Farmworker Movement Documentation Project - Presented by the UC San Diego Library

Farmworker Movement Online Gallery

Images from the Farmworker Movement

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Most viewed - LA CAUSA
21 - "Today on Good Friday 1969 we remember the life and the sacrifice of Martin Luther King, Jr., who gave himself totally to the nonviolent struggle for peace and justice."424 views
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06 - "We are men and women who have suffered and endured much, and not only because of our abject poverty, but because we have been kept poor."412 views
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10 - "We know that our cause is just, that history is a story of social revolution, and the poor shall inherit the land."411 views
20 - "We advocate militant nonviolence as our means for social revolution and to achieve justice for farmworkers, but we are not blind or deaf to the desperate and moody winds of human frustration, impatience, and the rage that blow among us."408 views
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12 - "We are men locked in a death struggle against man's inhumanity to man in the agribusiness industry."401 views
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01 - Paul Fusco of Magnum Photos - Photographs of the Cesar Chavez and the Delano farmworkers. - Paul's new photo essay project: www.abitterfruit.com393 views
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07 - "The colors of our skins, the lack of formal education, the exclusion from the democratic process - all these burdens have sought to demoralize us, to break our human spirit."383 views
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09 - "If building our union required the deliberate taking of life, either the life of a grower and his child. or the life of farmworker or his child, then I choose not to see our union built."381 views
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15 - "The Delano strikers have been taught not to lie down and die, nor to feel shame, but to resist with every ounce of human endurance and spirit."378 views
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08 - "God knows that we are not beasts of burden, agricultural implements, or rented slaves; we are men."374 views
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02 - "Injustice must be exposed, with all the tensions its exposure creates, to the light of human conscience and the air of national opinion before it can be cured." - Martin Luther King369 views
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04 - "The hopes and aspirations of the poor and dispossesed have been raised on our account."358 views
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