Farmworker Movement Documentation Project - Presented by the UC San Diego Library


To view the videos, click on the titles with an x next to it. That will drop down a list of videos to choose from. Clicking on the link for the video will open a pop-up window with a video file.

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11 Video Clips: Harvey Richards Documentary Films

Filmmaker Harvey Richards made four documentary films about the exploitation of farmworkers by California Agribusiness – Factory Farms (1959) | The Harvesters (1960) | Uno Veintecinco (1962) | The Land Is Rich (1966). These films are available for purchase at These video clips are provided courtesy of Paul Richards.


Film Trailer: “Soldiers of the Fields:The Bracero Program” 1942-1964

Gilbert G. Gonzalez and Vivian Price, Co-Directors, Adrian Salinas, Editor, Xochitl Gonzalez, Assistant Editor
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8 Video Clips: Cesar Chavez Speaks at Harvard University

| Social Change | Pesticides | UFW Boycott | Robert F. Kennedy | Labor History | Social Justice 1 | Social Justice 2 | Nonviolence | Social Justice 2 |


Reenactment: Cesar Chavez Chicano Moratorium Speech 1971


Gilbert Padilla: His Story

One of the founding members of the National Farm Workers Association (1962), Gilbert Padilla talks about being raised as a Mexican-American: his family, his education, his work, and his introduction to providing services to farmworkers. (Interview courtesy of San Diego videographer, Bob Hatton)


Luis Valdez: 3 Video Clips from ¡Huelga!

| The Plight of Farmworkers | The March to Sacramento | Acto of El Teatro Campesino |


2 Video Clips: “¡HUELGA!”

| DiGiorgio Corporation Imports Strikebreakers | Delano Strikers Sign-Up DiGiorgio Field Workers |


3 Video Interviews With Delano Strikers

| Beatrice Roman & Esther Uranday | Jesus Marin & Rico Barrera | Roberto Bustos | Transcript: Barrera Brothers Interview


7 Video Clips: “SI SE PUEDE”

| Dolores Huerta (1+ minute) | Richard Chavez | Plight of Arizona Farmworkers | Richard Cook | Coretta Scott King | Robert Kennedy, Jr. | Joan Baez |


“Community Organizing” – Cesar Chavez Speaks At McGill University – 1973


Police/Teamster Violence Against United Farm Worker Strikers – 1973

Documentary Film Footage and Narration: Courtesy of Glen Pearcy/Glen Pearcy Productions


Fred Ross Memorial Service – 1992

Speakers Include: | Jerry Cohen | Ann Howden | Tony Rios | Jim Drake | Jessica Govea | Luis Valdez | Jimmy Herman | Nancy Pelosi | Dolores Huerta | Fred Ross Jr. | Julia Ross | Cesar Chavez |


9 Documentary Films About Cesar Chavez and the Farmworker Movement

Film Titles: | Huelga (1966) | Decision at Delano (1966) | ¡HUELGA! (1968) | This Week: California Grape Strike (1969) | Nosotros Venceremos (1971) | SI SE PUEDE (1972) | Road to Delano (1972) | Fighting For Our Lives (1st cut: 1973) | Wrath of Grapes (1986) |


© 2004–2012 Si Se Puede Press

Primary source accounts: photographs, oral histories, videos, essays and historical documents from the United Farm Worker Delano Grape Strikers and the UFW Volunteers who worked with Cesar Chavez to build his farmworker movement.

This site was purchased by the Library from its original curator in 2014 and made available as a curated collection for educational purposes. Unfortunately, we do not currently have access to high resolution images, nor do we hold copyright at the file level. Therefore we cannot extend permission for reuse or reproduction. Reuse of the material is dependent on your investigation of any existing copyright claim, and/or at your own risk.

The Library presents this material in the context of scholarly fair use. Please see our copyright notice and takedown procedures if you are a rights owner with concerns about this material.