Roles & Responsibilities
Mentee outlines the goals and objectives for the relationship and works toward their fulfillment using the guidance, advice, feedback, and support provided by the mentor.
- Explicitly states goals and objectives of the relationship
- Takes responsibility for their own growth, development, and career planning
- Commits to meeting with mentor on a regular basis, but no less than one hour per month
- Asks for feedback
- Actively listens to mentor, considers seriously all advice received, and shows evidence they have utilized the advice
- Maintains confidentiality
- Follows through on commitments made to mentor
- Respects mentor's limits
- Explicitly states own limits
- Recognizes and works through conflicts in caring ways, invites discussion on differences with the mentor
- Makes only positive or neutral comments about the mentor to others; if disagreement over behavior or values arise, differences are shared with the mentor; if necessary, takes steps to end the relationship
- Maintains a professional relationship, doesn't intrude into the mentor's personal life or expect to be close friends
- Ends the relationship at the agreed upon time
- Informs supervisor of participation in program