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Publications and Presentations



A Decade of Preservation: System Migrations in Chronopolis
Schaefer, S., M. Smorul, D. Minor, M. Ritter. Presented at iPRES, The Thirteenth International Conference on Preservation of Digital Objects (iPRES 2016), (2016)

Auditing Through Infrastructure Migrations: the use of the Audit Control Environment (ACE) in the Chronopolis digital preservation system.
Schaefer, S., M. Smorul, D. Minor, M. Ritter. In Building Trustworthy Digital Repositories: Theory and Implementation, edited by Philip C. Bantin, 180-195. Latham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2016.

Chronopolis Digital Preservation Network
Minor, D., D. Sutton, A. Kozbial, M. Burek, M. Smorul. The International Journal of Digital Curation, June 2010.

Chronopolis: Preserving our Digital Heritage
Minor, D., D. Sutton, A. Kozbial, M. Burek, M. Smorul. Presented at iPRES, The Sixth International Conference on Preservation of Digital Objects (iPRES 2009), (2009).

Developing Preservation Metadata for Use in Grid-Based Preservation Systems
Hutt, A., B. Westbrook, A. Kozbial, R. McDonald, D. Sutton. Paper presented at the International Conference on Preservation of Digital Objects (iPRES 2008), (2008).

Encouraging Cyberinfrastructure Collaboration for Digital Preservation
Jordan, C., A. Kozbial, D. Minor, R. McDonald. Paper presented at the International Conference on Preservation of Digital Objects (iPRES 2008), (2008).

Generating Metadata for Digital Preservation: the Chronopolis Scenario
Kozbial, A., A. Hutt, D. Minor, D. Sutton, B. Westbrook. Paper presented at IS&T Archiving Conference, 2009, (2009).

The Need for Formalized Trust in Digital Repository Collaborative Infrastructure
Berman, F., A. Kozbial, R.H. McDonald, B. Schottlaender. In Proceedings of the NSF/JISC Repository Workshop, (2007).

Disk and Tape Storage Cost Models
Moore, R.L., J. D'Aoust, R.H. McDonald, and D. Minor. In: Proceedings of the IS&T Archiving Conference, p. 29 (2007).

Archiving, Indexing, and Accessing, Web Materials: Solutinons for Large Amounts of Data
Minor, D., B. Zhu, R. Moore, C. Cowart. In Proceedings of the 7th International Web Archiving Workshop, (2007).



Clearing the Log Jam
Mary Molinaro (DPN), Schaefer, S. (UC San Diego Library), Hanken Kurtz, D. (DuraSpace). Presented at Open Repositories, Brisbane, Australia, 2017.

The Digital Preservation Ecosystem: A Community Conversation with Providers of Services.
Molinaro, M. (DPN), Choate, A. (UT Austin), German C. (APTrust), Hanken Kurtz, D. (DuraSpace), Furlough, M. (HathiTrust), Schaefer, S. (UC San Diego Library), Skinner, K. (Educopia). Presented at the Coalition for Networked Information (CNI), Washington DC, 2016.

Community Not Competitors: Developing and Communicating Digital Preservation Niches.
Choate, A. (UT Austin), German C. (APTrust), Korner, S. (HathiTrust), Hanken Kurtz, D. (DuraSpace), Molinaro, M. (DPN), Park, K. (Texas Digital Library), Pcolar, D. (DPN), Schaefer, S. (UC San Diego Library), Smith, C. (DuraSpace). Presented at the National Digital Stewardship Alliance Annual Conference, Milwaukee, WI 2016.

Addressing the “adoption gap” in Digital Preservation Network Services
Daigle, B. (APTrust), Davis, C. (COPPUL), Meister, S. (Educopia), Molinaro, M. (DPN). Schaefer, S. (UC San Diego Library). Presented at the Digital Library Federation Forum, Milwaukee, WI, 2016.

The Dark Side of Preservation: Distributed Digital Preservation
Schaefer, S. (UC San Diego Library), Molinaro, M. (DPN), Skinner, K. (Educopia), German, C. (APTrust), Pcolar, D. (DPN), Meister, S. (Educopia). Presented at the  Society of American Archivists Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA, 2016.

