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- Committees
LAUC-SD Committees
The Committee on Appointment, Promotion and Advancement (CAPA) reviews and makes recommendations on all academic review and appointment files in the Librarian series.
The Library Diversity & Inclusion Committee (LDIC) is charged with developing a shared understanding of diversity and inclusion among the staff of the UC San Diego Library, and with helping the Library to create an environment characterized by equal access and respected participation of all groups and individuals regardless of their culture, race, ethnicity, gender, age, religion, language, abilities/disabilities, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, geographic origin, political views or level of education.
The Mentoring Committee pairs experienced librarians with students and staff who are interested in academic librarianship.
The Research & Professional Development Committee (R&PD) monitors and recommends to Library Administration disbursement of all funds made available to the committee for research and development. It also serves as the review body for all research proposals submitted by LAUC-SD members for local and systemwide funding, and prepares an annual series of programs relating to research needs and professional development of the LAUC-SD membership.