Naval Photographs

Armées de Mer et de l'Air

Editions de Cartes Postales du Commissariat de
Propagande de la Généralité de Catalogne
Set of 6

Naval Photographs envelope

This partial set of postcards includes six photographs of Spanish Republican naval forces in the Mediterranean Sea. Though many naval officers sided with the insurrection, the bulk of the Spanish Navy sided with the Republicans, thereby restricting the movement of the Nationalist Army of Africa across the Straight of Gibraltar. It appears these pictures were taken at an early stage of the war in the later half of 1936.

NOTE: The captions below were taken form the postcards themselves. At the top of each section, the Catalan text appears in bold. Successive lines list alternate Spanish, French, and English translations taken from the reverse side. The varied ordering of languages follows their placement on the original.

Naval Photographs 1
Naval Photographs 2
Naval Photographs 3
Naval Photographs 4
Naval Photographs 5
Naval Photographs 6