LAUC-SD Librarian Service Recognition Guidelines
Librarians celebrating a five-year increment service anniversary (5, 10, 15, 20, etc. years with the UCSD Libraries) during the calendar year will be honored annually. “Service anniversaries” for the purpose of the LSRP are determined within the following guidelines.
- Honorees will be designated who reach a five-year increment service anniversary (5, 10, 15, 20, etc. years) with the UC San Diego Library.
- Total service at UC San Diego, but outside the Libraries, is not accounted for in the LSRP.
- Total service within UC is not accounted for in the LSRP.
- Total service with the UC San Diego Library does not include any time an individual spent while employed with the UC San Diego Library as staff or student worker prior to becoming a librarian or serving in a librarian position.
- Because service for the purpose of the LSRP is calculated purely from one’s start date in a librarian position at UC San Diego, it may differ from a person’s official UC service credit.
- Employment for less than 100% time (part-time status, START participation, etc.) will not impact “service” as used for the purpose of the LSRP. For example, individuals who spent part of their UC San Diego Library employment years working at less than full time will receive the same ‘credit’ as those who did work full-time for all of their UC San Diego Library employment years, as used for the purpose of this program.
- Likewise, leaves of absence will not impact “service” as used for the purpose of the LSRP. For example, individuals who took temporary leaves of absence during their employment years will receive the same ‘credit’ as those who worked full-time for all of their UC San Diego Library employment years, as used for the purpose of this program.
- For individuals who separated from the UC San Diego Library and later returned to employment with the UC San Diego Library, their ‘credit’ for the LSRP will consist of the total time from both/all periods of employment added together.
A list of honoree names and their years of service will be included in Weekly Update.
This same information should also be posted on the Librarian Service Recognition Program web page.
Prior to 2021, the LSRP followed the LAUC September 1 - August 31 calendar year with the additional following guidelines.
- The annual cutoff date for inclusion is August 31 of the current year. For example, librarians who began with the UC San Diego Library between January 1 & August 31 of 2004 will be honored for a five-year anniversary in 2009; those beginning between January 1 & August 31 of 1999 will be honored for a ten-year anniversary in 2009; those beginning between January 1 & August 31 of 1994 will be honored for a fifteen-year anniversary in 2009; and so on.
- Librarians beginning employment between September 1 and December 31 of applicable years will be honored in the next year. For example, librarians who began with the UC San Diego Library between September 1 & December 31 of 2004 will be honored for a five-year anniversary in 2010; those beginning between September 1 & December 31 of 1999 will be honored for a ten-year anniversary in 2010; those beginning between September 1 & December 31 of 1994 will be honored for a fifteen-year anniversary in 2010; and so on.
Starting between | Honoree status |
September 1, 2004 & August 31, 2005 | 5 Year Honorees in Fall 2010 |
September 1, 1999 & August 31, 2000 | 10 Year Honorees in Fall 2010 |
September 1, 1994 & August 31, 1995 | 15 Year Honorees in Fall 2010 |
September 1, 1989 & August 31, 1990 | 20 Year Honorees in Fall 2010 |
September 1, 1984 & August 31, 1985 | 25 Year Honorees in Fall 2010 |
September 1, 1979 & August 31, 1980 | 30 Year Honorees in Fall 2010 |
September 1, 1974 & August 31, 1975 | 35 Year Honorees in Fall 2010 |
September 1, 1969 & August 31, 1970 | 40 Year Honorees in Fall 2010 |
September 1, 1964 & August 31, 1965 | 45 Year Honorees in Fall 2010 |