
Many of the Republican postcards in this section were perhaps originally published as apart of larger collections. Several appeared in larger poster form as well. Taken as a whole, they portray many of the same themes found in the other collections. However, several stand out. The first image recounts the famous defeat of Philip the Bold and the French army at Catalan hands in 1285, and represents a play the popular Republican portrayal of the Nationalist insurrection as a foreign invasion. One postcard advertises a Children's Week supported by the socialist (UGT) and anarchosyndicalist (CNT) trade unions. Another stresses the close working relationship between the CNT and the anarchist FAI (Federación Anarquista Ibérica). Lastly, children appear on one postcard designed to advertise the initiative launched by the Consejo de la Escuela Nueva Unificada (CENU) to modernize educational curriculums through the incorporation of rationalist pedagogical theory.

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