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Who can use interlibrary loan (ILL) services?

Interlibrary loan (ILL) services are available to the following UC San Diego affiliates:

  • Undergraduate Students
  • Graduate Students
  • Faculty and Academic Members 
  • Non-Salaried Clinical Faculty
  • Staff
  • Immediate family (18+) of UC San Diego Faculty, Staff and Non-Salaried Clinical Faculty
  • Concurrently enrolled UC San Diego Extension Students
  • Proxy Library Card Holders

ILL services are not available to the following designated affiliates:

  • Community Borrowing Card Holders
  • Extension Students and Faculty
  • UC San Diego Alumni
  • Other Groups by Special Arrangement
  • Other Courtesy Borrowing Card Holders

Please contact with questions about eligibility.

How do I submit an ILL request?

ILL requests may be placed directly from one of the Library Databases, or the general request form .  

What kinds of materials can I order through ILL?

With the exception of e-Books, most items unavailable from the UC San Diego Library's collection can be requested through ILL including music scores, films and videos.  ILL is intended to support university research, coursework, or UC job-related functions.  Leisure reading material is often delivered more quickly through San Diego Circuit.

How long does it take to receive items requested through ILL?

Processing and shipping times vary.  However, on average, most loans are available for library check-out within 5-10 business days.  Electronic copies of articles are usually available via email 3-4 business days from being requested.

How do I log into my Library Account?

To see a list of items currently pending or checked out to your library account log into  My Library Account

How do I access MyILLRequests?

Please contact us at  or (858)534-2528 with any questions or concerns.

How do I appeal a Library fine/fee?

Use this form to submit an appeal for a replacement, damage, lost or overdue item. 

Interlibrary loan items are subject to overdue, processing, and replacement fees if they are not returned on time.  Replacement costs are assessed individually per title.  

The book strap attached to each ILL item should NOT be removed. The information on the strap allows Library staff to identify and properly process non–UC San Diego material in an accurate and timely manner. To avoid overdue and/or replacement fees, never return an ILL item without its book strap.