Early and Clairevoyant Journals by Hannah Weiner
Introduction #2 Country Girl #3 Pictures and Early Words #4 Big Words 5

Avant-Garde Journalism: Hannah Weiner's Early and Clairvoyant Journals

Works Cited

Andrews, Bruce, Kevin Davies and Jeff Derksen. "Bruce Andrews Interview May 1990,

Vancouver." Aerial 9 (1999): 5-19.

Cha, Theresa Hak Kyung. Dictee. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2001.

Damon, Maria. "Hannah Weiner Beside Herself: Clairvoyance After Shock or The Nice

Jewish Girl Who Knew Too Much." East Village Web. 5 March 2004.


Deleuze, Gilles and Felix Guattari. Kafka: Toward a Minor Literature. Trans. Dana

Polan. Minneapolis: U Minnesota P, 1986.

-----. A Thousand Plateaus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia. Trans. Brian Massumi.

Minneapolis: U Minnesota P, 1987..

DuCharme, Mark. "Consciousness & Contradiction: Hannah Weiner's silent

teachers/remembered sequel." 6ix 5 (1997). 4-9.

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Luria, A. R. The Mind of a Mnemonist: A Little Book about a Vast Memory. trans. Lynn

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Mac Low, Jackson. "Persia/Sixteen/Code Poems." Poetics Journal 4 (1982): 88-97.

Magritte, Rene. La Clairvoyance. Galarie Isy Brachot, Brussels.

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-----. La Trahison des images. Private Collection, New York.

Mayer, Bernadette. private correspondence. April 2002.

Merleau-Ponty, Maurice. The Primacy of Perception. Evanston: Northwestern UP,


Messerli, Douglas ed. "Language" Poetries An Anthology. New York: New Directions,


Olkowski, Dorthea. Gilles Deleuze and the Ruin of Representation. Berkeley: U

California P, 1999.

Olson, Charles. Collected Prose. Donald Allen and Benjamin Friedlander eds.

Berkeley: U California P, 1997.

Perreault, John. Rev. of Code Poems, by Hannah Weiner. Poetry Project Newsletter 99

(1983): 8.

Quasha, George. "A Concrete Dialog with Myself on and for Jackson Mac Low." Paper Air 2.3 (Blue Bell PA: Singing Horse, 1983): 55-8.

Rosenthal, Barbara. private correspondence. April 2002.

Warsh, Lewis. private correspondence. April 2002.

Watten, Barrett. private correspondence. April 2002.

Weiner, Hannah. "AWARENESS AND COMMUNICATION." MSS 504, Box 15,

Folder 23, Mandeville Special Collections. UCSD Libraries, San Diego.

-----. Clairvoyant Journal. New York: Angel Hair, 1978.

-----. Clairvoyant Journal. Perf. Sharon Mattlin, Peggy De Coursey, and Hannah Weiner.

Audiocassette. New Wilderness Audiographics, 1978.

-----. Code Poems. Barrytown: Open Book, 1982.

-----. "Country Girl - 1971." MSS 504, Box 11, Folder 6, Mandeville Special

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-----. "CRITICISM OF MY HANNAH FOOL long page." Margins 21/22 (1975): 38.

-----. The Fast. New York: United Artists, 1992.

-----. LITTLE BOOKS/INDIANS. New York: Roof, 1980.

-----. The Magritte Poems. Sacramento: Poetry Newsletter, 1970.

-----. Nijole's House. Needham: Potes & Poets, 1981.

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-----."Research Important Conflict Two Obedient." Writing 25 (1990): 70-74.

-----. "Sign Language of the American Indian." Assembling 1 (1970).

-----. silent teachers remembered sequel. New York: Tender Buttons, 1994.

-----. Sixteen. Windsor: Awede, 1983.

-----. Spoke. Washington: Sun & Moon, 1984.

-----. "Ubliminal." Chain 2 (1995). 238-39.

-----. Weeks. Madison: Xexoxial Editions, 1990.

-----. WRITTEN IN/The Zero One. Victoria, Austral.: Post Neo Publications, 1985.

Weiner, Hannah, and Charles Bernstein. LINEbreak (1995).


Weiner, Hannah, and Ernesto Grosman. The Radio Reading Project. 1994.


Weiner, Hannah, and Andrew Schelling. "Mostly About the Sentence." Jimmy & Lucy's

House of "K" 7 (1986): 54-70.

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