atmosphere and Their Interpretations, 1965
Box 65 Folder 15
93. Some Chemical Aspects of the Evolution of Terrestrial Atmosphere, 1965
Box 65 Folder 16
94. Climatic Changes, Solar Activity, and the Cosmic-Ray Production Rate of Radiocarbon, 1965
Box 66 Folder 1
95. Difficulties with Theories of Nuclear Synthesis in Stars, 1966
Box 66 Folder 2
96. On the Relationship Between Radiocarbon Dates and True Sample Ages, 1966
Box 66 Folder 3
97. Determination of the Age of Swiss Lake Dwellings as an Example of Dendrochronologically-Calibrated Radiocarbon Dating, 1966
Box 66 Folder 4
98. Metamorphosis and Equilibration in Chondrites, 1967
Box 66 Folder 5
99. Transfer and Exchange of Carbon-14 Between the Atmosphere and the Surface Water of the Pacific Ocean, May 1967
Box 66 Folder 6
100. Tritium in the Mixed Layer of the North Pacific Ocean, March 2-10, 1967
Box 66 Folder 7
101. Effect of Industrial Fuel Combustion on the Carbon-14 Level of Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide, March 2-10, 1967
Box 66 Folder 8
102. Bristlecone Pine Calibration of the Radiocarbon Time Scale from 4100 B.C. to 1500 B.C., March 2-10, 1967
Box 66 Folder 9
103. Zür Chronologie des Alten Ägypten, 1967
Box 66 Folder 10
106. Radioactivity of the Atmosphere and Hydrosphere, 1968
Box 66 Folder 11
107. On the Genetic Interpretation of Solar System Nuclear Abundances, 1968
Box 66 Folder 12
108. Virus House: Comments and Reminiscences - Book Review, 1968
Box 66 Folder 13
109. Tritium Geophysics as an International Research Project, 1969
Box 66 Folder 14
110. Die Eichung der Radiokarbonuhr, 1969
Box 66 Folder 15
111. Nuclear Abundance Rules and the Composition of Meteorites, August 7-8, 1968
Box 66 Folder 16
112. Cosmochemistry, 1969
Box 66 Folder 17
115. Transfer of Carbon-14 and Tritium from the Atmosphere into the Ocean, 1969 - 1970
Box 66 Folder 18
116. Neolithic of Auvenier, 1970
Box 66 Folder 19
117. Climate and Radiocarbon During the Middle Ages, 1970
Box 66 Folder 20
121. Solar Rare Gases and the Abundances of the Elements, 1971
Box 66 Folder 21
159. Secular Variations of Cosmogenic Carbon-14 on Earth, Their Discovery and Interpretation, 1986

161. Chemistry of the Solar System

Box 67 Folder 1-5
Box 68 Folder 1-6
Drafts; annotated typescript; figures and tables; miscellaneous; an agreement with John Wiley & Son, Inc. to publish the book; a letter from Kurt E. Shuler, Chairman of the Department of Chemistry at UCSD; a grant application; and photocopies of reference articles and books
Box 68 Folder 7
165. V. M. Goldschmidt and the Origins of Elements, 1988
Box 68 Folder 8
166. Suess Wiggles in the Carbon-14 Content of Bristlecone Pine Tree Rings, 1989
Box 68 Folder 9
167. Comparison of High-Precision Calibrations of the Radiocarbon Time Scale by Three Different Laboratories, 1989

Unnumbered Writings

Box 68 Folder 10
Abundances of the Chemical Elements, 1987
Box 68 Folder 11
Accuracy of Measurements of Weak Natural Radioactivities
Box 68 Folder 12
Brief History of Radiocarbon Dating, 1990
Box 68 Folder 13
Heinrich Wanke's Way through Cosmo- and Geochemistry (with Herbert Palme), 1989
Box 68 Folder 14
Letter to Science Magazine , 1982
Box 68 Folder 15
My First Two Years
Box 68 Folder 16
Carbon-14 as a tracer for studies of CO2 uptake by the Pacific Ocean, 1979
Box 69 Folder 1-2
Miscellaneous writings, 1964, 1983-1987 and undated
Box 69 Folder 3-4
Notebooks, undated


Scope and Content of Series

Series 20) PHOTOGRAPHS: Photographic prints, negatives, and slides of meteorites, comets and the moon; Hans Suess, family members, and other scientists; radiocarbon dating; spacecraft; and images of Jupiter, Mars, and Saturn taken during the Voyager missions. Additional photographs are located in Series 11.

Box 69 Folder 5
Kapoeta Meteorites - Photographs
Box 69 Folder 6
Meteorites - Photographs, negatives, and slides
Box 69 Folder 7
Radiocarbon dating - Slides, photographs, and negatives
Box 69 Folder 8
Spacecraft - Slides
Box 69 Folder 9
Suess, Hans - Photographs & negatives, 1970s
Box 69 Folder 10
Unlabeled photographs
Box 69 Folder 11-13
Voyager slides - Images of Jupiter, Mars, and Saturn, 1979 - 1980
Box 69 Folder 14
Miscellaneous - Contains negative of Krichuber's portrait, a black-and-white photograph of Suess' laboratory, and a photograph of the Sea of Tranquility (Mare Tranquillitatis)