Library Use and Conduct Policies
The UC San Diego Library seeks to provide all users with a welcoming, comfortable, and safe environment promoting intellectual exploration and learning, access to well-managed and diverse library collections, and the help of knowledgeable staff. The following Library Use & Conduct Policy is intended to ensure a pleasant and productive environment for all library users.
This Use & Conduct Policy is applicable to all library users and is enforceable by all library staff.
A. General Behavior
Users are expected to respect other users and library staff.
- Disruptive activity or any behavior interfering with ordinary library use or operation, likely to endanger others, or that other users might reasonably find disruptive is not permitted.
- Interfering with a library employee's performance of duties is not permitted, including but not limited to verbal abuse, intimidation, or any type of harassment.
B. Facility Use
Library facilities are intended for ordinary library activities and those sponsored by the Library. Users are expected to respect library facilities.
Users may not:
- Enter or remain in unauthorized areas of library facilities at any time or in any space when closed to the public. Users must leave the building by posted closing times, during emergencies/evacuations, and whenever so requested by library staff. During designated times, access to and use of library facilities may be restricted to UC San Diego faculty, staff, and/or students with valid campus ID.
- Obstruct access to study facilities, workstations, or library materials.
- Vandalize, deface, damage, or destroy library buildings, furniture, or equipment.
- Tamper with fire systems or fire extinguishers.
- Film or photograph library users or employees without their knowledge and consent.
- Bring animals into library buildings, with the exception of service animals assisting individuals with disabilities and animals who are part of Library-sponsored events. No other animals, including pets, emotional support animals, and therapy animals, are permitted. See also Library Guidelines for Individuals with Service Animals.
- Bring bikes and wheeled transport devices into library buildings. Mobility devices used by persons with disabilities are permitted. Skateboards, foldable bikes, and scooters are permitted when carried as personal property.
- Disregard any aspects of the Library’s Food & Drink policy and guidelines.
- Engage in posting or distribution of items, or vending, peddling, or solicitation of merchandise/services/money in library facilities. Posting is only allowed on designated bulletin boards within the Library. No posting is permitted on library exteriors. Chalking and distribution of material within library perimeters* is not permitted. Also see policies for Campus Postings in the Library.
- Exhibit personal hygiene or body odor that interferes with ordinary library use and operation.
- Use library areas for sleeping or as living quarters. Camping equipment and furniture arrangements designed for sleeping are not permitted.
- Bring firearms, other weapons, fireworks, or other dangerous devices/substances into library buildings.
- Smoke, vape, or use any form of tobacco, including electronic cigarettes and vape pens in or near library facilities. UC San Diego is a smoke free campus.
- Leave personal belongings unattended. The Library is not responsible for any theft or damage of personal belongings.
- Shoes and a shirt must be worn in the Library at all times.
C. Collection Use
Users are expected to respect library collections.
Users must:
- Check out or obtain proper authorization before removing library materials, equipment, or property from library facilities.
- Refrain from deliberately misplacing library materials to prevent or limit access by others.
- Return library materials on or before the due date or upon request by the Library.
- Handle library materials gently, such that they are not mutilated, defaced, or damaged.
- Be careful with food and drink around books and other library materials. No food or drink is permitted in the book and journal stacks.
- Observe applicable intellectual property and copyright laws and electronic resource licenses.
D. Children's Library Use
The Library's collection is intended to support the teaching and research needs of UC San Diego faculty, staff, and students. Moreover, the Library supports open Internet access, permitting potential viewing of materials unsuitable for persons under the age of 18. Juveniles must be accompanied and supervised by an adult guardian at all times. Adult guardians are responsible for children's use of the Library and their access to electronic resources.
E. Enforcement & Reporting
Library use is a privilege, not a right. Violations of any aspect of this policy will be reported. Anyone violating this policy may be asked to leave the Library and refused future access. Persons may be subject to warning, suspension, prosecution, forfeiture, requests for restitution, civil fines, and/or criminal penalties.
Anyone may report an individual or group not adhering to library policies. Contact any library staff member to report any concerns, problems, or policy violations or you can text Library Security at (858) 282-3602. Non-urgent issues or comments may also be reported via the library suggestions form.
F. Additional Policies in Effect
The Library's Use & Conduct Policy supplements university policies and federal, state, and local laws. The Library also upholds and enforces the following:
- Library Computer & Internet Use Policy
- Library Food & Drink Policy
- Library Noise Policy
- Library Privacy Policy
- Library Vision, Mission, Values
- Library & UC San Diego Guidelines for Non-Commercial Photography of Library or Use of Library Grounds
- UC San Diego Policy on Speech, Advocacy and Distribution of Literature on University Grounds
- UC San Diego Smoke-Free Policy
- UC San Diego Student Conduct Code
- UC San Diego Regulations on Non-Affiliates
- UC San Diego Principles of Community
* Geisel Library's perimeter begins at the Silent Tree on Library Walk and also includes the external forum level between Floors 2 and 4.
Download a PDF copy of the Library Use & Conduct Policies
Revised January 2023