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Alfredo Figueroa and Family
From far left: Lupe, Carmela, Bert, Dimesia (mother), Alfredo, Jr. Angelica, Patricia, and Alfredo Figueroa.
At bottom left with guitarron, Jesus, and with accordian, Richie Davila (family friend).
- Read the lyrics and translations to the songs.
01. Introduction
02. De Colores
03. El Contrato del Limon (The Lemon Contract)
04. El Corrido del Boycott
05. Corrido de Cesar Chavez, La Llegada al Valle de Coachella (The Arrival of Cesar Chavez to the Valley)
06. El Grito del Campo (the Cry in the Fields)
07. The Picket Sign
08. Huelga en General
09. La Mula Teamster
10. Massacre de Blythe Y Ripley
11. No Nos Moveran
12. Solidaridad Pa' Siempre
13. Trabajadores Campesinos
14. Yo Soy chicano
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