Long-Term Preservation Strategies and Architecture: View from Implementers. 
Molinaro, M. (DPN), K. Skinner (Educopia), S. Schaefer (UC San Diego Library), D. Pcolar (DPN), S. Meister (Educopia). Presented at the12th International Conference on Digital Preservation (iPres), November 2015.

Long-Term Digital Preservation
Weinraub, E. (DPN), S. Schaefer (UC San Diego Library), D. Pcolar (DPN), Hanken-Krutz, D. (DuraSpace). Presented at Internet 2 Technology Exchange, October 2015.  

Integrating DuraCloud with DPN at Chronopolis and the Texas Digital Library
Brannan, B. (DuraCloud), S. Schaefer (UC San Diego Library), R. Steans (Texas Digital Library). Presented at Open Repositories, May 2015. 

Ingest into the Digital Preservation Network: Standard Pipelines
Minor, D. (UC San Diego Library), D. Galewsky (University of Texas Libraries), T. Cramer (Stanford University Libraries). Presented at Open Repositories, June 2014.

Chronopolis Digital Preservation Network
Minor, D., D. Sutton (UC San Diego/San Diego Supercomputer Center); A. Kozbial, B. Westbrook (UC San Diego Libraries); M. Burek (National Center for Atmospheric Research); M. Smorul (University of Maryland Institute for Advanced Computer Studies). Presented at the 5th International Digital Curation Conference, 2009.

Cyberinfrastructure-enabled Research and Education at SDSC
Berman, F. ACM Distinguished Speakers Panel, Beijing, China, April, 2009.

Generating Metadata for Digital Preservation
Kozbial, A., A. Hutt, B. Westbrook, D. Minor. Presented at IS&T Archiving Conference, May 2009, (2009).

Trusted Datagrids: Library of Congress Projects with UCSD
Kozbial, A., D. Minor. Presentation at the LITA Workshop, June 2008.

Overview of the Chronopolis Digital Preservation Framework
McDonald R.H. NISO Digital Preservation Forum: Planning Today for Tomorrow's Resources, Washington, DC, March 14, 2008.

Leveraging High Performance Computing Infrastructure for Trusted Digital Preservation
Moore R.L. 3rd International Digital Curation Conference, Washington, DC, December 12, 2007.

Data Cyberinfrastructure Collaboration at the University of California, San Diego
Schottlaender, B.E.C., and R.H. McDonald. Coalition for Networked Information Fall 2007 Task Force Meeting, Washington, DC, December 11, 2007.

The Digital Library as a Catalyst for Collaboration
Miller, S. and A. Kozbial. CLIR Sponsored Symposium on Digital Scholarhip/Digital Libraries held at Emory University, Atlanta, GA, November 2, 2007.

Data Cyberinfrastructure Collaboration at the University of California, San Diego
Declerck, L., and D. Fleming. Access Canada Conference, Victoria, British Columbia, October 12, 2008.

Internet2 and NDIIPP: Internet2 Infrastructure in Support of the National Digital Preservation Agenda
Boyko, A., J. Mandelbaum, R.H. McDonald, D. Minor, E. Valente. Internet2 Fall Members Meeting, San Diego, CA, October 11, 2007.

The Chronopolis Demonstration Project: A Grid Based Digital Preservation Environment
McDonald, R.H. iPRES 2007: Internation Conference on the Preservation of Digital Objects, Beijing, China, October 11, 2007.

Archival Storage Lifecycle Managment in High Performance Computing Data Centers
McDonald, R.H., and C. Jordan. Archival Storage Lifecycle Management Workshop: A Pre-Conference of the 24th IEEE Conference on Mass Storage Systems and Technologies (MSST), San Diego, CA, September 24, 2007.

The NDIIPP/SDSC Partnership: Chronopolis
Minor, D., R.H. McDonald, and A. Kozbial. NDIIPP Summer Partners Meeting, College Park, MD, June 27, 2007.