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LeRoy Chatfield LeRoy Chatfield 2005

The Farmworker Movement Documentation Project, founded in 2003 by LeRoy Chatfield, is a labor of love. The project seeks to compile and publish primary source accounts from the volunteers who worked with Cesar Chavez to build his farmworker movement during the period, 1962-1993.

The first publication of the Project's publishing arm, Si Se Puede Press, is a Multimedia Presentation of the documents collected by the Documentation Project during the first two years of its existence. Future publications include an Internet Website, and a limited edition book of essays written by farmworker movement volunteers. As the need arises, and the opportunity presents itself, additional publications will occur.

All primary source accounts have been included, and none, except the discussion and the slide show have been edited for content, length, voice, or tone. The discussion was edited for readability purposes only, and the slide show was limited by the need to choose representative photographs covering the thirty-one year period. The essays have been professionally copyedited and proofread.

For a more detailed discussion of the origins, and the development of the Documentation Project, please consult the essay of LeRoy Chatfield, 1963-1973. Also see Mr. Chatfield's other essays by clicking here.
(email LeRoy Chatfield)

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