To view the videos, click on the titles with an x next to it. That will drop down a list of videos to choose from. Clicking on the link for the video will open a pop-up window with a video file.
11 Video Clips: Harvey Richards Documentary Films
Filmmaker Harvey Richards made four documentary films about the exploitation of farmworkers by California Agribusiness – Factory Farms (1959) | The Harvesters (1960) | Uno Veintecinco (1962) | The Land Is Rich (1966). These films are available for purchase at These video clips are provided courtesy of Paul Richards.
Film Trailer: “Soldiers of the Fields:The Bracero Program” 1942-1964
Gilbert G. Gonzalez and Vivian Price, Co-Directors, Adrian Salinas, Editor, Xochitl Gonzalez, Assistant Editor
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8 Video Clips: Cesar Chavez Speaks at Harvard University
| Social Change | Pesticides | UFW Boycott | Robert F. Kennedy | Labor History | Social Justice 1 | Social Justice 2 | Nonviolence | Social Justice 2 |
Reenactment: Cesar Chavez Chicano Moratorium Speech 1971
Gilbert Padilla: His Story
One of the founding members of the National Farm Workers Association (1962), Gilbert Padilla talks about being raised as a Mexican-American: his family, his education, his work, and his introduction to providing services to farmworkers. (Interview courtesy of San Diego videographer, Bob Hatton)
Luis Valdez: 3 Video Clips from ¡Huelga!
| The Plight of Farmworkers | The March to Sacramento | Acto of El Teatro Campesino |
2 Video Clips: “¡HUELGA!”
| DiGiorgio Corporation Imports Strikebreakers | Delano Strikers Sign-Up DiGiorgio Field Workers |
3 Video Interviews With Delano Strikers
| Beatrice Roman & Esther Uranday | Jesus Marin & Rico Barrera | Roberto Bustos | Transcript: Barrera Brothers Interview
7 Video Clips: “SI SE PUEDE”
| Dolores Huerta (1+ minute) | Richard Chavez | Plight of Arizona Farmworkers | Richard Cook | Coretta Scott King | Robert Kennedy, Jr. | Joan Baez |
“Community Organizing” – Cesar Chavez Speaks At McGill University – 1973
Police/Teamster Violence Against United Farm Worker Strikers – 1973
Documentary Film Footage and Narration: Courtesy of Glen Pearcy/Glen Pearcy Productions
Fred Ross Memorial Service – 1992
Speakers Include: | Jerry Cohen | Ann Howden | Tony Rios | Jim Drake | Jessica Govea | Luis Valdez | Jimmy Herman | Nancy Pelosi | Dolores Huerta | Fred Ross Jr. | Julia Ross | Cesar Chavez |
9 Documentary Films About Cesar Chavez and the Farmworker Movement
Film Titles: | Huelga (1966) | Decision at Delano (1966) | ¡HUELGA! (1968) | This Week: California Grape Strike (1969) | Nosotros Venceremos (1971) | SI SE PUEDE (1972) | Road to Delano (1972) | Fighting For Our Lives (1st cut: 1973) | Wrath of Grapes (1986) |